LinkedIn Growth Hacks

How To Make A Short LinkedIn URL?

Learn how to create a short LinkedIn URL on LinkedIn in 4 steps and with alternative tools, why having a short URL is important, and what its benefits are.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
September 12, 2023
Table of contents

Have you ever wondered about those random numbers in your LinkedIn URL? You know, the ones that make it look more like a complicated password than a memorable link? Well, you're not alone! 🤔

These lengthy, hard-to-remember URLs can actually have some purpose. And they might hurt your professional image. 🕴️

👔 Your employer might not be impressed.

🌟 Your personal brand takes a hit.

📉 Might even cost you followers.

All because of a bad LinkedIn URL. 

So, is there a solution? Yes! 

With a short LinkedIn URL, you can eliminate this problem once and for all.

Scroll down to read why having a short URL is important and what its benefits are. 

But first, let’s show you how to shorten your LinkedIn URL:


2 Simple Ways to Shorten Your LinkedIn URL

1. Using LinkedIn 

Here’s how you shorten your URL in LinkedIn

Visit LinkedIn and log in.

The first step is to log in to your account. Then move the cursor to the right side of the ‘Me’ tab and click ‘ View Profile.’

Click on "Edit public profile & URL" in your profile.

How to edit profile on linkedin
Source: LinkedIn

Click the ‘Edit’ icon to write an easy-to-remember text representing you or your brand. 

How to edit profile on linkedin
Source: LinkedIn

For example, 

Save your changes, and voila! 

Edit custom URL
Source: LinkedIn

You now have a unique, personalized LinkedIn URL.


2. Using a Link Management Tool

Link management tools are a URL shortening service that allows anyone who clicks on the abbreviated link to the webpage containing the entire, lengthy URL. 

Top 3 Link Management Tools

Rocketlink webpage
(Source: is a URL shortener that lets you shorten any link so that you can share and track who clicks on your link. This way, you can understand better who exactly is your target audience and what their preferences are.

3 features of RocketLink:

- Branded Short Links 

- Track Clicks

- CTA Overlays

2. TerminusApp
Terminus Webpage

TerminusApp is a UTM builder software and link management platform. It replaces the UTM spreadsheet and standardizes the UTM naming conventions. And helps build and manage tracking URLs.

3 features of TerminusApp:

- Link Quality Analysis

- Competitor Research

- Collaborative Workspaces

3. BuzzStream
BuzzStream webpage

BuzzStream is an end to end outreach solution that helps you build relationships with your audience. They get that attention, drive word-of-mouth traffic, improve search performance, and increase awareness for your brand.

3 features of BuzzStream:

- Relationship Management

- Link Prospecting

- Automated Outreach

What Is A Short LinkedIn URL?

A short LinkedIn URL is an easy-to-read URL that can be quickly remembered by others. It can be your first and last name or something that defines your brand. 

That’s why people switch to a much simpler version. 

It is a simple and customized web link that takes people straight to your LinkedIn profile.  


7 Reasons Why You Should Have A Short URL

Here are seven reasons why everyone should have a short LinkedIn URL 

Increased brand awareness

When people see your short, memorable LinkedIn URL, they will be more likely to remember your brand and associate it with your expertise and experience. This can help you stand out and attract more qualified leads and clients.

Easy sharing 

LinkedIn URL has simplified communication. It's quick to type, easy to remember, a time-saver in conversations, and leaves a positive impression.

Personal branding

Short LinkedIn URLs help you look professional and build a personal brand. 

Now, you don’t have to wrestle with long, cringy URLs. Instead, embrace a short URL that puts you in the spotlight and makes networking a breeze.

Let’s take an example.


Which one of the links shared above looks more professional? 

Here are a few visual examples: 

Example of a short linkedin URL
Source: LinkedIn
Example of short linkedin URL
Source: LinkedIn

Search engine visibility

With an optimized LinkedIn URL, you increase your chances of appearing higher in search results. It's like waving a flag to catch the attention of Google’s algorithm. 

Or you think of it like having a billboard that screams, "Hey, look at me! I've got what you need!" 

Get noticed by employers

Imagine that you applied for a job role and there are 100+ applicants. How do you stand out from the crowd? 

Answer: A short LinkedIn URL.

Make it easier for people to connect with you

When you share your LinkedIn URL on business cards, resumes, or social media, it makes it easier for people to remember and type it in. Moreover, having a readily accessible LinkedIn URL can help potential employers or clients quickly access your professional information and connect with you. 

Improve click-through rates

Studies have shown that people are more likely to click on shortened links than long URLs. This is because short URLs are easier to remember and type, and they look more professional. 

A short LinkedIn URL can help you improve your click-through rates and get more people to view your profile.

What are the Benefits of a Short URL?

Here are four benefits of having a short URL: 

1. Gain Valuable Insights: Short LinkedIn URLs provide essential data about your links. This helps you understand what your audience prefers, allowing you to refine your content strategy based on real information.

2. Save Space for Your Message: Shortened URLs free up precious characters, especially important on platforms with character limits like Twitter. You can convey your message more effectively without worrying about space constraints.

3. Simplify Sharing: Long URLs can be a hassle to share. Shortened URLs streamline the process, making it easy to copy, paste, and share across social media platforms.

4. Look Professional: Shortened links are widely accepted and appear more professional than long, cumbersome URLs. They help maintain a polished online image.


Here’s a quick recap of the benefits of short URLs and why you should get one ASAP.

Having a short LinkedIn URL is beneficial for your professional career. It is easier to remember, share, and look more professional. It also helps you get noticed by employers and improves your click-through rates.

You can shorten your LinkedIn URL using two methods. 

1. LinkedIn settings. Just follow the steps mentioned in the section above.

2. Link Management Tools to create links that can be tracked easily. You can easily convert any web URL into a trackable link. 

Check out the top Link management tools mentioned above. 

Enjoyed reading this? Then, you would enjoy our other blogs, too. 

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