LinkedIn Guide

How to Create a LinkedIn Business Page: With or Without A Personal Profile?

Want to create a LinkedIn business page but don’t know where to begin? Read this detailed guide and learn simple tricks to generate more leads via LinkedIn.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
December 19, 2023
Table of contents

You must not skip this blog if…

You're thinking of getting started with LinkedIn marketing but don't know how to start, 


you're feeling stuck because your business doesn't have a LinkedIn presence yet.

It’s okay, you can let go of the confusion, my friend!

Step 1 is to create a LinkedIn business page representing your company and services. 

In this blog, we’ll talk about:

✔️What a LinkedIn company page is all about,

✔️Why you need one,

✔️The difference between a LinkedIn business page and personal account,

✔️How to create and optimize a LinkedIn company page,

✔️My strategies to generate more leads from your LinkedIn presence, and

✔️How to edit and delete one.

P.S. There's an interesting marketing strategy called the ‘5 3 2’ rule also inside that might work wonders for you! 

And it’s not all theoretical info. Just like you, I started from zero

And it took me 3 years to get here. So all the tips and strategies I explain today have been tried and tested, and they just work. 

If you’re serious about getting some business from LinkedIn, get comfy, and let's begin!

Tom Hanks typing frustratingly on a laptop.

What is a LinkedIn Business Page?

A LinkedIn company page is like your brand’s online identity. It's where your company can show itself off. 

Take this page for example:

Salesrobot's company page on LinkedIn.

You can showcase your brand here and use it for updates, job postings, and sharing content. 

It's one of the best places to connect with potential customers and businesses.

You can also share insider news with your audience to build customer trust and credibility.

And you know the best part? 

These pages aren't just for big names. 

Small businesses can build a solid presence on Linkedin as well! 

I know what you're thinking. “I have a Linkedin profile already, why create one more for my business?”

Let’s talk about that.

Linkedin Business Page vs Linkedin Account: What's the difference?

Your LinkedIn account is your own space

You can show-off your :

  • Skills,
  • Professional history and experience,
  • Non-professional experience like volunteering, 
  • Education, and
  • Make professional connections with the people you know. 

Here's what it looks like:

Saurav Gupta's personal profile LinkedIn

A personal account on LinkedIn also lets you join groups to communicate with different people in your professional circle. 

In a nutshell, it's all about you: 

Growing your professional network and making your profile stand out.

A LinkedIn business page is more like a window for your company. It talks about what the company does, updates, and employees.

A company can build connections, share open positions and updates about its industry. 

It mostly focuses on advertising and finding potential customers. You know the best part? 

You can have both - a personal account and a business page.

Everyone knows LinkedIn accounts are free for all. But is it the same for a business page?

Absolutely! Let's dig in a bit more.

Is LinkedIn business page free?

You must be wondering about the cost of a LinkedIn company page

Well, the answer is-

It's totally free! No charges at all. 

Now, you might be thinking, "What's the catch?" 

The truth is, there's no catch at all. LinkedIn wants you to shine without costing you a penny.

Cool, right?

So it's incredible, it's free, but why should you put the time and effort into creating one?

3 Reasons For Why Your Business Needs A LinkedIn Company Page

Did you know that in the US, over 199 million people are using LinkedIn?

That's a lot! 

And get this thing:

LinkedIn is rocking it in 26 different languages across 200+ countries worldwide!

Just picture this: 

What if you nail down an excellent LinkedIn business page for your business? 

Imagine the impact it could have.

Here’s how a solid Linkedin Business Page can help you:

#1 Generate Leads 

80% out of all the leads generated from social media come via LinkedIn. 

There's more intriguing data.

43% of LinkedIn members are in a decision-making position. This makes it seriously underrated for marketing. 

Are you utilizing it to its full potential?

Imagine if you could direct even 1% of these to your website. 

Want to know how to make it happen? 

One of the best ways to do this is using a customized CTA on your business page. This is what a customized CTA looks like on a company page:

CTA button on Leadzilla's LinkedIn page.

This will lead people straight to your website where they can learn more about your business.

#2 Recruit Top Talent

LinkedIn already has a reputation when it comes to recruitment. It's a free, mobile-friendly platform designed for both job seekers and recruiters. 

Moreover, the talent pool on the platform is unmatched. You can easily catch their attention with a company page. 

Here’s how:

  • Display honest info about your company and work culture.
  • Post job updates.
  • Share engaging content (preferably containing lots of graphics).
  • Share employee testimonials.

You can also share BTS stories, celebrate successes, and post pictures of your team having a blast at work. 

Make people want to be a part of your crew!

(Also, not having a business page for your company might look a little suspicious to new employees)

#3 Free Marketing + SEO

We’re aware that LinkedIn is free for individuals as well as companies, right? 

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for networking and marketing (especially B2B marketing). 

But you also get a SEO boost if you create a Linkedin company page. 


Your page will pop us as one of the top results when someone searches for your company on Google.

This will give your company so much more credibility.

That means more people can find you not only on Linkedin but also when they're searching online.

I mean, come on, who doesn't appreciate free advertising, right?

How to Create a LinkedIn Business Page? [In Under 7 Minutes]

I know you're curious to learn how to actually set up a LinkedIn company page. Here's a simple step-by-step guide:

(Oh, and did I mention, you can literally DIY in less than 7 minutes!)  

  1. Go to LinkedIn and log in to your personal account.
  2. From the upper-right corner, click 'For Business' and scroll down.
'For business' option on LinkedIn profile's home page.
  1. Next, click on 'Create a Company Page +'
'Create a Company page' option from the drop-down menu.
  1. You'll see three options. 
Option to choose the type of public page on LinkedIn.
  • A company page is for all small, medium, and large businesses.
  • A showcase page is an extension of your company page. It’s designed to spotlight 'affiliated' brands/ services with your company

These are listed under the 'Affiliated Pages' section of your primary business page.

  • Educational institution pages allow schools/ universities to market themselves and build a community. 

They can also showcase an alumni list if the institution is listed on someone's 'Education' section.

Select the one that's most relevant to you. If you’re here, Linkedin company page is most probably the right one for you.

  1. Fill in your company's details correctly.
Form to fill the company's details for a LinkedIn company page.
  1. Check this box at the bottom and click on 'Create Page.'
Verification box to agree to LinkedIn terms.

And voila! Your page's ready. 

I told you that's super easy, didn't I?

Now, you can go ahead and customize your page as you like.


Were you able to follow allthe steps? Or did you get stuck?

What if you don’t have a personal profile on Linkedin, can you still create a Linkedin Company Page?

Can you create a LinkedIn Business page without a Personal Profile?

I hate to break it to you, but no.

But hey, there's always a loophole.

Here's how you can work your way out:

Your personal account does not need to be fully set up. You just need a registration on the platform with an email confirmation, that is it. 

As soon as that's done, you can follow the above steps to configure your company page.

Works? Cool.

Now you know how to create a company page on LinkedIn. What now? You need to optimize it . Let’s have a little chat about that.

5 Tips to Create the Perfect Business Page

I know it sounds like too much work, but it’s not, trust me. 

Human psychology plays an important role here. Before anything else, your profile must be ‘aesthetically pleasing’ or designed such that it grabs the attention of a visitor instantly.

Here are 5 quick tips to get that:

Tip #1 - Eye-catching Profile Image and Banner

These are the first things you notice when you visit someone’s profile, don’t you? Your profile image and banner must-

  • Fit in correctly.
  • Be of great quality.
  • Portray your brand image perfectly.

Let’s talk of LinkedIn specifications first:

All your images must be a PNG or JPG file and have a maximum size of 3MB.

Logo image: 268*268 pixels (minimum) and 400*400 pixels (recommended)

Cover image: 1128*191 pixels (minimum) and 1128*191 pixels (recommended)

But these are just the specifications to ensure your images fit in perfectly. Your image’s quality and brand image completely depends on you.

They should be relevant and relate to your brand. No logo is better than a random picture as your logo.

So remember to double check these!

Tip #2 - Customize Your CTA

Moving on, the next noticeable thing on your company page is the CTA button. 

Yes, LinkedIn has them, and yes, they are free. 

They are displayed right beside the follow button on your page. These buttons direct visitors straight to the added link.

CTA button on Google's LinkedIn business page.

You can go to ‘Edit Page’ > ‘Buttons’ > ‘Custom Button’ and pick any CTA from these with the desired link. 

CTA options to choose from for your company page.

Trust me, they are the easiest way to direct organic traffic to your website. 

(And maybe even increase conversions!)

LinkedIn even provides analytics so you can see how your CTAs are performing!

Tip #3 - Compelling “About” Section

The next thing that a visitor would want to know is who you are and what you do. Your ‘About’ section should instantly be able to reel people in. 

There are 5 primary questions you need to answer here. These are:

  • Who are you?
  • What do you do?
  • What are your company values?
  • How can you help people?
  • How can people contact you?

And guess what? 

LinkedIn has a limit here too! It’s up to 2000 characters. Other than these, you can also mention your:

  • Website
  • Company Size
  • Industry
  • Headquarters
  • Date of Foundation
  • Phone number, and more.

You can look at other pages and Google for inspiration and even use ChatGPT to generate one

An ideal description should be formal but slightly funny.

And always use bullet points.

Here’s an example of how Leadzilla did it:

About section on Leadzilla's company page.

Remember that there’s no perfect way to write a company description. 

Just keep it unique and true to your brand identity.

Tip #4 - Lead gen Forms

While we’re at it, I want to highlight this one here. 

Lead gen forms are displayed right at the bottom of your business page on LinkedIn. They allow you to collect and store leads from the page itself.  

Lead generation form for a LinkedIn company page.

You have 4 CTA options to choose from and you can customize your headline and body copy on the lead gen from.

This will tell people what to expect after submitting the form.

When a user clicks on your lead gen form, LinkedIn auto-fills their-

  • Email address
  • Name 
  • Job Title
  • Company Name
Auto-filled lead gen form on LinkedIn.

Once the user consents that they want to be contacted via email and submit the form, you can easily access this data and contact them to engage and convert.

Keep your form’s heading and description explanatory but short.


I’ll help you out!

Your CTA and body copy WILL determine if people click on your lead gen form or not. If it doesn’t resonate with them, there’s no point, period.

Having said that, you must not mislead anyone, as that can do more harm than good. Your body copy should resonate with your brand’s values and services.

Tip #5 - Just be Present!

Whatever you do, just don’t abandon your page after creating it. 

Be present. 

But you’re posting regularly, you have all the boxes checked, what more can you do?

Well, the thing is, most of them are doing that

What are you doing differently?

  • You can update images, logos, content based on holiday or festive themes. 
  • You can ask questions on your posts and reply to comments to engage with your visitors. 
  • You can host webinars, quizzes, giveaways, and contests.

These are small but meaningful ways to show genuineness and commitment towards your audience. 

People are more likely to spend time on pages where their opinions are valued.

Now let’s talk about the pitfalls you must avoid when creating a business page on LinkedIn.

What not to do While Creating a Business Page on LinkedIn?

There are a lot of detailed guides on how to create a LinkedIn business page. 

But the secret to a perfect company page is knowing what not to do.

Here's a list of things to avoid:

Incomplete Info

I mean, obviously.

What do you think when you visit a page like this on LinkedIn? 

Trial Travel's incomplete LinkedIn company page.

LinkedIn will have a hard time identifying and suggesting your page. 

The more unique you make it, the more people it'll reach! 

So, avoid any incomplete or wrong info, okay?

No Difference from Competitors

Did you come across a competitor’s business page on LinkedIn and created yours similar to that? 

Well that’s a mistake.

Worry not, though. It’s alright. We’ve all been there and it can be fixed.

You must update your page to differentiate it from your competitors.

You wouldn’t invest in something you don’t trust, right? 

Similarly, imagine someone was searching for a solution and saw your page very similar to another.

It would create immense confusion and distrust for the both of you, and is hard to let go.

So rule #2 is to keep your page unique!


While a LinkedIn business page is about your company only, remember not to go overboard with pushing your products or services.   

You need to add some personality and humor- like what you're proud of, what you believe in, and what you sell. 

But don't just sell, sell, sell! 

People get bored of that. 

Bored Kanye West sitting.

Instead, toss some exciting stuff that either helps them in some way or makes them laugh.

Make your followers feel like an insider and keep it real and valuable for them

That's the ticket to keeping them interested!

And once they’re impressed by your company’s “personality”, they’re way more likely to buy from you.

And now that we're here, here are my top 3 tips on how you can use your LinkedIn business page to generate more leads.

3 Tips to Boost Engagement on Your LinkedIn Business Page

Setting up a LinkedIn business page is just the beginning

If you want to actually get more business from it, you've got to know how to pull people in.

Not just to have a look but to take some action, too. 

Now, I get it; not everyone will jump into action right away. 

But here's the deal: 

Your goal is to hook your target audience enough. This way they’ll remember you when they're looking at other options. 

It's all about engaging them in a way that you stick in their minds. That way, when they're ready to make a move, you're the one they think of first. 

Let's learn how to do that:

Publish Relevant Content

I know I've discussed this before, but I want to bring it up again because it's super important. 

Just sharing posts and updates aren't enough to catch people's interest. 

Your content should be 'relatable.' 

But who exactly should it relate to? 

You can't expect one post to click with everyone. 

It needs to speak to the people you're aiming for. 

What are they looking for? Are they aware of their problems and the solutions? 

To reach them well, you must clearly understand your audience and target the right keywords.


Engage, Engage, Engage! 

Did you just think sharing content is enough? I want to burst a bubble here.

It's not.

If you think you're engaging by simply sharing content on your LinkedIn page, you're wrong. 

Even if you perfect it, you'll get 'some' engagement. 

To boost it, you need to get out there and engage with different people.


You can do so via InMail, comments, likes, replies, and more to nurture them.

This way, more people can reach your page and go through your content

Doesn't that sound good? 

But here's the catch — is it practical to do this every day on repeat? 

It could be, if you had one profile to work with, and loads of time of course! 

But well, you're here reading this blog. 

So I'll assume you're getting started with a LinkedIn company page, and you need to do these in bulk. 

And with limited time and LinkedIn limits, how can you do it? 

With Salesrobot!

Salesrobot is a LinkedIn automation tool that can effectively pull prospects from LinkedIn, Sales Navigator, and CSV and start conversations with your dream customers on autopilot!

All you need to do is filter your leads and you can create campaigns using our AI and configure follow-ups as you like, with our personalized messages.

Our intelligent reply detection will hand the conversation over to you when the prospect replies. 

And no, that's not it. 

If you want to comment on different LinkedIn posts in bulk, you can try out our Chrome Extension

It lets you add comments in multiple tones on any LinkedIn post within seconds.

(So you can use that time and energy for more important tasks!)

That wasn't hard, was it?

Now, let's get back to talking about your business page.

Involve your Employees

What can your employees do to boost engagement on your page?

Good employees are, hands down, the backbone of any company and they can:

  • List your page as their workplace on LinkedIn.
  • Share your content.
  • Post content related to your brand/ reviews/ work culture.

What this does is increase your discoverability by 10x. 

A study found that companies with high employee engagement actually outperformed the others by 202%. 

Isn’t that huge? 

This means their connections and profile visitors will notice all the content and probably even pay your page/ webpage a visit.

And who knows, some may even sign up for a free demo or trial!

In my opinion, this is the best way to increase brand awareness and reachability. 

You know how to create and set up a LinkedIn business page now. But what do you do if you need to edit your page? Or (unfortunately), delete it?

Let’s have a look at the steps.

How to Edit/delete a LinkedIn Business Page

As I've already explained, you must keep your company page info up-to-date. 

Follow these simple steps to edit your page as and when needed:

  1. Go to the super admin view of your LinkedIn page.
Super admin view of a demo LinkedIn business page.
  1. Click on 'Edit Page' on the left-hand side.
Edit page option on a demo LinkedIn page.
  1. Here's all the information you can edit.
Information that can be edited on a LinkedIn page.
  1. Once done updating, click on 'Save' and you're done!
'Save' option after editing information for a LinkedIn company page.

If your company page is not in a good shape and you cannot find time to maintain it, it might be better to delete it

Of course, you can create a new one later.

Just follow these steps to delete or deactivate your LinkedIn business page:

  1. Go again to the super admin view of the page.
  2. From the left sidebar, scroll down and click 'Settings.'
Settings option on a demo LinkedIn business page.
  1. Click on 'Deactivate Page.'
Deactivate page option in the settings.
  1. Check this box and click on 'Deactivate.'
Verification box for deactivating a LinkedIn business page.

And it's done!


It’s safe for me to say now that a LinkedIn business page is a must have in 2023 if you’re running a company and can help you:

✔️Generate leads

✔️Recruit the best people

✔️Boost SEO

✔️Get free marketing 

In this blog, we discussed detailed steps on how to create, set up, edit, and delete a business page on LinkedIn. 

We also talked about what not to do while creating it. 

I’ve also highlighted 3 strategies that worked for me to upscale marketing on LinkedIn.

While all this is fine, but not enough to get leads from LinkedIn. You can’t sit back and expect people to engage by simply posting content and optimizing your page. 

You have to get out there and do some work by yourself.

The key lies in how and when you communicate with your target audience. 

Enter Salesrobot

It can help you create personalized outreach campaigns for the leads you get from LinkedIn and automate follow-ups and engagement for you. 

So you can keep your leads engaged with minimal effort. And the best part? 

It can easily bypass LinkedIn connection limits to save you from the LinkedIn jail.

Try it free for 14 days before committing to us; we just need your email, I promise!

Hope this helped!

Create automated campaigns

And get replies from 5.1% prospects with high-converting messages crafted by Salesrobot.
*based on past 6 months of campaigns by 3k+ Salesrobot users

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LinkedIn Guide

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