LinkedIn Growth Hacks

LinkedIn Summary: Use ChatGPT To Generate Summary

ChatGPT is a great tool to help you write better. In this article, we discover how to use ChatGPT to write a great LinkedIn Summary. These prompts serve as your LinkedIn Summary Generators.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
September 11, 2023
Table of contents

Do you need help to create a captivating LinkedIn summary that can engage visitors to your LinkedIn profile?

Are you looking to update your LinkedIn profile but need help figuring out where to start? Or you're struggling to write a compelling summary highlighting your skills and experience. 

If so, you're not alone. 

Many LinkedIn users find it difficult to write a summary that is both informative and engaging.

  • A study by LinkedIn found that only 20% of users have a well-written summary.
  • Another study found that profiles with well-structured summaries are 21 times more likely to be viewed by recruiters.

So what's the solution?

Use our LinkedIn summary generator!

LinkedIn summary generators can be used to write a compelling LinkedIn summary tailored to your specific skills and experience.

This blog post will show you how to use ChatGPT and other AI-powered software to generate a compelling LinkedIn summary.

We will also provide you with some tips on how to write a great summary, including how to:

  • Hook the reader's attention
  • Highlight your skills and experience
  • Use keywords that will be picked up by the LinkedIn search engine

So, if you're ready to update your LinkedIn profile and write a summary that will make you stand out, read on!

Top 6 Key Takeaways from this Blog:

  1. Top 5 LinkedIn Summary Generators in 2023
  2. Why Is ChatGPT The Best LinkedIn Summary Generator?
  3. 7-Step Guide To Using ChatGPT as a LinkedIn Summary Generator
  4. How To Write a LinkedIn Summary That Stands Out! (With Examples)
  5. Benefits Of Using a LinkedIn Summary Generator
  6. Real-life LinkedIn Summary Examples


Top 5  LinkedIn Summary Generators of 2023

Here are five LinkedIn summary generators that can help you create a professional and compelling summary for your LinkedIn profile:

Resume Worded

Resume Worded is one of the most convenient and easy-to-use AI-based softwares available in the market.

Some of the unique features that it provides are as follows:

  • Skill-Based Recommendations: Resume Worded provides personalized recommendations for skills to include in your LinkedIn summary, ensuring it aligns with your unique strengths.
Resume Worded for generating LinkedIn summary
Source: Resume Worded
  • Content Optimization: It not only generates content but also optimizes it for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), increasing your chances of getting noticed by recruiters.
Resume Worded for generating LinkedIn summary
Source: Resume Worded
  • Resume Integration: Resume Worded seamlessly integrates with your existing resume, ensuring consistency in your professional branding across platforms.
  • Tailored for Different Roles: The tool offers customization options for different job roles, allowing you to create summaries targeted toward specific career goals.
  • AI Coaching: Resume Worded provides AI-driven coaching on how to improve your LinkedIn summary, giving you valuable insights to enhance your online presence.


Mention for generating LinkedIn summary
Source: Mention

Some software also allows you to set the tone for your summaries, making them sound more humane or natural, giving your touch to them.

Mention is one of those kinds of software that provides you with such capability.

  • All-in-one generator: Mention not only helps in generating LinkedIn summaries but also assists you with Instagram bio, Facebook bio, X bio, etc. 
Mention for generating LinkedIn summary
Source: Mention
  • Set Tones: You can set desired tones from a range of options. To sound more like your intent! 
Tones in Mention
Source: Mention
  • Easy-To-Use: Mention is free as a LinkedIn summary generator. However, if you are looking to use advanced features like social media analysis, management, and tracking, you must pay a price for it.



Hiration is a ChatGPT-powered career-supporting platform that uses the advantage of the powerful ChatGPT to create resumes, LinkedIn summaries, cover letters,  and portfolio enhancements.

Hiration for generating LinkedIn summary
Source: Hiration

Some of the top features of Hiration include:

  • Personalized Excellence: Hiration uses AI that takes your unique experiences and aspirations into account to create customized documents that reflect your individuality.
  • Efficiency and Speed: Say goodbye to hours spent tweaking your resume. Hiration streamlines the process, helping you create professional documents in a fraction of the time.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: We leverage the power of ChatGPT to stay at the forefront of career services, ensuring you receive top-notch, AI-driven support.


Chatgpt for generating LinkedIn summary
Source: ChatGPT

ChatGPT is one of the most sophisticated AI-based software ever created. This software can be used to create extraordinary stuff using prompts and commands. One such use case of ChatGPT is creating flawless LinkedIn summaries.

ChatGPT, as a LinkedIn summary generator, has plenty of features, some of which are:

  • Personalization: ChatGPT tailors LinkedIn summaries to your career goals and unique experiences, ensuring your profile stands out.
  • Keyword Optimization: It strategically includes relevant keywords to boost your discoverability on LinkedIn and search engines.
Chatgpt for generating LinkedIn summary
Source: ChatGPT
  • Professional Language: ChatGPT uses industry-specific language to create a summary that aligns with professional expectations.
  • Efficient: It saves you time by quickly generating and refining your summary, allowing you to focus on networking and job hunting.
  • Storytelling: ChatGPT crafts engaging narratives, turning your background into a compelling story that resonates with readers.
  • AI Assistance: It offers real-time suggestions and improvements, helping you create a powerful LinkedIn summary that makes a strong impression.
info is one of the best LinkedIn Summary Generators available online. It lets you easily generate a comprehensive and personalized resume summary within minutes. for generating LinkedIn summary

Here are some of the features of as a LinkedIn summary generator:

  • AI-Generated Content: uses AI algorithms to generate high-quality, personalized content for your LinkedIn summary, saving you time and effort. It also scans a given link to create better content. for generating LinkedIn summary
  • User Friendly: is one of the most user-friendly content-generating software out there. Allowing users to explore several features while generating content.
  • Content-Length Control: You can specify the desired length of your LinkedIn summary, ensuring it meets both your preferences and LinkedIn's character limits.


Why Is ChatGPT The Best LinkedIn Summary Generator?

Is ChatGPT “the Best” LinkedIn summary generator out there?

Well, there are quite a few LinkedIn summary generators out there, each with its own strengths and capabilities. Whether ChatGPT is "the best" for you depends on your specific needs and preferences.

Here are some factors to consider when evaluating ChatGPT or any LinkedIn summary generator:

Customization: ChatGPT offers a degree of customization, but the best tool for you will depend on how tailored you want your LinkedIn summary to be. Some generators allow for more in-depth personalization.

AI-Powered Content: AI-driven generators like ChatGPT can create summaries efficiently. The quality of the content and how well it resonates with your professional journey is key.

User-Friendliness: Consider the tool's user interface and its easy navigation. A user-friendly platform can save you time and frustration. Some people are not yet aware of the functionalities of softwares like ChatGPt, making it harder for them to yield the most of the software.

Integration: Some generators seamlessly integrate with other platforms, such as your resume or job search websites, offering a more cohesive online presence.

Cost: Pricing can vary widely among LinkedIn summary generators. Consider your budget and whether the tool offers value for its cost.

However, ChatGPT may be the only efficient, reliable, and fast LinkedIn summary generator that is COMPLETELY FREEEEEE….!!!!

Source: Giphy

In the end, there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to whether ChatGPT or any other generator is "the best". It's about finding the tool that aligns with your goals, preferences, and professional needs. Explore different options, try them out if possible, and make an informed decision based on what works best for you.

7-Step Guide To Using ChatGPT as a LinkedIn Summary Generator 

Here is a 7-step guide to using ChatGPT for generating LinkedIn Summary:

  1. Prepare your information: Before using ChatGPT, gather specific details about your skills, experiences, and career goals. It's also recommended to have a list of accomplishments handy to include in your summary.
  1. Copy and paste: If you don't want to write a ChatGPT prompt from scratch, you can copy and paste the content from your LinkedIn profile's "Work Experience" section along with your prompt for ChatGPT.
  1. Provide relevant information: When using ChatGPT, make sure to include information on your skills and experience. The more specific and detailed you are, the more relevant and personalized your summary will be.
Example of using Chatgpt to generate linkedin summary
Source: ChatGPT
  1. Ask ChatGPT for help: Simply ask the bot to use the information you provided to write a LinkedIn summary. ChatGPT will generate a draft summary based on the input you provided.
  1. Review and revise: After receiving the AI-generated summary, review it and make any necessary revisions to ensure it meets your expectations. It's important to craft an authentic final version that accurately represents your professional background and goals.
  1. Enhance your profile: In addition to generating a summary, ChatGPT can provide valuable feedback on every section of your LinkedIn profile. It can also offer recommendations on how to optimize your profile by drawing upon exemplary use cases.
  1. Continuously improve: Remember that ChatGPT is a tool and should be used as a guide. Experiment with different prompts and strategies to optimize your LinkedIn profile. Regularly update and refine your profile to reflect your evolving skills and experiences.

3 Best ChatGPt prompts for LinkedIn summary generation

Basic level prompt:

Firstly, you need to keep your resume ready!

Then enter the following prompt on ChatGPT:

Prompt 1: Write a LinkedIn summary from the resume that I will be providing you with. Make sure it sounds professional and interesting. Choose relevant characteristics from the resume provided. Make sure there are no grammatical errors or mistakes in the summary generated.

After sending this prompt to ChatGPT, copy and paste your resume into the chats. 

And there you go! A ready-to-use LinkedIn summary for you.

Check out how it works 👇

Intermediate level prompt:

Sometimes, you feel the need to have an extra bit on your LinkedIn summary, and that’s exactly why you may want to use the following prompt:

Prompt 2: Certainly, here are the five key steps for writing a concise LinkedIn summary:

1. **Define Your Purpose:** Determine why you're on LinkedIn and what you want to achieve with your profile.

2. **Highlight Your Value:** Showcase your key skills, accomplishments, and what sets you apart in your industry.

3. **Tell Your Story:** Share a brief career narrative that explains your journey and passion.

4. **Use Keywords:** Include relevant keywords to improve discoverability in searches.

5. **Invite Engagement:** Encourage connections and interactions by adding a call to action.

Pro-level prompt:

If you are a hardcore LinkedIn user who uses LinkedIn for several purposes, you might want to use this kind of prompt to generate LinkedIn summaries.

Prompt 3: You are LinkedInSummaryGPT; write a well-structured, well-formulated, and concise LinkedIn summary of the resume that will be provided to you.

Remember to have proper punctuation and make sure there are no grammatical mistakes. 

Things to be included in the summary:

1. It should create a hook in the first 50-100 words. 

2. It should sound professional.

3. It should use optimized search terms.

4. Include highlighting achievements from the resume that will be provided.

5. Include your educational qualifications, mentioning any degrees, certifications, or relevant courses you have completed. Connect the educational background to how it has contributed to professional growth. 

6. Make your LinkedIn summary reflect the personality and add unique selling points. Use an authentic and professional tone, and include any challenging career transitions or unique experiences that set you apart from others.

Remember, the LinkedIn summary generated should be concise, engaging, and targeted toward the desired industry or profession. It should complement the resume and encourage potential employers or professionals to connect with you.

What is a LinkedIn Summary Generator? 

Example of a linkedin summary
Source: LinkedIn

Having a well-written LinkedIn summary is important because it is often the first thing that potential employers or recruiters see when they visit your profile. 

It is your opportunity to make a strong first impression and showcase your professional brand. A strong summary can help you stand out from the crowd and attract more attention to your profile.

A well-crafted summary can also help you establish credibility and build trust with potential employers or clients. 

In short, having a strong LinkedIn summary can help you increase your visibility, expand your network, and, ultimately, advance your career.

How To Write a LinkedIn Summary That Stands Out! (With Examples)

Your LinkedIn summary is a prime opportunity to make a lasting impression on potential connections, employers, and collaborators. 

A well-crafted summary can set you apart and communicate your unique professional identity. 

Here's a comprehensive guide, along with examples, to help you create an impressive LinkedIn summary that truly stands out:

Start with a Captivating Hook:

Begin your summary with a concise statement that encapsulates your professional essence. For instance,

Example: "Innovative marketing strategist with a passion for driving brand growth through data-driven insights and creative campaigns."

Highlight Key Achievements:

Share notable accomplishments and experiences that demonstrate your expertise and value. Use quantifiable achievements where possible:

Example: "Led a cross-functional team that increased online engagement by 45%, resulting in a 20% boost in sales within six months."

Showcase Your Unique Value Proposition:

Explain what makes you stand out in your field. Are you a problem solver, a visionary leader, or an expert in a specific domain?

Example: "As a certified project manager, I thrive in complex, fast-paced environments, delivering projects on time and exceeding client expectations."

Embrace Keywords for Discoverability:

Incorporate relevant keywords that describe your skills, industry, and areas of expertise. This enhances your profile's visibility in searches:

Example: "Data analyst skilled in Python, R, and data visualization tools. Passionate about uncovering actionable insights from complex datasets."

Infuse Your Personality:

Let your authentic self shine through. Share your passions, hobbies, or personal philosophy to connect on a human level.

Example: "When I'm not coding, you'll find me exploring new hiking trails and capturing breathtaking landscapes through my camera lens."

Include Testimonials or Endorsements:

If you have received positive feedback or endorsements from colleagues or clients, showcase them to build credibility.

Example: "Colleagues describe me as an innovative thinker who consistently finds elegant solutions to the most challenging problems."

Engage with a Call to Action:

End your summary with a clear call to action, whether it's inviting connections, sharing resources, or encouraging collaboration:

Example: "Let's connect to exchange ideas on the future of sustainable technology and its impact on our planet."


By following these steps and customizing them to your unique professional journey, you can create an impressive LinkedIn summary that truly stands out and captures the attention of your desired audience.

Benefits Of Using LinkedIn Summary Generator

Let's dive into why using ChatGPT or other AI software for LinkedIn summary generation is a game-changer:

  1. Efficient and Time-saving Process

With the LinkedIn summary generator, you can create your profile quickly and easily. It saves you time to focus on connecting with others and grabbing exciting opportunities.

  1. Customizable and Unique Summaries

It mainly showcases your skills and aspirations and customizes it based on your personality so that it stay unique and exclusive to you.

  1. Professional and Engaging Content

The LinkedIn summary generator helps you showcase your professional side with a touch of attraction. Open doors to exciting opportunities with a compelling narrative.

  1. Language Expertise

AI-powered generators offer language refinement, helping you craft summaries that are not only professional but also grammatically flawless and engaging. You don’t need to go back and check grammar…

pretty cool, right..?

  1. Stay Updated Effortlessly

Updating your summary becomes pretty easy, you can easily update your LinkedIn summary with the generator to reflect your latest achievements and aspirations, keeping your profile relevant.

Real-life LinkedIn Summary Examples

Here are some examples of LinkedIn Summaries that have attracted a huge number of followers to their accounts. Have a look, get inspired, and improve your LinkedIn summary.

Saurav Gupta - Founder
Saurav is a Founder at Leadzilla. His LinkedIn profile is a fine example if you want to follow if you want to enhance your outreach at LinkedIn.
With his proven techniques and insider knowledge, he has helped countless clients achieve exceptional results on LinkedIn. As a founder and renowned specialist, Saurav possesses the tricks and hacks to boost any business.
His profile is very easy to read and has used bullet points to make it more organized and informative. He ends his LinkedIn summary with a call to action. Collected and clear.

Example of a Linkedin Summary
Source: LinkedIn

Pratiksha Sharma - Chief Operations Officer
Pratiksha is the Chief Operations Officer at Salesrobot, showcasing an exemplary LinkedIn profile for gaining insights into sales, digital market research, IT software solutions, market research, and project management.
profile introduction is straightforward, clearly delineating her area of expertise. It is meticulously crafted, presenting a seamless narrative of her experiences. She concludes her LinkedIn summary by sharing her personal interests, creating a well-rounded and cohesive representation of her professional identity.

Example of a Linkedin Summary
Source: LinkedIn


Here we are! Ending the blog with lots to take away from it…

Source: Giphy

Let’s see what benefits we’ve got from this blog:

  • Benefits of using LinkedIn summary generators
  • Top 5 LinkedIn Summary Generators
  • Steps to use ChatGPT as a LinkedIn summary generator
  • Exemplary profiles to follow

I assure you that this blog is all you need to understand the benefits of using LinkedIn summary generators, how to use them and what are the best LinkedIn generators available now to use! 

Hope this blog answers all your queries and keeps you updated with quick tips and tricks on LinkedIn.

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