LinkedIn Guide

Ultimate Guide To LinkedIn Cold Message. How To Write Sales Messages For B2B Conversion?

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of writing a LinkedIn cold message template and provide some real-life examples to assist you in getting started.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
December 22, 2022
Table of contents

Initiating conversations with qualified prospects by cold messaging on LinkedIn is a method that is both focused and successful.

But creating a LinkedIn cold message template that is both effective and easy to use is challenging.

It is important that the content conveys value, that it is concise, and that it motivates your sales to lead to take action.

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of writing a LinkedIn cold message template and provide some real-life examples to assist you in getting started.

What Is A Cold Email?

A LinkedIn cold message is a form of outreach used to contact people with whom you have had no prior contact.

A LinkedIn cold message may be seen as an online version of the traditional practice of "cold calling," in which a salesperson calls unwarranted numbers of potential customers to gauge their interest in a specific product or service. When compared to making cold calls, sending well-written cold emails is less intrusive and doesn't give off the appearance that you're attempting to make a deal with the recipient.

In comparison to cold calls, your emails are less invasive, and the ones you write well don't try to sell too much.

Nevertheless, writing cold emails that are interesting and get a large number of responses is a lot harder than it sounds like it would be. It doesn't make sense to me why that would be the case.

Since you don't already have a personal relationship with the receiver, a cold email pitch may not go over so well. The second issue is that, unlike in sales meetings, you can't read their body language to determine how they feel about the proposal.

Nonetheless, the following factors explain why cold emails persist at such a high rate:

  • Reaching out to potential clients is simple; all you need are their email addresses.
  • Emails have a high return on investment since sending them is so cheap.
  • Relatively easy to scale since you can use email marketing tools to make campaigns for a vast in a short amount of time.
LinkedIn Cold Emails
Source: LinkedIn

Is A Cold Email Not Considered Spam?

Here's how spam and cold emails differ:

  • Unlike spam emails, which are sent to everyone on the internet, cold emails are exclusively sent by a salesperson to interested parties.
  • The most efficient LinkedIn cold message creates a personal connection with each reader. As opposed to this, spam sends identical messages to many people.
  • On the other hand, spam emails sometimes include misleading or malicious content, whereas cold emails help their receivers.

Is It Beneficial To Make An Effort In LinkedIn Cold Messages?

The negative reputation that telemarketers have given cold calling is primarily to blame. There is no one who enjoys receiving an unsolicited call from a telemarketer trying to sell them anything. Absolutely not! The days of customers sitting passively during a salesperson's monologue are over.

It's true that nobody likes making cold calls, but some individuals still do it anyhow. More messages will be sent to your LinkedIn inbox than to your phone all day long. The fact that Because LinkedIn cold messages do not interfere with any of your other methods of prospecting, you can rest assured that they will continue to be successful in the future. As an alternative, they can take their time reading your message.

If you take the time to reach out to a complete stranger on LinkedIn, you want them to actually notice your message, read it, and respond. Getting recognised, though, is the first step. LinkedIn cold message contact requires some beforehand acclimatisation if you want any success.

What Does It Take To Run A Successful  LinkedIn Cold Message Outreach Campaign?

If you want to build and launch a successful cold email campaign, there are several crucial stages you must never overlook.

  • Objectives and metrics for any LinkedIn cold message outreach campaign are essential.
  • Find someone you want to talk to, learn as much as possible about them, and compile all the relevant information you can.
  • To pique the attention of your potential customers, you need to send them a tailored cold email.
  • Before hitting the "send" button, be sure your email is complete and error-free.
  • Remember the value of sending a follow-up email.
  • Always put your hypothesis to the test through split testing, and keep an eye on the data to see whether your hypothesis is correct.

What Strategies Can You Utilise For Making Your LinkedIn Message Stand Out?

These valuable strategies can help you raise your LinkedIn prospecting game if you're at a loss for what to write in a LinkedIn cold message on the professional networking site.

  • Use the information about your target's background to provide hints
  • Find common connect
  • Improve the response rate of your LinkedIn cold message by customizing it
  • Send out a LinkedIn cold message alert
  • Include a graphic in your message
  • Get people think

Use The Information About Your Target's Background To Provide Hints:

Many people, after making a LinkedIn connection, are stumped when it comes to crafting their initial message. You should check out their profile entirely before contacting them, however. The best way to get a feel for someone's work ethic, talents, and weaknesses is to go through their recommendations, experience, skills, and organisational connections.

Don't make the mistake of communicating with every one you add in the same way; instead, use information from their profiles to personalise your messages. Instead, target your message specifically, and make it as individual as possible.

You may engage your readers and prove your worth as a content writer by asking them questions and responding to their feedback. At the beginning of a conversation, you should not expose your true intentions.

LinkedIn Messages
Source: LinkedIn

Find Common Connect:

Finding common ground is essential for conversing with a potential client interested in your speciality, product, or service. To get the discussion rolling with a customer, it's a good idea to find out what you have in common with them so you can start your LinkedIn cold message on a positive note by discussing your shared interest, goal, or hobby.

The time to ask whether they are interested in your services is after you have had a chance to discuss the things you share in common. Remember to avoid seeming pushy.

Make small talk such as, "I was wondering whether your company is having trouble in XYZ area, and if so, I might be able to help," and so on.

Improve The Response Rate Of Your LinkedIn Cold Message By Customizing It:

When crafting these one-of-a-kind communications, conveying the same excitement for the mission as you feel is crucial. Targeting a prospect's individual goals, needs, interests, and problems is essential for capturing their attention and moving them to take action.

When making first contact, it's essential to calm your recipient's nerves by turning your email into a conversation. Repeatedly sending the identical message to many people will lead to their discovery. Unless you provide your potential customers with a solid reason to, they won't put their faith in you.

Send Out A LinkedIn Cold Message Alert:

It's courteous to let a potential customer know you'll send them an email after finding their address on LinkedIn. You might be wondering why it's recommended that you take such action.

LinkedIn cold message sent to potential customers who are already familiar with you through LinkedIn connections has a greater chance of being read.

You might begin by sending them a follow-up message on LinkedIn, and then you could follow it up with an email explaining all of how they will gain from cooperating with you. With any luck, your LinkedIn conversation will put your potential client at ease, making them look forward to your follow-up email.

Include A Graphic In Your Message:

Consider how frequently you click on messages and emails with the words "image attached" or anything similar in the subject line. Why so? That's precisely why it piques my interest; to put it another way.

Include a photo, a funny GIF, or anything else of interest to make your email stand out from the other inboxes being checked. Your email will have a higher probability of being read if you can pique their curiosity.

Get People Thinking:

You're watching your favorite show, and shortly before the big reveal, an ad appears. Is there a way you could describe how you'd feel? Well, I suppose it will pique your interest even further, and you'll keep tuning in. Implementing this tactic into your LinkedIn networking message is a great idea. While it's great to educate potential customers, be sure you leave them wanting more. Don't spill the beans all at once; instead, set up a little mystery and then sneak off before the big announcement.

How To Automate Your LinkedIn Cold Message?

As you likely have an extensive list of potential B2B clients to contact, automating your LinkedIn messages is a sensible strategy. There will be significant time savings, and success will be achieved. Using LinkedIn automation tools like Salesrobot can do the job for you while you rest or spend time interacting with your clients.  When it comes to producing leads from LinkedIn and engaging with various individuals on the platform, Salesrobot is an excellent option. It's a web-based service that facilitates meeting new individuals and opening up new doors. Salesrobot is compatible with free LinkedIn profiles and paid LinkedIn Sales Navigator subscriptions. It's customisable, so you can make it appear as though you're interacting with a real person. Small firms, agencies, and independent individuals may all benefit from this method since it provides a quick and easy way to take advantage of enticing sales opportunities.

salesrobot dashboard
Source: Salesrobot

For several reasons, Salesrobot has recently become popular among B2B marketers. It is a game-changer that is both user-friendly and revolutionary since it streamlines and automates the messaging and other labour-intensive aspects of utilising LinkedIn for marketing and prospecting.

Using the variables in Salesrobot, you can tailor your message to each individual recipient. You may personalise your message by including details such as the recipient's name, job title, and firm.

salesrobot dashboard
Source: salesrobot

A Do's And Don'ts Guide to Cold-Message Networking On LinkedIn

Rules of marketing etiquette and the site's user standards are adhered to for a successful LinkedIn cold message. Among the recommended procedures are the following:

What You Should Do :

Expand Your LinkedIn Connections.

Seventy-three per cent of B2B buyers prefer sales professionals who have been referred by someone they know, and eighty-seven per cent of B2B buyers said they would have a positive impression of a salesperson who was introduced to them through someone in their professional network, according to research conducted by LinkedIn.

Don't try to cram your connection full of product pitches. Creating a genuine relationship with them requires sharing additional helpful stuff with them and also getting their expert opinion on matters.

Engage With Your Target Audience

Involve yourself in relevant LinkedIn groups, and then progress to the Inbox. Sales professionals that do well on the LinkedIn report are 39 per cent more active with leads than their peers.

According to the data, nearly all B2B buyers conduct some sort of internet research before contacting a sales representative. In addition, 57% of the buyer's experience is now digitally finished before even interacting with a salesperson. In other words, if you have a preexisting relationship with the person, they are more likely to respond to your message.

Create A Unique LinkedIn Cold Message

Learn as much as you can about your potential customers so that you may tailor your message to their specific interests. Information like their present position, recent accomplishments, and areas of interest can be included. Showing an interest in the success of other professionals tends to make people more open to what you have to say.

Develop Your LinkedIn Presence

Construct a responsive audience profile with content like LinkedIn updates. You'll get more responses to your LinkedIn cold message and build credibility as an industry expert as a result.

Make The Most Of Your Linkedin Profile.

Your profile should be optimised to function as a sales landing page and boost your reputation. What exactly do you want to say there? People who visit your profile are often looking for a solution to a problem they're having, whether that's saving money, finishing a project, or something else entirely. Second, you need to highlight in your profile why you are the ideal person to advise them on what course of action to take (versus trying to simply sell). Follow these guidelines to make the most of your LinkedIn presence.

Things To Avoid:

Sending Overly Promotional LinkedIn Cold Messages Will Get You Nowhere.

You won't win over your audience with a message that only lists the features of your product. Keep in mind that LinkedIn is primarily a networking platform, not a place to promote and sell to strangers. Quite a few sales pitches are already cluttering their LinkedIn inbox. Stand out by connecting with them on a personal level. Establish yourself as a resource by introducing yourself.

Consistently Check

This may be misconstrued as a ploy, but be assured it is not. If you have made progress on the platform but haven't logged in for a while, that progress will be lost. It's crucial to maintain uniformity in your sales pitches. You can bet that a lead's interest in your offering will have decreased if two weeks pass between your initial contact and your response to their questions.

Take ten minutes out of your busy day to check LinkedIn, accept requests, and respond to messages.

Most instances of LinkedIn cold message focus on introducing the sender and providing some background information about the relationship. Since it's not always obvious why you want to connect with someone, they may ignore your request.

Never Communicate With Everyone Using The Same Method.

Although you should peruse LinkedIn cold message templates for ideas, you should avoid sending identical messages to everyone. To get the prospect’s attention, provide something interesting you've learned about them.

LinkedIn Cold Message Templates That Getting Results

It can be challenging to write a compelling LinkedIn cold message, and I get that.

In addition, you may still be confused about where to begin after reading all of my recommendations.

Nonetheless, you shouldn't fret.

All sales managers and reps could learn from one of these three tried-and-true cold email examples:

AIDA Template

Attentiveness, Interest, Desire, and Action are abbreviated as "AIDA."

It's a common practice to start the LinkedIn cold message with a bold assertion meant to pique the recipient's interest.

Then, you spark their curiosity by offering social evidence. Then, have piqued their attention, you make a hard sell by emphasising the benefits to your audience.

At last, you warm them up to the idea of acting on your chilly pitch.

Subject: The [newsletter/website/social media profile] has [X information].

Good day, [prospect's first name],

In perusing your [press release/newsletter/website/social media profile], I became aware of your [problem].

Are you open to discussing how to [resolve the issue] and [reach the objective]?

I am writing to you on behalf of [company name], an organisation that provides [sender's products/solutions]. Given a chance, we'd love to discuss the possibility of working with you to achieve the same success as previous customers like [client A], [client B], and [client C].

Here are some examples of the ways in which we've assisted clients in the past (please include a link to relevant case studies).

When would you be available for a call to discuss [sender's product or service name] and how it might help you achieve your goals?


Sender's Name]

[Sender Authentication]

In the subject line, please type: [Company Name]

[Information about the sender's message]

[Social media profile pictures of the sender]

BAB Template

"Bridge After Before" is what "BAB" stands for in its complete acronym.

This template for a LinkedIn cold message is simple to use and customise, and it draws attention to the benefits that prospective customers will gain as a result of making use of your product or service.

Subject: Where did you find yourself when you had that experience?[issue A]?

Greetings, [prospective first name],

Do you find that [problem A] and [problem B] both cause you difficulties?

You have company.

The phrase "Bridge After Before" is represented by the abbreviation "BAB."

This template for a cold email is easy to use and customise, and it highlights the benefits that potential clients will have from using your product or service.

When [customer A] used [name of sender's product or service], they saw...

  • [Key development A]
  • [Key development B]
  • [Key development C]
  • [Key development D]

If you're interested, I can show you how [sender's product or service] can facilitate all of the aforementioned goals.

Do you have ten minutes to talk to see whether this opportunity is right for you?

Sincerely, [Sender's Name], [Sender's Title], [Sender's Organization], [Sender's Email Address], [Sender's Twitter Handle], etc.

PAS Template

The problem-aggressive-solution framework is abbreviated as PAS.

In this LinkedIn cold message, you begin by discussing potential difficulties the receiver may be experiencing. You stress how it complicates their life, and then you provide a remedy to ease those complications.

Subject: Put [problems A and B] out of your mind.

Hello [prospect's name],

After reading the [newsletter], [press release], [website], and [social media profile], I was made aware of the [worry].

Are [problems A, B, and C] having an impact on [the enterprise of the receiver] in any way?

I am aware that these may impede you from completing [goal A] and [target B], and I would want to know whether you are interested in a solution to this problem. I am aware that these may prohibit you from accomplishing [goal A] and [target B].

[The Sender's Goods or Services] make it possible for companies to achieve [outcome A], [result B], and [result C] when these things are utilised by these organisations. In the course of our engagement with customers such as [client A] and [client B], we have been able to provide assistance to those companies in their efforts to achieve consistent outcomes.

If this seems interesting, would you be open to a phone conversation so we can learn more about your situation and discuss how we may be of service?

Please feel free to use my availability: [Calendly URL]


[The name of the sender, their job, and organisation, as well as their email address and connections to their social media profiles]

The Best Ways To Use Cold Emails

Following is a list of 10 recommended practices to follow before sending the emails, which you should keep in mind now that you have access to the materials essential to produce effective LinkedIn cold messages:

  • Keep Your Email to a prospect short and to the point.
  • Give your LinkedIn Cold Emails some personality.
  • Make Cold Emails About The Person Receiving It, Not About You.
  • Focus On The Benefits, Not The Features.
  • Time Your Cold Emails Well.
  • Before You Send Out Your Cold Emails, Make Sure To Give Them Thorough Proofreading.
  • Only Prospects Who Are Already Qualified Should Be Sent Cold Emails.
  • Check How Well Your Cold Emails Get Delivered.
  • Always Follow Through.

Keep Your Email To A Cold Prospect Short And To The Point.

When you send unsolicited emails as a salesman, your primary goal should be to initiate a discussion with the receiver rather than overload them with information. This should be your focus rather than the fact that you are sending the LinkedIn cold message.

It's possible that the person you're writing to is swamped and cannot spare the time to read a novel-length missive from you. As a result, you should send shorter emails that only contain the most crucial information.

If the individual who receives your LinkedIn cold message is interested in what you have to say, they will get in touch with you to learn more.

Give Your LinkedIn Cold Emails Some Personality.

Avoid coming out as robotic in your LinkedIn cold message; show some humanity.

To accomplish this quickly, one strategy is to refer to them by name. If you make the recipient feel important and appreciated, you may significantly increase your email open rates.

Make Cold Emails About The Person Receiving It, Not About You.

An email that is sent to sell a product or service but that was not requested by the receiver is referred to as a "cold email." This type of email is sometimes referred to as unsolicited commercial email (UCE).

Put more emphasis on the receiver than on the gift itself.

Discourse about what they consider to be of paramount importance. If you give the impression that you are just concerned with yourself in your LinkedIn cold message, you will significantly reduce the likelihood of receiving a response.

Focus On The Benefits, Not The Features.

It is possible that you may feel tempted to waffle on and on about how excellent your tool is when you are sending a cold LinkedIn message to a potential customer.

But think about how it sounds to your reader.

It's possible that the receiver will be offended by the actual substance of your email or that they won't recognise the importance of what you're saying.

Highlight your product or service's benefits rather than concentrating on the aspects that make it unique. Demonstrate how doing so improves their mood, how their difficulties are resolved, and how you may significantly aid them.

Time Your Cold Emails Well

Keep in mind that everyday folks are inundated with emails.

Consequently, your email open rate will suffer if it reaches a prospect's inbox while they aren't actively checking it.

Therefore, it is crucial to send a LinkedIn cold message to a prospect when they are most likely to answer.

Before You Send Out Your Cold Emails, Make Sure To Give Them Thorough Proofreading.

Emails should be proofread to avoid looking careless.

Ensure that all of the images and links contained in your email are operational by performing a thorough check.

Considering that many recipients will be accessing your emails from their phones, it's important that they render properly.

Only Prospects Who Are Already Qualified Should Be Sent Cold Emails.

It is important to keep in mind that a cold LinkedIn message will only be sent to qualified prospects. This is one of the primary differences between a cold email and a spam email.

Look for potential consumers, and when you find them, message them exclusively.

If you send an email to every person on your contact list, then your sender's reputation may suffer as a result because some of the individuals who receive your emails may report them as spam. This may cause your sender's reputation to suffer.

Check How Well Your Cold Emails Get Delivered.

Simply sending a cold LinkedIn message without any prior contact is not enough.

It is essential to keep track of emails to evaluate the level of success that they have brought about.

And how do you do that?

Keeping track of the following metrics will allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of your cold emails:

Simply deducting the number of emails from the total number of LinkedIn cold messages sent is all that is required to determine the percentage of undeliverable emails caused by your email campaign.

How many people on your whole email list have really opened your emails and looked at the stuff you've sent them?

The term "response rate" refers to the percentage of people that interact with one of your email marketing initiatives.

The percentage of individuals who get an email and then interact with it by clicking a link (such as a call to action) is referred to as the click rate.

You are welcome to make use of these indicators in order to evaluate the success or failure of your cold email marketing initiatives. These data might be put to use to improve the success of future efforts.

Always Follow Through

Because of the enormous number of emails that individuals get on a daily basis, it is possible that your LinkedIn cold message will not be seen by the recipients.

They may see your email but be too preoccupied to respond right away. A follow-up email that is sent to the recipient one or two days after the original cold email gives them another opportunity to connect with you.

Key Takeaways

The investment in time and resources required to run a successful  LinkedIn cold message is well justified. If executed properly, they may significantly increase your bottom line. Personalized marketing emails sent via email are also the least bothersome technique to reach a broad audience. If you want your email marketing campaign to be effective, you need to avoid sending to generic email addresses and make sure that every element of your  LinkedIn cold message is specifically designed to achieve your aims.

We are convinced that LinkedIn cold message will remain a viable marketing strategy for the foreseeable future. The only tried-and-true method of selling is the personal discussion, and the LinkedIn cold message is the essential first step in making that happen.

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