LinkedIn Guide

How to Write and Ask for LinkedIn Recommendations: Free Templates and Examples

Check out 6 free ready-to-use templates and a 5-step guide for writing the best LinkedIn recommendations. Elevate your profile with our 2023 tips and effortless templates designed to enhance your Link

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
September 13, 2023
Table of contents

Remember when you promised a LinkedIn recommendation and procrastinated harder than a cat avoiding bath time?

Yeah, we've all been there.

The days slip, guilt mounts, and your keyboard stares back mercilessly. 

The struggle is real.

But guess what? 

Before you spend another eternity staring at the screen, not knowing what to pen down next, please go through our ultimate 5-step Formula that'll turn writing LinkedIn recommendations into a piece of cake. 

Did I mention there's a ready-to-roll template waiting for you? 

Keep scrolling! Your recommendation game is about to level up. 

What Exactly Is A LinkedIn Recommendation? 

Let's back up briefly and cover the what and why of LinkedIn Recommendations. 

Just like products and services need that spotlight, guess what? 

People do, too.

These LinkedIn recommendations? 

They're like those sleek, mini sales pitches that can work wonders for your career journey. 


LinkedIn recommendations
Source: LinkedIn 

Quick facts to cover the why: 

  • LinkedIn recommendations = online reviews for work buddies. 
  • Recruiters check these blurbs when deciding on interviews and hires. 
  • Why write one? It's like giving a thumbs-up to pals. Boosts their rep and keeps you on their radar. They might return the favor. Win-win! 
  • More eyes = more chances! 

Bonus perk: Show you're an A+ team player. Future bosses will notice. But a top-notch recommendation isn't just a few lines—it's a journey. 

It's a story of the connection that led you to hit that "Recommend" button.

Below are 10 templates and examples to help you get inspired and follow along. 

 LinkedIn ‍recommendation example
Source: LinkedIn 

How to Write A LinkedIn Recommendation? 

A request for a recommendation lands in your inbox. 

You're all in. 

Easier than brewing Blend 45. 

Hold up before your brain goes at the speed of a rocket; pause on it. 

Message for LinkedIn ‍recommendation
Source: LinkedIn 

Here's the deal: minimal is good. The recommendation cap is 3,000 characters; there's no need to max it out. Opt for three meaningful paragraphs. 

Here's a simple 5 Step Formula for a LinkedIn recommendation to get you started with: 


5-Step Formula for a LinkedIn Recommendation: 

1. Hook Them In 

Hook your reader from the get-go. Your opening line should be a magnet, pulling them into the rest of your LinkedIn recommendation. This starting line fuels curiosity. People will want to know what follows.

Think of your LinkedIn recommendation like an article – that first sentence? 

It's the head-turner, designed to ensure your recommendation gets the eyes it deserves. 

See these examples. Have a look at this LinkedIn recommendation example. 

Instead of "John is the best person ever" or "Larry is the world's greatest employee," opt for powerful alternatives that brim with conviction but stay grounded: 

  • "In the daily parade of faces, few leave a mark. Meet Nate, one of those rare marks." 
  • "Ever met someone who redefines 'ideal'? That's who this recommendation is for." 
  • "Rarely have I encountered professionals as impressive as Peter in my career." 
  • "Thinking of Andrew brings 'Genuine expert' to mind." 

LinkedIn ‍recommendation example
Source: LinkedIn 

2. Define Your Professional Connection 

Time to lay down the groundwork – 

We need details. We need context. Short, punchy, and straightforward. It's about giving your recommendation some weight by highlighting your professional rapport. 

  • What's your story?
  • What's your work history?
  • How long have you known each other? 

They want to know your angle, connection, and why you're the authority. This snippet clarifies your vantage point. 

Check these out: 

  • "Shawn seamlessly helmed the content manager role for my company's recruitment, mastering it for three solid years."
  • "Back in 2017, I snapped up Larrie as a freelance ReactJS whiz, dazzled by their online portfolio. Since then, she's aced project after project flawlessly." 
  • "Under Bob's wing at ABC Company, I soaked up wisdom and collaborated on multiple campaigns." 
How to write LinkedIn ‍Recommendation
Source: LinkedIn 

3. Showcase Unique Values and Strengths 

Let's face it: you're here to recommend because you're impressed. 

So, let's dig into what truly sets this person apart. 

Talented, organized, or an ease to collaborate with? 

Think of two things this person does better than most that make them stand out. Focus your recommendation on this and ensure that it's relevant. 

Ask them what they'd love to see highlighted if it's a struggle. Communication helps craft a solid recommendation. 

Well, think about why they're asking for a recommendation – promotion, snagging more gigs, or amping up industry cred. 

  • “John's superpower? Keeping his calm and patience intact even with the most demanding clients. A natural edge that's reeled in countless clients on our journey” 
  • “Tanya? Rockstar at tackling high-pressure chaos head-on. Unfazed, unshaken. That's how she shines as an EA”. 
  • “Veronica wields authority like a pro, swaying minds toward her innovative ideas even if they started worlds apart.” 
 LinkedIn ‍recommendation example
Source: LinkedIn 

4. Add a Personal Touch 

We've talked about what they do, but who they are matters too. Hard skills matter, sure. But today, the right soft skills and camaraderie? 

They're golden. 

If you can, share a nugget that adds depth to their personality. Managers seek stars who gel well! Sample these: 

  • "Even now, we feel the absence of Pete at our office bashes." 
  • "Liam's touch? Turning tense meetings into grin-packed ones." 
  • "To kick off a bright Monday, Larry brewed us coffee and served delightful cake during our meetings." 
Adding a personal touch to linkedin recommendation
Source: LinkedIn 

5. Wrap it with Conviction. 

Here it is, the grand finale. Your closing line – sharp, crystal-clear, and impactful. Time to point the way – the call to action. Sum up and seal the deal with a one-liner to guide the decision-makers. 

There's no pressure, but let's nail it. 

  • “Kevin? He was our team's powerhouse, and he's set to rock the next chapter” 
  • “Andrew's value? A precious asset for any company!”
  •  “Is there any super awesome IT company? Thomas would slide right in. I strongly recommend working with Walter.” 
Wrapping LinkedIn recommendation with conviction
Source: LinkedIn 

Top 3 Proven LinkedIn Recommendation Templates

LinkedIn Recommendation Templates for Colleagues 

"During the two years I collaborated with Sarah, I was consistently impressed by her dedication to quality and her ability to manage complex tasks. She possesses a strong analytical mindset that she applies to problem-solving, resulting in efficient and effective solutions. Beyond her technical prowess, Sarah's interpersonal skills shine through as well. Her open communication and approachable nature create a positive and collaborative work environment. I truly enjoyed our time working together and wholeheartedly endorse her for any team or project." 
"Working with Laura on the sales team has been a delightful experience. Her energy is infectious, and it's clear she's genuinely passionate about exceeding targets. Laura remains unflappable in the fast-paced sales world and consistently maintains a positive outlook. Her ability to establish and nurture client relationships is commendable, often going the extra mile to ensure client satisfaction. If you're looking for a dynamic and results-driven sales professional, I wholeheartedly suggest bringing Laura on board." 
"Having had the privilege of working closely with Michael, I can confidently say that he is a true asset to any project or team. His attention to detail is remarkable, and it's evident that he takes pride in delivering high-quality work. Michael's problem-solving skills are second to none; he approaches challenges with a calm and analytical mindset, consistently coming up with innovative solutions. However, his remarkable ability to collaborate truly sets him apart. He fosters an environment of open communication and teamwork, making him a pleasure to work alongside. Without hesitation, I recommend Michael for any endeavor he chooses."

LinkedIn Recommendation for Client 

"Collaborating with Ms. Garcia has been a rewarding experience. Our partnership began with a branding overhaul for her startup, and it's been a pleasure to witness her vision come to life. Ms. Garcia's clear articulation of her brand's values and goals allowed for a seamless creative process. Her decisiveness and open-mindedness fostered an environment of innovation, resulting in a brand identity that truly resonates. She values collaboration and values-driven design. I wholeheartedly endorse Ms. Garcia to fellow professionals seeking a client who appreciates the power of design in conveying meaningful messages." 

"From the outset of our collaboration, it was clear that Ms. Thompson is a client who understands the value of design in user experience. Her proactive engagement and thorough feedback have marked our UI/UX partnership. Ms. Thompson's dedication to her user base is remarkable – she delves into user personas and behaviors, providing invaluable insights that steer our design decisions. Her commitment to continuous improvement drives us to explore innovative solutions. If you're searching for a client who truly partners with designers to elevate products, Ms. Thompson is an exceptional choice." 

"Working closely with Mr. Smith on his digital marketing strategy has been a truly collaborative and fruitful experience. His deep understanding of his target audience and industry trends has greatly informed our approach. Mr. Smith's willingness to embrace new ideas and his enthusiasm for creative experimentation have led to impressive results. He values data-driven decision-making and isn't afraid to pivot when necessary. It's a pleasure to work with a client who recognizes the importance of staying ahead in the digital landscape, and I wholeheartedly recommend Mr. Smith to any professional seeking a client who values innovation and strategic thinking."

LinkedIn Recommendation Templates for Manager 

"Under Richard's leadership, I've grown both professionally and personally. His management style is a perfect blend of mentorship and empowerment. During my time on his team, I appreciated his ability to delegate responsibilities while providing the necessary guidance. Richard's strategic thinking and solution-oriented approach have steered us through complex projects, consistently achieving outstanding results. What truly sets him apart is his dedication to nurturing a collaborative environment where every team member's voice is heard and valued." 
"It's been a privilege to work alongside Emily, a manager who embodies the true essence of servant leadership. Her commitment to the growth and well-being of her team members is evident in her actions. Emily doesn't just delegate tasks; she invests time in understanding each individual's strengths and aspirations, aligning their roles to bring out their best. Her open-door policy and genuine interest in our professional development foster a sense of belonging and trust. If you're fortunate enough to have Emily as your manager, you're in the hands of a compassionate and dedicated leader." 
"Working under Sarah's guidance has been an enlightening experience. Her management style revolves around fostering an environment of continuous learning and growth. Sarah is not just focused on completing tasks; she encourages us to explore new skills and expand our horizons. Her approachable demeanor and willingness to provide constructive feedback create an atmosphere where open communication thrives. What truly stands out is Sarah's ability to lead by example. Her strong work ethic and dedication inspire her team to strive for excellence. If you're seeking a manager who values personal and professional development, I wholeheartedly recommend Sarah."

How To Request A LinkedIn Recommendation? 

Let's cut to the chase – your LinkedIn profile isn't just a virtual resume. It's your direct line to recruiters, hiring managers, and a powerhouse network. 

Let's be honest: Most people underestimate their power or don't know how to score them. 

Your LinkedIn recommendations support the fifth element of digital branding – validation. They confirm what you say about yourself in your profile. Most of your profile is you talking about you – who you are and what you have done. Recommendations allow you to have others reinforce your claims. 

5-Steps to Request a LinkedIn Recommendation 

  1. Head to the LinkedIn homepage. 
  2. Spot the 'Me' icon up top and give it a click. Choose 'View Profile. 
  3. Scroll down until you hit the 'Recommendations' section. Now, tap 'Ask for a recommendation.' 
  4. In case you can't spot your recommendations, no sweat! Just click 'Add profile section' and choose 'Add Recommendations.' 
  5. Pop in the name of your chosen recommender under "Who do you want to ask?" 
How to request LinkedIn recommendation
Source: LinkedIn 

What to Say When You're Asking for a Recommendation 

When you're ready to pen your request, bring clarity into the mix. Provide context about what you're aiming for within the recommendation. You can tap into your first-degree connections for hints; they can do the same with you. It's a circle of professional networks. 

  • Are you transitioning roles? 
  • Are you shifting lanes from financial analyst to project manager? 

Pro Tips for Your Ask: 

  1. Be Direct: State your ask upfront. No beating around the bush. 
  2. Express Gratitude: Thank them warmly for their time and willingness. 
  3. Offer Reciprocity: Show your desire to return the favor in kind. 
  4. Project Focus: Suggest that their recommendation centers on a specific project. It's a spotlight on your skills. 
Source: LinkedIn 

Examples of LinkedIn Recommendation Requests 

LinkedIn Recommendation Templates from Colleagues 

"Hello Jessica, I am writing to express my gratitude for our seamless teamwork on our recent marketing campaign. Your attention to detail and creative approach shone through in the final product. I'm impressed by your dedication to quality and your knack for finding innovative solutions to challenges that arise. Your insights have not only improved the project but also helped me enhance my skills in campaign management. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts on a LinkedIn recommendation highlighting our collaboration and your expertise in campaign optimization. Of course, I'd be more than happy to reciprocate the favor whenever you need it. Thanks so much for considering this, and looking forward to our future projects together!" 
"Hey Michael, I hope you're doing well. I am reaching out to express my appreciation for the collaborative experience we had on the sales strategy overhaul for our client. Your insights into market trends and your knack for building strong client relationships were remarkable. It's been a pleasure working alongside someone who brings so much expertise. Given your strategic thinking and client management talent, a LinkedIn recommendation highlighting these aspects would be fantastic. If you're up for it, I'd appreciate your support. And, of course, I'm here to reciprocate whenever you need it. Thanks for considering, and looking forward to more successful collaborations!" 
"Hey Mark, I hope you're thriving. I am grateful for the collaborative effort we put into the recent product launch. Your industry insights and leadership in navigating the complexities of the project were truly commendable. It's been a pleasure to work alongside someone who brings strategic thinking and hands-on problem-solving to the table. I'm writing to ask if you would be open to providing a LinkedIn recommendation highlighting our partnership and your exceptional project management skills. Your endorsement would be incredibly meaningful, and please know that I'm here to reciprocate whenever needed. Thank you for considering this, and here's to more successful endeavors ahead!"
"Hello Laura, I trust you're doing well. I am reaching out to express my sincere appreciation for the dynamic partnership we've had in driving our recent marketing initiatives. Your passion for exceeding targets and your ability to maintain a positive outlook even in challenging times have been truly inspiring. Collaborating with someone as driven as you has been an enriching experience. Would you be open to writing a LinkedIn recommendation highlighting our successful campaigns and your expertise in sales strategy? Your endorsement would be highly valued, and I'm more than willing to do the same for you. Thank you for considering this, and looking forward to more achievements together!"

LinkedIn Recommendation Templates from the Manager 

"Hello Jennifer, Reflecting on our time working together at TechGenius Solutions brings back great memories. Your dedication and expertise in project management were truly remarkable and made a lasting impact on the team. I remember how you skillfully led our flagship product's launch, setting clear goals and ensuring every milestone was precisely met. I would be honored if you could share your insights on my project management skills with a LinkedIn recommendation. Your support means a lot to me, and I'm here to return the favor whenever you need it. Best wishes for your continued success!" 
"Hi Ben, I hope this message finds you well in California. Our collaboration during the launch of the FusionTech initiative was genuinely inspiring. Your leadership in crisis communications was evident as you navigated challenges with poise and effective strategies. I've continued to hone my skills in this area and am aiming for a senior communications role. With this in mind, I would greatly appreciate it if you could write a LinkedIn recommendation highlighting my crisis communications capabilities, especially from our experiences during Def Con 5 in Philadelphia. Your endorsement would be immensely valuable to me. Wishing you the best in all your endeavors." 
"Dear Sarah, I trust you're doing well. Looking back on our time working together at Spark Innovations brings a smile to my face. Your dedication to quality assurance and your meticulous attention to detail truly made a difference in our team's success. I fondly remember how your expertise in ensuring product excellence was pivotal in our successful product launches. It would be an honor if you could share your perspective on my leadership and quality management skills with a LinkedIn recommendation. Your support means a lot to me, and I'm happy to reciprocate whenever you see fit. Wishing you continued accomplishments and happiness!"
"Hi Mark, I trust this message finds you enjoying your time in New York. Reflecting on our collaboration during the expansion of the TechWave project brings back fond memories. Your strategic guidance and knack for aligning our team's efforts toward our expansion goals were truly impressive. I remember how your leadership helped us navigate the challenges of entering new markets successfully. As I aim to transition into more senior roles, I would be deeply grateful if you could share your insights on my strategic planning and market expansion skills with a LinkedIn recommendation. Your support would mean a lot as I continue to grow in my career. Wishing you continued success and fulfillment!"


Key Takeaways for LinkedIn Recommendations. 

Remember that your LinkedIn profile is at the top in this world of digital-first impressions. Your LinkedIn isn't just a profile; it's your CV in a virtual suit. 

And trust me, it's worth pampering. 

  1. Be Concise, Be Bold: Your recommendations pack a punch in a compact space. Open with a bang and end with a flourish – make every word count. 
  2. Ask, and You Shall Receive: Need more clarification about the focus? Ask the other party for pointers. Their vision guides your words. 
  3. Game Plan is Gold: Crafting requests? Plot out what you want them to highlight. It'll fast-track the process. 
  4. The Art of Gratitude: When someone showers you with recommendations, a 'thank you' and a promise to reciprocate goes a long way. 

The LinkedIn world has some exciting news: No limits on giving or receiving recommendations! One recommendation per person, per position. It's quality over quantity in the world of digital acclaim. Let your suggestions write the story of your network and career. 

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