LinkedIn Guide

How To Schedule Posts On LinkedIn: Top 6 Ideas Along With Benefits.

Discover the top six ideas for scheduling posts on LinkedIn and reaping the benefits. Learn how to save time and avoid the hassle of manual posting, and enhance your LinkedIn presence with ease.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
April 3, 2023
Table of contents

To build your LinkedIn network, posting content consistently on LinkedIn is very important. This will let your connections know about your expertise in the industry and how capable you are. Also, to generate leads from LinkedIn, you have to stay active in the platform to get noticed. If you are an entrepreneur or a salesperson, You need to schedule posts on LinkedIn to keep the audience aware of the different functionalities of your product or service.

But most people forget to post on LinkedIn because they are busy with B2B prospecting and boosting their sales. The process of getting more leads from LinkedIn routes through LinkedIn posts. Posting good content on LinkedIn provides a strong foundation for your business.

So here in this blog, we will cover everything regarding Posting on LinkedIn, Scheduling LinkedIn posts, etc., which will clarify all your doubts regarding LinkedIn posts. Let’s kick off!

What Is A LinkedIn Post?

The way you post on Instagram or Facebook, you can post on LinkedIn as well. A LinkedIn post is a status update that allows you to share your thoughts, expertise, and experiences with your connections.

LinkedIn posts can be up to 3,000 characters in length and can include links, images, and videos. LinkedIn posts are a great way to build your brand, connect with other professionals, and generate leads from LinkedIn. It also updates your clients on LinkedIn regarding changes in your product or service. It also makes your profile look high quality and professional.

LinkedIn Post
Source: LinkedIn

How To Post On LinkedIn?

Posting on LinkedIn is very easy. Here are a few steps that you need to follow:

  • Click on start a post, to begin with your post.
how to start a post on linkedin
Source: LinkedIn
  • You can use the camera or video button to add graphics.
  • Now, you can write the post by adding proper headings and making paragraphs.
  • Click on the post to add it to your LinkedIn profile.

6 Fabulous Ideas For LinkedIn Posts

There isn't one answer to the question of what you should post on LinkedIn, as it varies depending on your industry, target market, and goals. However, here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • News articles related to your industry - This shows that you are up-to-date on the latest trends. You can also post hyperlinks to your blog to get good traffic to your website. Or you can type a small article in the post itself.
  • How-to guides or tutorials- Tutorials and guides are always popular as they provide value to the reader by teaching them something new. If you own a software business then you can guide the users through your posts.
  • Industry tips or advice - You can share your knowledge and insights with your readers to help them improve their businesses and help them run them efficiently. You can turn out to be a good leader for them!
  • Product reviews- If you sell products, reviews are a great way to show your potential customers that you are an authority in your field. You can post regarding customer satisfaction to pitch more sales.
  • Case studies - Case studies are always popular as they provide real-world examples of how your products or services have helped others. You can proudly show how successful your customers became after using your product.
  • Illustrations and Images- Graphics are a good way to convey things shortly and attractively. You can use standalone images and flow charts or share them with text to make your post appealing.
LinkedIn Post
Source: LinkedIn

Can you schedule posts on LinkedIn?

Well, LinkedIn does not offer a feature to schedule LinkedIn posts in advance. You have to simultaneously create a post and publish it. Is there any other way to schedule LinkedIn posts?

Yes, there is! You can use third-party tools that integrate with LinkedIn to schedule LinkedIn posts on your account.
Before going into detail about these, let's know more about Scheduling LinkedIn posts.

Benefits of Scheduling LinkedIn posts

It allows you to be more strategic with your content- You can plan and schedule your content in advance so that it is more aligned with your business goals, and you can get time from future content strategies.

You can reach a wider audience- By posting at different times, you can reach people in different time zones and increase the chances that your content will be seen by more people.

It can help you save time - Scheduling LinkedIn posts in advance can help you save time as you won't need to log in to LinkedIn every day to post new content. It will increase productivity as well because you will be able to focus on more important things. You just need to set the time for posting and relax!

How to schedule posts on LinkedIn?

As said earlier, you can use third-party apps to schedule posts on LinkedIn. Let’s have a look at these tools.

  • Social Pilot
  • Hootsuite
  • Sprout Social
  • Later

Social Pilot

Social Pilot is a well-built social media management tool. This includes a content calendar, where you can schedule your posts for all social media platforms, including LinkedIn. You can also get detailed insights related to the performance of your posts.

This tool is also helpful for bulk scheduling, and you can also manage overall things related to scheduling LinkedIn posts, like content creation and team management.

The pricing of this tool begins from $30/month, along with a free 14-day trial to test the service.

SocialPilot Pricing
Source: SocialPilot


Hootsuite provides similar features to Social Pilot. With Hootsuite’s Publisher, you can easily schedule your LinkedIn posts. Once you add your LinkedIn account here, you can schedule different posts and add images or graphics to them.

Hootsuite’s dashboard also allows you to interact with different users through the social inbox. It provides a Post and Duplicate feature which can be used to reach different users in different time zones.

The plans of Hootsuite start at $49/month and come with a massive 30-day free trial.

Hootsuite Pricing
Source: Hootsuite

Sprout Social

A sprout is a powerful tool that can ease the process of posting on LinkedIn. It can polish your business strategies and can help you make good connections through versatile posting. You can monitor the activities and organize all the messages in one place and get detailed analytics of different posts.

Using Sprout Social, you organize the campaigns and make a blueprint of posts. So overall this tool can help to level up your LinkedIn content game.

The pricing of Sprout Social starts at $99/month with a 30-day free trial.

Sprout Social Pricing
Source: Sprout Social


Later provides an all-around solution for posting on social media. This tool can manage your social network and plan the content for various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.

The interface of Later is quite intuitive; you can schedule the posts using a calendar. You can modify the post in this tool and perform functions like optimizing or resizing the graphics. Hence, this platform can help you to organize multiple posts.

The pricing of Later is very affordable, it starts at $18/month, and it also offers a free plan.

Later Pricing
Source: Later

Use scheduled LinkedIn posts to generate quality leads.

LinkedIn posts can also help you get some good leads from LinkedIn. First, you need to decide on a tool for scheduling LinkedIn posts. Then you can use an automation tool to fetch details of users who have liked, commented, or reacted to a post.

Salesrobot is one the leading automation tool that is designed to get quality leads from LinkedIn and can increase your sales by a huge margin.

Let’s have an overview of how an automation tool like Salesrobot can help in lead generation using LinkedIn posts.

  • The first thing you need to do is select the post which you want to target to get an audience. The selection can be based on different things like the number of likes and comments or how closely the post matches with your Industry.
  • Next, you need to fetch the users who have interacted with that post, like those who have commented on it or liked it. This can be done by copying the post URL from LinkedIn and extracting the user data using Salesrobot.
  • Once you have fetched your target audience and exported it to Salesrobot, you can reach out to different people from that data.
  • Further, Using Salesrobot, you can run campaigns and send connection requests and personalized messages to the leads.

Using Salesrobot, you can create campaigns with just a few clicks and use readymade templates to reach out to prospects. Along with campaign creation, you can also use Images or GIFs to make the interactions more eye-catchy. But when you reach out to thousands of people, it becomes hard to manage the LinkedIn Inbox. This can be eased by using the Smart Inbox offered by Salesrobot, which can help you to filter out different chats based on criteria.

You can refer to our blog to learn about message templates for LinkedIn outreach.

LinkedIn polls

LinkedIn polls are a new way to engage with your network and start discussions about topics that matter to you. LinkedIn users can now create polls directly on the platform, making it easier than ever to get opinions from professionals in their networks. Answering a poll is a matter of one click, so it is easier than commenting.

These polls can also be used to take reviews and feedback from customers and get market information, like how a customer will react to a change in your industry.

In addition to this, polls on LinkedIn can also be helpful for lead generation. They can effectively get your target audience, then scrape this list of prospects and reach out to them.

LinkedIn Poll Posts
Source: LinkedIn


How often should I post on LinkedIn?

The frequency of your LinkedIn posts depends on how active you want to be on the platform and what kind of content you're sharing. If you're posting original content, industry news, or interesting articles, you'll want to post more frequently than if you're only sharing your blog content.

However, if you're not sure how often to post, start with once or twice a week and see how your audience responds. If you're getting good engagement, you can increase the frequency of your posts. However, it is advised to be consistent and post 3-5 posts a week to get good engagement.

What is the perfect time to post on LinkedIn?

The best time to post on LinkedIn depends on your audience and when they're most active on the platform. If you're targeting a US audience, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on weekdays is considered the best time to post as most of the professionals are active at this time.

How long should my LinkedIn posts be?

Your LinkedIn posts can be as long or as short as you want, but keep in mind that people are more likely to read and engage with shorter posts. If you're sharing original content, aim for posts that are around 300 words. For industry news or interesting articles, shorter posts of around 100-200 words are typically more successful.

How can I schedule posts on LinkedIn?

You can schedule posts on LinkedIn using different platforms which are previously mentioned.

  • First, you need to add your LinkedIn account to the social media management tool.
  • Then you need to create a post. Make sure to keep it precise and attractive.
  • Select other things like a social network, hashtags for your post, etc.
  • Set a date and time for posting.
  • Analyze the post by monitoring the engagement and number of likes and comments.

Consistency is the key. Post consistently. You are all set to go!

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LinkedIn Guide

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