LinkedIn Guide

LinkedIn Webinar: The New Way to generating B2B leads

LinkedIn webinar receives 23 times the number of comments per post and 6 times the number of reactions per post compared to the native video. Find the best method and practices to generate B2B Leads

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
December 21, 2022
Table of contents

In light of the tremendous growth in the popularity of online conferences, LinkedIn pages is being upgraded with the option to host virtual events.

Connecting LinkedIn Events with LinkedIn Live paves the way for Webinars.

The two services are compatible, and when used together, they make it possible for marketers to broadcast live video content straight to participants of LinkedIn Events.

Why Are LinkedIn Webinars At A Boost?

LinkedIn is participating in the current webinar frenzy sweeping social media platforms.

According to the data provided by LinkedIn, Webinar generates a far higher engagement level than other forms of video.

LinkedIn webinar receives 23 times the number of comments per post and 6 times the number of reactions per post compared to the native video.

It is the most efficient method currently available for establishing real-time engagement between a LinkedIn page and the followers of that page.

Technology geared for business-to-business transactions Companies invests tens of thousands of dollars in the research, development, and construction of specialised webinar processes, as well as in the construction of aesthetically pleasing landing pages and the inundation of social media with organic and sponsored adverts. Also, don't forget about the post-webinar activities that will supply them with leads for the rest of the years because those are pretty important!

The research titled "B2B Content Marketing: 2015" found that LinkedIn webinars are utilised by 62 per cent of B2B companies. In addition, the poll discovered that 64% of respondents felt that holding events in person is the most successful form of marketing, which places webinars as the second most effective form of marketing overall.

Even the most well-organized and effective educational LinkedIn webinar won't be able to do anything if there are no attendees. Companies that are successful with LinkedIn webinars have an integrated marketing strategy that ensures the promotion of their LinkedIn webinar via the use of several various promotional channels. Using LinkedIn is one of these tactics that you might do.

Why Would You Want To Host A Virtual LinkedIn Webinar?

In a recent release, LinkedIn highlighted several advantages associated with holding a webinar event on its platform, including the following:

  • A secure and reliable setting: When you use LinkedIn Live, you have the option of live streaming to the followers of your Page or the participants of an Event. This allows you to meet audiences in the locations in which they are currently located.
  • To entice the appropriate businesspeople to attend your event, restrict attendance to those who have liked your Page and issue personal invites to all your first-degree profile connections.
  • Additional interest and participation: Update your Page or Event feed with information about your event or live broadcast to generate more interest.
  • Videos from live streams will be accessible on the page's Video tab for a more extended period of time.

Virtual events have several advantages, not the least of which is their low cost and simplicity of organisation.

How To Organize A Virtual LinkedIn Webinar?

To host a LinkedIn webinar through your Page, you must first apply for and receive approval to use LinkedIn Live.

With only 1,000 followers, your LinkedIn page won't be eligible for LinkedIn Live.

Furthermore, LinkedIn emphasises that it only allows pages to remain life if they consistently interact with their communities through things like commenting on and replying to other users' posts.

Those who have been accepted to use LinkedIn Live can organise a webcast in one of two ways:

  • Build yourself a LinkedIn webinar.
  • Indicate that it is "online-only" when you are in the process of creating it.
  • Open your third-party broadcast tool on the day of the event, but instead of streaming to your organization's Page, choose the event as the destination for the stream.

Streamyard, Restream, Wirecast, and Socialize are some third-party broadcast solutions that currently work with LinkedIn Live and LinkedIn Events. This is going to be incredible.

When the Livestream begins, everyone registered for the event will receive a notification.

How To Decide The Right Time To Go Live?

Reviewing the "Followers" section of Analytics can help you determine when the best moment is to go live with your content.

Learn more about your audience's location with the information in this section.

To maximise participation from your target demographic, you should air your live broadcast when they are most likely available.

LinkedIn pages have been updated with this new feature as part of their quarterly maintenance.

In What Ways Is LinkedIn The Best Platform For Spreading The Word About Webinars?

Marketers that focus on B2B have determined that LinkedIn is the most successful platform for generating registrations for the LinkedIn webinar. Actual decision-makers account for about 80% of LinkedIn's user population, making it an invaluable resource for business professionals. To win them over, your webinar post must be clever. Always try to put yourself in the shoes of the target audience.

Audiences' ability to make sound judgement calls is hit hard by persuasive messages that are hammered home with precision. Test out more than a handful of potential titles for your LinkedIn webinar and evaluate which ones do a better job of explaining the subject matter. Try to sum up who you're writing for, what they're going through, and how you can help all in one sentence.

In addition, the spending power of LinkedIn users is twice as high as that of the average internet user. In other words, if you market your webinar in a way that is both entertaining and informative, you will succeed. It is recommended by many marketers that you promote your LinkedIn webinar by Utilizing LinkedIn's sponsored content, advertising in relevant groups, and direct messaging capabilities will help your business. This is an efficient method of resolution. Oh, and we strongly suggest doing that as well. But before we go any further, I want you to remember the groundwork's importance.

  • Select subjects for your LinkedIn webinar that provide solutions to actual challenges faced by businesses.
  • Make certain that any advertising materials you use for your webinar are written in English, which is understandable and appropriate for dialogue. No "Oh! Thou Shalt Attend Our LinkedIn webinar." This is because individuals between the ages of 25 and 34 make up 59.9 per cent of LinkedIn's user base.
  • The headline and description of your LinkedIn webinar should be written with your audience in mind. There are LinkedIn webinars geared specifically toward marketers, webinars geared toward chief operating officers, and webinars aimed specifically towards chief executive officers.
  • Put a clear call to action on banners and even in the descriptions of your posts.

To get back to the subject, I'm going to share one more mind-blowing fact with you.

Let's say that only one per cent of the 55 million businesses worldwide are interested in what you have to offer. When marketing your webinar on LinkedIn, you now have little more than half a million different businesses from which to select.

What Are The Most Effective Methods To Promote LinkedIn Webinars?

There will be hundreds of marketing gurus revealing thousands of tips and tactics to acquire the most significant number of LinkedIn webinar registrations. Nevertheless, you can place each and every one of them in one of only a few categories.

  • Create a page for the event.
  • Promotion should be done organically.
  • Run webinar adverts
  • Webinar promotion on groups found on LinkedIn
  • Promotional activities following webinars

#1. Make Sure The Webinar Event Has Its Own Page In LinkedIn's Events Section.

I want you to believe me when I tell you that creating a promotional event page on LinkedIn will lend a considerable level of authority to your LinkedIn webinar. It's like creating a community page where you give specialised resources that are just pertinent to the topic of the webinar you're talking about.

Furthermore, several extra advantages also come into play. During the time that your audience has to wait for the main course to be served, you have the option of beginning individualised activities that will appease their hunger. You should establish polls, hold AMA sessions with the webinar hosts, and deliver hilarious webinar reminders in order to sustain the attention of your audience before you go live.

Let's put an end to this commotion. Let's not waste any time and go straight into an illustrated step-by-step instruction for building an event page on Linkedin, right?

  • Proceed to the profile of your firm that is hosted on LinkedIn.
  • To access the admin tools choices, click the arrow in the upper right corner.
  • Make your selection from the dropdown box labelled "Create an event."
  • A window prompting the user to enter relevant information will display before the page can be opened.
  • Create a page title that will get people's attention and has the explicit objective of drawing attention to the topic that will be covered in the LinkedIn webinar and the audience that will be seeing it. A better approach would be to call the presentation something like "[LinkedIn webinar] - How B2B Marketers Can Generate Quality Hot Leads from LinkedIn" rather than just "LinkedIn webinar on Lead Generation," for instance. The first title gives information on a webinar created EXCLUSIVELY FOR B2B MARKETERS WHO ARE FOCUSED ENTIRELY ON LEAD GENERATION.
  • The title should be kept succinct and unambiguous at all times and should not exceed 75 characters in length.
  • Complete the remaining fields with information such as the time and date of the webinar, the duration of the session, a synopsis of the topics that will be discussed, and the presenter's profile.
  • Complete the description box with important takeaways and questions the webinar will address.
  • The following is a simple alternative solution. When you try creating a LinkedIn account, do you notice the little check box that says "Use a LinkedIn registration form?"? If so, you should. In this particular scenario, you should almost certainly keep it on. If the user chooses to enable this feature and then activates it, LinkedIn will be able to collect the registrants' information through the use of a more streamlined registration form. You will be given a choice to store the list for future use in either CSV or XLS format, depending on your preferences.
  • First, ensure that the online event space has been appropriately populated, and then enter the URL of the broadcast. The broadcast link may either be a direct link that would go live during the webinar itself or a link to an external landing page. Both of these options are possible.
  • After ensuring that there are no grammatical issues and inspecting the form for mistakes, you may then hit the create button. The webinar event page that you established will now be accessible to attendees when it has been activated. In order to promote the newly formed webinar page, LinkedIn will instantly publish a post on your behalf, which you will then be able to share with your audience.

#2. Utilize Organic Marketing Strategies To Promote Your LinkedIn Webinar.

Because you have a more significant number of organic leads in your possession than purchased ones, your boss ought to congratulate you on your accomplishment. It is a challenging endeavour, but it is not an impossible one to drive organic webinar registrations on LinkedIn. Your already-established following should be your first focus. They are exempt from receiving payment from you. They are already followers and fans of yours.

B2B marketers frequently consider the issue of how to advertise webinars on LinkedIn to the most people feasible to maximise attendance rates. In addition to using the right hashtags, the essential component is a high engagement rate.

A better engagement rate is a direct result of a series of posts relating to your webinar topic. They will fall asleep if you have them sit through the same dull LinkedIn webinar banner repeatedly, so try to avoid doing that. You might also share a variety of forms, such as a video, a banner with a remark from the speaker, an infographic, or a post on your blog. The list goes on.

For example, if the topic of your upcoming webinar is "How to generate leads from LinkedIn," you might create a blog post about the "best practices following on LinkedIn to engage your audience." You can include a link to the webinar's registration page inside the blog itself, which you can read more about here. After some time, the identical checklist of recommendations for best practices ought to be reworked into an interesting infographic.

When it comes to hashtags, the next step is to monitor those that have a more significant number of followers and add them at the conclusion of the post. It will assist in exposing your content to a more significant number of people. If you type the name of a hashtag into the search box on LinkedIn, you will be able to find out how many people are following that particular hashtag. Take, for instance, the hashtag "#B2BLeadGeneration."

Promoting LinkedIn webinars starts in the comfort of one's own living room. Both the individuals who work for you and the corporate website that it links to have the potential to make a significant contribution to the success of the next webinar that you host. LinkedIn has put a "Notify Employee" button at the top of every post that is made on your corporate profile to demonstrate its support for this project. This button may be found on your corporate profile. If you take this action, your employees will be told about the post, and they will have the ability to reshare it, like it, or comment on it to enhance its reach. If you take this step, your workers will be alerted about the post.

#3. Utilize LinkedIn's Paid Advertising Platform To Spread The Word About Your Upcoming LinkedIn Webinar.

According to the findings of several studies, sponsored searches account for 27 per cent of all page traffic and have an average click-through rate of 3.17 per cent. If this room continues to do so well in terms of producing quality leads, your manager is going to be delighted. Paid promotions are a way that offers a more targeted approach than organic promotions, which enables you to reach a broader audience on LinkedIn. Paid promotions are a method that offers a method that offers a more focused approach than organic promotions.

Your adverts can be geared at a specific demographic under factors such as region, employment, organisation, age, and many more. With the assistance of LinkedIn's campaign manager, you can build, track, and manage advertising campaigns. You have the power to decide how long the advertising will be shown for, switch them on and off at your whim, and create an audience list that is tailored to meet your requirements most effectively.

You will be able to run text advertising, banner ads, and video ads using your LinkedIn campaign management. When marketing your LinkedIn webinar, you should use a range of content forms, and you should determine which of these formats results in the most significant number of clicks. Which of these two types of advertisements, the banner or the video, do you find consumers click on more frequently?

You are able to include lead generation forms in your webinar advertising on LinkedIn. When consumers click on your ad, all they need to do is hit the "submit" button since the form will automatically pull their data for the needed form fields, such as their name, email address, and designation. Because of this, the user's experience throughout the webinar registration process on LinkedIn is simplified and streamlined.

#4. Connect With Members Of Relevant LinkedIn Groups To Promote Your LinkedIn Webinar

A community on LinkedIn, known as a group, brings together professionals who share a common interest for them to collaborate, communicate and exchange information with one another. Participating regularly in a LinkedIn group's community will give you an advantage when it comes to quickly connect with other members.

Webinars, on the other hand, are seen by professionals working in the business world as a terrific resource that enables them to communicate with industry experts and obtain knowledge about the strategies, goods, and services that those experts provide. If they believe your webinar's topic will interest them, they may sign up for it and perhaps recommend it to their contacts.

#5. Post Each Webinar, LinkedIn Will Make Promotions Available To Attendees.

Even after the LinkedIn webinar you conducted has ended, it does not mean you cannot continue promoting the event you hosted. A LinkedIn webinar that has already taken place and been finished might operate as an active lead creation engine for you. To put it simply, give it some thought. You have already finished the most challenging step: developing the landing page, carrying out comprehensive promotion, and nurturing all of the registrants together as a group.

#6. Convert The Landing Page You Created For The Webinar Into A Page That Can Offer Webinars On Demand.

A page for a LinkedIn webinar that can be accessed at any time will have various calls to action shown on it. For instance, in addition to the button labelled "Register Now," you might also wish to utilise the button labelled "Watch Now." Visitors to the website for the on-demand webinar are given immediate access to the recorded LinkedIn webinar presentation.

It is possible to spread the word about the webinar's landing page through sponsored content, paid adverts, and organic promotion on LinkedIn and/or LinkedIn groups. To increase the number of people that sign up for the webinar, the idea is to make the most of each and every advertising tactic that you utilised in the time leading up to it.

If you had the good fortune to organise a joint webinar with your client or any other well-known industry expert, you might be able to extract valuable information nuggets from the webinar tape. If you share LinkedIn webinar highlights with the people who follow you on social media, it's possible that you'll convince some of them to join up for the entire on-demand LinkedIn webinar. In addition, the co-host would be equally glad to advertise your firm to their audience via their account, which would be advantageous for both parties involved. It would appear to be a situation in which everyone would be on the receiving end of advantages.

Tools For Transcription Of Webinars

It doesn't matter if you think marketers are lazy or intelligent; they always discover brilliant ways to recycle old material. You may immediately adapt the discussions from your meetings into a blog with little to no more work if you choose to do so.

In order to transcribe audio recordings into text, you may utilise a variety of tools, such as Descript, which give a multitude of helpful skills. This provides you with more typed-long-form information that you can use to increase your authority on a subject, which in the extended run, benefits your SEO efforts.

Other functions, such as removing filler words, audiograms for podcasts, and audio editing for audio and video, are included in these technologies in addition to transcription.

Key Takeaways

LinkedIn Events was initially introduced in 2011; however, the service was discontinued the following year by LinkedIn. In the latter half of 2019, LinkedIn began rolling out the new version. If you routinely hold events, whether online or off, you will find that the Events feature is a terrific tool to utilise in conjunction with other event management systems.

You may encourage others to sign up for the event and attend by sharing it on LinkedIn and any other social platforms that you use, as well as inviting individuals from your own network on LinkedIn. In addition, make sure to produce postings inside your event that are interesting and interactive in order to generate interest.

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