LinkedIn Guide

How to Use Linkedin to Get More Leads in 2023 : 3 Easy Steps

A Comprehensive Guide for small business owners, lead gen agency owners, and individuals on why and how to use LinkedIn to generate leads in 3 easy steps.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
November 15, 2023
Table of contents

This is for you... 

If you are a business owner, sales rep, student, or recruiter who has just joined LinkedIn and has no clue how to use LinkedIn other than to connect with professionals. 

Or you have scorched the entire search engine but keep seeing repetitive blogs on optimizing your LinkedIn profile. Which you don’t really want!! 

Don’t worry. 

You are FINALLY in the right place! 

Because this is a comprehensive guide on how to use LinkedIn to its fullest potential.

Today, we'll cover everything you need to know about this platform.

💥We’ll start with the big question: Why LinkedIn

💥We’ll help you master LinkedIn for Lead Generation.

💥We’ll share methods to promote your B2B business on LinkedIn

💥Next, I’ll share proven tips on how to land your dream job using LinkedIn

💥Plus, I’ll show how to tap into LinkedIn Learning for continuous growth.

💥Lastly, we’ll learn how to use LinkedIn Recruiter to find the best talent

But hey, listen up!

If you skip this guide, you'll pass up on the hack used by B2B agencies to generate leads organically and 10 tips to help freshers stand out from their competitors and get hired quickly via LinkedIn. 

So, grab your favorite beverage (I've got my trusty coffee), get comfy, and let's dive in!

Why LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a ~ rare ~ social media platform.  

But why is LinkedIn “Rare”? 

Because it's the only platform where you will see a 20-year-old trying hard to connect with a 50-year-old. 

And let’s be honest, we have all blocked some of our 50-year relatives(the annoying ones) on Facebook.

Plus, you can find everyone from seasoned CEOs to fresh-faced graduates in one virtual space. I call it a marketplace for skills, ideas, and opportunities. 

BTW, did you know that LinkedIn has been around longer than Facebook and Twitter?

It has been around long enough that it has 900 million active users, which screams only one word: 


So, if you're serious about generating leads, searching for a job, or building your personal brand, LinkedIn is your GOLDEN ticket.

In the next section, I’ll show you how to get an inbox full of leads. 

How to Use LinkedIn to Get More Leads for Your Business?

About 89% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for lead generation, and 62% say it produces leads for them. 

However, generating leads on LinkedIn is not as simple as it sounds. 

Because LinkedIn wears many hats – from job search to professional networking.

Lead generation here requires a special approach. 

You CAN get leads via 5 methods. 

1. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

2. LinkedIn Groups and Events 

3. Company Page

4. Networking in groups 

5. Publishing content 

More about them in the next section. 

How to Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to Generate Leads? [On Autopilot!]

From a solopreneur to a small business owner, everyone is using LinkedIn Sales Navigator. It is an advanced tool provided by LinkedIn to prospect potential leads in minutes. 

However, reaching out to each person individually can be quite a head-scratcher.

But it doesn't have to be that tough.

With Salesrobot, you connect with 2500 prospects using just one sales nav URL.

No more copying and pasting the same message.

No need to spend hours writing personalized message sequences. 

No need to manually track who you've contacted and who's responded.

The tool handles it all and then some for you!

Here’s how to use Salesrobot with LinkedIn Sales Nav: 

1. Log in to Salesrobot  and create a new campaign

the first step you need to perform to create a campaign using Salesrobot.
Source: Salesrobot

2. Next, Click on “Create campaign using SalesGPT.” 

how to create SalesGPT campaign.
Source: Salesrobot

SalesGPT will ask you some questions about your service.
Then, it creates buyer personas for you

Next, It will share pain points and key metrics of your selected buyer persona, and based on that, it will create a message sequence. 

the buyer persona created by Salesrobot chatbot.
Source: Salesrobot
Salesrobot chatbot suggested key metrics that matter to your prosepct.
Source: Salesrobot

3. Once the sequence is created, It will ask you to paste the search URL

where you need to input the LinkedIn search URL or LinkedIn sales nav.
Source: Salesrobot

To get the search URL, search for your buyer persona using LinkedIn Search or LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

Ex: Search for CEO on LinkedIn and copy the URL as shown below

how to get a LinkedIn search URL.
Source: LinkedIn

4.  Copy the URL and paste it 

And just like that, your campaign is ready! 

Wait for 24 hours to get an inbox full of prospects asking to share more about your services. 

How to Use LinkedIn for Lead Generation With Groups + Events?

Here’s an industry secret: 

“LinkedIn groups + events” are lead generation hacks. 


Because normally, you cannot reach out to anyone other than your 1st-degree connections on LinkedIn. 

However, with LinkedIn groups and events, you can reach out to all people in that group/event.

But it’s one hell of a time-consuming process. It takes an hour to send 20 personalized messages to members. 

But with Salesrobot by your side, you can send personalized messages to 200+ prospects daily. 

It is an AI-powered bot that takes over your manual work of sending connection requests, writing a message, and following up with your prospects. 
Here’s how to run group campaigns: 

1. Go to Salesrobot and create a new Campaign 

2. Click “I’m an Advanced user”

the dialog box you need to click if you want to run group and event campaigns.
Source: Salesrobot

3. Select “Add all in a group”

how to run group campaign on Salesrobot.
Source: Salesrobot

4. Next, enter the LinkedIn Group URL 


the LInkedIn Group URL you need to copy to run your campaigns.
Source: LinkedIn

5. Follow the next steps and write a message sequence.

But lately, LinkedIn groups have become less active, which makes it tough to generate leads. In that case, LinkedIn events are the best option available to you. 


Because a more active audience takes part in LinkedIn events. They are usually people with problems and are looking for solutions.

Here’s how to run event campaign on Salesrobot:

1. Create new Campaign 

2. Select “Add all in a LinkedIn event”

how to create a event campaign usign Salesrobot.
Source: Salesrobot

3. Join a LinkedIn event 

Click “See all attendees” and copy the URL

icon you need to click to view all attendees registered for an event.
Source: LinkedIn
the LinkedIn event URL you need to copy to run your event campaings.
Source: LinkedIn

4. Now, follow the next steps and run your campaign.

Note: You must be part of the group and event to run a campaign on the members. 

Is this a bit technical? No worries, we have you covered. 

There is another easy method to create campaigns and generate more qualified leads by just talking to our chatbot.

Just like we discussed in the previous section.

Just chat with our bot in plain English and boom, it sets up a campaign for you! 

How to Use LinkedIn to Network? [Grow to 10k+ Connections]

The secret to growing your network to 10K+ connections is to send as many connection requests as possible. 

That’s it. And you can do it, too.

Here’s how I would do it if I started today: 

Send at least 10 requests daily

Engage in comments and DM’s daily. 

Create LinkedIn content 3x a week. 

But this might seem like a long and dull process

Trust me, I've been there. That's why I'm about to share a little trick that helped me grow my connections to 10K without the drudgery of doing the same thing over and over.

The secret? Automation!

This means automating every single step of the process, from creating a list of people you want to connect with, to checking out their profiles, writing a personalized request, and hitting send.

And guess what? It'll take less than 3 minutes with Salesrobot 

Salesrobot website homepage.
Source: Salesrobot

Salesrobot is a robot that helps you reach out to potential connections on LinkedIn automatically. Using this tool, you can reach out to over 200 prospects each day without risking any account restrictions. 

Plus, you'll only need to spend a maximum of 10 minutes on it. The campaign stops once a person responds, you can then jump in and continue the conversation with your dream customer. 

Now, you can focus more on nurturing leads rather than writing personalized messages for every prospect. 

If you’re interested but don’t want to commit, take the free 14-day trial. No credit card or phone number needed — just your email, and you're good to go!

How to Use LinkedIn to Promote Your Business?

We just saw how we can use LinkedIn to network and generate leads. What about marketing?

Wondering how to use LinkedIn to show off your business to potential customers? 

There are 2 effective ways to promote a B2B business on LinkedIn

Organic and Paid Ads. 

I can go on all day about the benefits of Organic promotions for lead generation, but the same can't be said for LinkedIn ads. (Because I grew my network and business without spending a single penny on Ads!)

Both methods are different but have one thing in common. Guess what? 

It’s your LinkedIn profile. 

Your target audience will relate to you only if your profile is optimized, and I’m going to show you what you need to exactly do. 

1. Create an Optimized LinkedIn Profile

Growing a LinkedIn network starts with an optimized profile. Over the last 8 years on my LinkedIn journey, I've noticed only a few LinkedIn users with impressive profiles. (Which is  shocking!)

But don't fret! 

Here are 5 things that you must nail down: 

1. Craft an Impressive Profile: Begin with an eye-catching headline, a friendly photo, and a brief summary. 

exmaple of an optimized LinkedIn profile with banner.
Source: LinkedIn

2. Write a compelling bio:  Want more customers? Write a bio that talks about your prospects' problems and how you make their lives better. It's your key to turning interested folks into loyal customers!

an example of LinkedIn Bio of an optimized LinkedIn profile.
Source: LinkedIn

3. Showcase your skills: Highlight your soft and hard skills in your bio with proof.

your skills look on your profile and endorsements you receive."
Source: LinkedIn

4. Add your calendar link: Think of LinkedIn as your free personal webpage. Don't forget to include a calendar link in your profile, so people can easily schedule a call with you. 

the custom meeting button that you can add to your profile.
Source: LinkedIn

5. Include Links and Media in Your "Featured" Sections: Make the most of this opportunity by including links to your organization's websites, showcasing projects you've worked on, highlighting articles or reports you've written, or anything else that can boost your credibility.

an example of featured section of an optimized LinkedIn profile.
Source: LinkedIn

Now, these are the basics, but you can do more to improve your profile. If you’re interested, I recently shared my top 20 tried-and-tested tips to create the perfect LinkedIn profile.

Once you are done optimizing your profile, here are your next steps: 

2. Create A Company Page:

Showcase your business, products, and services. Optimize it with relevant keywords in the tagline, description, and updates. Maintain a consistent logo across social media platforms for brand recognition. 

Regularly share updates about company news and engage with comments. Keep track of page performance using LinkedIn analytics.

3. Publish In-Depth Content:

Leverage LinkedIn Posts to establish authority on topics that interest your audience. 

Here are a few tips I follow:

- Spend 80% of the time crafting the hook and 20% of the time writing content. 

- Make the content skimmable(F shape pattern) 

- Keep LinkedIn posts to less than 200 words

- Share personal stories more than generic content. 

4. Participate In LinkedIn Groups:

Join LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry with high engagement and low spam. Consider establishing a group tailored to your target audience's interests. 

For instance, a B2B business offering specialized software solutions could host a group of professionals in the tech industry.

4. Create an inbound funnel 

When establishing your expertise on LinkedIn, it's important to guide your audience on the next steps. 

Hosting webinars, creating video courses, case studies, E-books, and lead magnets can draw people to your website and encourage them to book a call or try out your product. 

To make this happen, include clear calls to action (CTAs).

(P.S. Add CTA in your banner, posts, or Bio.) 

Now, let's take a look at another way to promote your business—through paid methods.

5. Consider LinkedIn Ads but Beware!

Alright, let's talk about LinkedIn Ads. 

They are good, but there's a catch. 

LinkedIn Ads can burn a hole in your pocket if not done right. 

Start small. Test the waters. Don't go all-in on day one. 

Think about your audience. Tailor your ads to speak their language. 

Track numbers. Keep an eye on what's working and what's not. 

Lastly, set a budget and stick to it. 

Consider LinkedIn Ads if:

- B2B focused, targeting businesses or professionals.

- Want to establish thought leadership and credibility.

- Aim to reach decision-makers in specific industries.

- You make a lot of revenue through marketing

Avoid LinkedIn Ads if:

- Primarily targeting a consumer audience.

- Promoting products/services with little professional relevance.

- Operating on a limited advertising budget.

I’m not against LinkedIn Ads. Do consider LinkedIn Ads, but do it smart. It's a powerful tool, but it needs a skilled hand. 

How To Use LinkedIn To Find A Job?

Cool, we’ve talked about how business owners can use LinkedIn to generate leads and market their business.

But what about the folks who keep the business running? Can LinkedIn help them too?

Can LinkedIn also help you land a job? Sure it can!

To find a job on LinkedIn, simply go to your LinkedIn profile.

Next, click on “Jobs”. 

Based on your skills, jobs will be recommended to you. 

Or you can search for specific roles using the search option. 

how to search for a specific job role and recommended jobs panel.
Source: LinkedIn

But the LinkedIn job search is not the difficult part. The difficult part is to stand out from the crowd. 

Now you must be thinking, how do I stand out in a crowd of 1000+ applicants?

Here are 10 steps LinkedIn Job Search Checklist to stand out:

1. ✅ Ensure your current profile picture is not more than 3 months old.

2. ✅ Optimize your headline to highlight the impact you’ve created at work.

3. ✅ Make sure to display your recent work experience prominently. 

4. ✅ Craft a Banner that highlights your expertise.

5. ✅ Follow companies of interest to stay updated on opportunities.

6. ✅ Conduct targeted searches to find connections associated with desired companies.

7. ✅ Request introductions from existing connections to facilitate networking.

8. ✅ Request friends, employees, or professors to endorse your skills.

9. ✅ Ask your former managers to write you a LinkedIn recommendation—it's a great way to build credibility.

10. ✅ Engage with professionals and companies outside of regular business hours for enhanced exposure. Dedicate at least 30 minutes daily to participate and write comments on industry leaders’ posts.

One advantage of this checklist: You can use this checklist with our Linkedin profile tips to increase your chances of finding a job on LinkedIn. 

Best of luck!

How to Use LinkedIn Premium to Get a Job?

Let’s make one thing clear “LinkedIn Premium does not guarantee jobs” 

However, LinkedIn Premium is worth every penny for a job seeker. It offers features that can significantly boost your job search and make you stand out among other applicants.

Let's break down the key advantages:

1. Featured Applications

-With the "Featured Applicant" tag on every job application, you'll instantly become a standout candidate, always be at the top of the list, and gain a distinct competitive advantage.

2. Competition Insights

- Premium lets you measure your profile against other applicants or employees in a company.

- It helps you evaluate your education and skills in comparison, giving you insight into your chances of getting hired.

3. Salary Insights

- With LinkedIn Premium, you can easily filter jobs based on salary and get instant access to detailed salary info for the jobs you like.

- The data brings transparency, and makes the job search process clear, and helps you make smarter career choices.

Note: The Salary Insight feature is available in the USA, Canada, UK, and Australia.

How to Use LinkedIn for Recruiting?

LinkedIn Recruiter homepage.
Source: LinkedIn

The final piece of the puzzle, let’s see how recruiters can use Linkedin?
LinkedIn Recruiter is a tool for focused hiring in mid-sized companies, corporations, or agencies. 

It provides: 

- Access to a vast professional network

- Allows recruiters to search and communicate with potential candidates

- Connect with internal messaging

The great thing about LinkedIn Recruiter is that it encourages teamwork and helps save a significant amount of time during the hiring process.

But how to use LinkedIn Recruiter? Let’s find out. 

How to use LinkedIn Recruiter to find candidates?

First off, jump on LinkedIn Recruiter. Don’t do generic searches; instead, start with super specific, ex, Graphic Designer in San Francisco.

Next, Filter candidates based on specific skills.  

Ex: Marketing executive with SEO skills.

You can also save your searches. When fresh candidates pop up, you'll be the first in line.

The cost of your subscription depends on the number of recruiters using the service. 

Moreover, you can designate positions to your team members from the following:

1. Hiring Managers 

Hiring managers have more limited functionalities, like viewing profiles and adding comments.

2. Vacancy Managers 

Vacancy managers post job openings and handle responses. 

How to Use LinkedIn Learning? 

LinkedIn Learning homepage.
Source: LinkedIn

LinkedIn Learning is an online platform designed to assist individuals and businesses in achieving their goals through customized and data-backed learning experiences. 

The platform is built on three key foundations:

 1. Top-notch content

2. Data-powered personalization

3. Convenience. 

Courses are available in multiple languages, and you can view them anytime, anywhere, on any device.

But I always wondered, “what was the aim behind creating the platform?” 

It was to provide economic opportunities for everyone in the workforce worldwide. But how can one college student benefit from it?
Let’s talk about that in the next section. 

How To Use Linkedin As A College Student?

As an ex-student, I know how hard life is. One has to juggle lectures and assignments and figure out your path in the professional world. 

If you're looking for a strong start, I recommend using LinkedIn Learning.

As a college student, you're in an ideal position to absorb knowledge and skills that can give you an edge in the job market.

With LinkedIn Learning, you can explore courses that match your interests, whether it's coding or creative writing. Valuable skills are waiting for you.

The best part? 

You can learn at your own pace. No pressure, no deadlines—just flexibility.

Once you finish the assignment, showcase your newfound expertise right on your profile. Employers value that.

So, take a few minutes to explore and choose a course that excites you! 

Are LinkedIn Courses Free?

“Are they free?” The burning question, eh?  

Well, some courses on LinkedIn are indeed freebies. Yup, no cost involved. You can take them any day without reaching for your wallet. 

But some courses come with a price tag. These are the premium ones, often led by top experts in their fields. 

These paid courses often offer a level of depth and expertise that can be crucial for you to grow your career.

So, is it worth shelling out some bucks? That's a call only you can make. 

But don't let the price tag scare you away. Consider it an investment in yourself and your future.

Happy learning!


Woah! That’s the end. Thanks for sticking around.

Before we part ways, let’s do a quick recap of what we just accomplished:

- You now understand why to use LinkedIn. 

- You have mastered the methods to generate leads for your business using LinkedIn. 

- You now know 3 methods to use LinkedIn to promote your business.

- You also know how to recruit the best candidates with LinkedIn Recruiter and LinkedIn Recruiter Lite. 

-Next, you know how to stand out from the crowd when applying for a job with LinkedIn Premium. 

- Lastly, you understand how to upskill and grow your career with LinkedIn Learning. 

Btw, if you want to generate qualified leads, book 2X more meetings, save time, and build meaningful relations, then Salesrobot is the tool to go with. 

Salesrobot helps you connect with 100s of leads on LinkedIn automatically. It’s the safest LinkedIn automation tool available.  Get 100s of leads each month on autopilot

If you’re interested, we offer a completely free 14-day trial. No credit card or phone number needed — just your email, and you're good to go!

Have a blast on LinkedIn.


Message 100s on people on LinkedIn and cold email.

Every Week. Automatically.

Trusted by 3.2k users in 45 countries

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LinkedIn Guide

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