LinkedIn Guide

LinkedIn product pages: We created 20 last year, here's what we found

Unlock the potential of LinkedIn Product Pages! Learn 6 reasons they matter, create your page step-by-step, master LinkedIn product marketing, look at examples, and gain our insights from creating 20 pages last year.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
July 5, 2024
Table of contents

Let’s begin with a pop quiz today!

Don’t worry, it won’t be like the surprise test your History teacher dropped every once in a while.

This one’s quick, and the answer is literally why you’re even here.

So here goes - 

Where on LinkedIn can businesses display their B2B products, build a trusted community, and also score leads?

a) LinkedIn Personal Profile

b) LinkedIn Marketplace

c) LinkedIn Product Page

Answer coming in 3... 2... 1…

🎊🎉c) LinkedIn Product Page!🎉🎊

Yes, a LinkedIn Product Page can work wonders for your B2B business. So, 

❓If you want to create a Product Page right away but don’t know how, or

❓If you’ve got a bunch of questions about them but don’t know where to look.

Congratulations, you’ve come to the right place.

Stick around. We’re just about to

🙌Find out 6 reasons why you should care about LinkedIn Product Pages.

🙌Figure out the difference between the LinkedIn Product Page, Company Page, and Showcase Page.

🙌Understand how to create a Product Page with step-by-step instructions.

🙌Learn how to sell on LinkedIn without Product Pages, and finally

🙌Know 6 super important things we discovered while creating 20+ product pages last year.

So, get ready.

You’ll get all the answers you need in 5 mins, lessgo!

What is a LinkedIn Product Page?

The LinkedIn Product Page is part of your LinkedIn business page, and you can locate it in the "Products" tab. 

The product page is seen.

It is a dedicated space on LinkedIn made especially for B2B products.

Here, you can display your products to catch the eye of potential buyers. 

On this page, you can 

Create a list of your products

Write a description of each, 

✅Show some pictures or videos and even 

Get ratings and reviews from customers.

But the thing is, potential customers can’t make a purchase directly from this page.

So, why even care about this page? 

Let’s find out!

6 Reasons You Should Care about LinkedIn Product Pages

LinkedIn Product Page does more than build social proof for your brand.

It can help your business in these 6 ways:

  1. It acts like a signpost to your product website, where customers can confidently make a purchase.
  2. It's really helpful when you’re trying to get people who are close to buying your product, to either ask for demos or get in touch with sales directly.
  3. It lets you use pictures and videos to show your product in the best light.
  4. It makes buyers more confident in your products because they can read reviews and check out the profiles of other legit buyers.
  5. It also lets customers: 

✔️Rate your products from 1 to 5

✔️Talk about what they like and don't like and 

✔️Pick pre-set tag options to describe your product, like - 

  • Easy-to-use, 
  • Innovative, 
  • Good customer support or 
  • Easy setup

How Many Product Pages Can You Create Per LinkedIn Company Page?

Got multiple products you’d like to highlight on LinkedIn? 

No worries, you can make up to 35 Product Pages

However, there's a catch—only the 10 most recently created Product Pages will be visible to people visiting your Page. 

I know what you’re thinking - What’s the catch here? How much do I need to pay to list my products?

Meme of a torn pocket.

Let’s find out in the next section.

Are LinkedIn product pages free?

First, the good news:

LinkedIn Product Pages are free. 😀

Now the not-so-good: 🤨

LinkedIn Product Pages can only be created if your products fall under certain categories like:

  • B2B software, 
  • Computer hardware,
  • Financial services, 
  • Insurance, 
  • Education, 
  • Healthcare, and 
  • Pharmaceuticals. 

So what should you do then? 

Should you give up on your dream customers who are hanging out on Linkedin? 

Meme of a woman saying hell no.

You’ll roll up your sleeves, sign up on Salesrobot, and let automation handle your LinkedIn Outreach.

Salesrobot will

  • Send personalized connection requests to leads on autopilot
  • Write hyper-personalized follow-up messages
  • Leave comments on their latest posts and more…

All the while, making sure your LinkedIn account doesn’t get into trouble.

Sounds cool? Thought so 😉

But more on that later, first, let’s figure out

How to create a LinkedIn Product Page? 7 Step Guide

Ready to create the perfect Product Page for your business? All right! Here’s what you’ve got to do:

Step 1: Add a new Product

Start by heading to the super admin view of your business page. Next, click on the “Products” tab 

a button showing Products.

and choose "Add new product." 

A button showing Add new products.

Enter your product's name and click “Get started”. 

Text box to add product name and get started.

Once your product name is saved, you'll be taken to a new page where you can edit or add information. 

The page to edit information.

Just click on the pencil icons next to the sections you want to modify. Easy, right?

Step 2: Add/Edit Product Details

The first thing on the Product details checklist is – the product logo. Look for the pencil icon, and add your product's logo. Just make sure it's a 1:1 square image.

Now, click "Add category" and type in some keywords that really tell what your product is all about. LinkedIn will give you some suggestions. Once done, click save. 

The third detail you’ll need to add is a CTA

Place to add logo and product information.

When you go to the Call to Action section, you'll find there are six options.

How will you know which one is the one for you?

Here’s what we found while we created 20+ Product Pages:

If you’ve just started your business then “Learn More” and “Try Now” work best for you. 


Because “Learn More” helps build brand awareness by educating potential customers who might not want to commit to your products yet. 

And “Try Now” allows potential customers to experience the product directly, which can be a powerful motivator to move forward with a purchase.

If you’re a small business owner who wants to increase sales or get users to sign up for a service, "Get Started" or "Download Now" are the ones for you as they nudge your customers to take their next step.

If you’re a solopreneur looking to build a database of potential customers, "Contact Us" or "Request Demo" work best as they invite your dream customers to engage with you. You can even link a lead collection form with one of these CTAs.

(Don’t know what lead collection is? Don’t worry I’ll get to it on the next point.)

If you’re still unsure about which one to pick then test a few different CTAs and analyze their performance to find out the one that works best for you.

A page to CTA

Step 3: Add URL

Once you've selected your desired CTA, you need to provide the link (URL) that directs people to a specific location. This could be a landing page or a page where they can learn more about your product.

A page to add the product URL.

Here’s how it works:

First, you’ll have to create a lead gen form.

Then link it to a CTA button like “Learn More” or “Request Demo”.

When someone clicks on it they’ll be directed to the lead collection form you created.

Here they’re prompted to fill out various details, like name, contact information, company name, and so on.

Once done, they’ll click on a Submit button and that will send all their information to you.

Step-4: Describe Your Product

Under “About” you’ll notice an “Overview” button. When you click it you’ll find a “Product description” section.

This is where you’ll be pouring in the details about your product. Start by knowing your target audience and focus on how your product solves real problems for them. 

While writing this section remember to use 

✅headings and subheadings, 

✅bullet points, 

✅short paragraphs, 

✅bold or italic formatting, and 

✅simple jargon-free language.

Next, don't forget to provide the link to your product's website under the Product website URL.

A textbox for adding product descriptions

Step 5: Add Visuals to highlight your products

The 'Media' page lets you add high-quality videos and images to put your products in the spotlight.

A page to add product media.

Just remember to 

Select 3 videos and 2 pictures (as recommended by LinkedIn)

✅Keep videos under 3 minutes (for better impact)

✅With 16:9 aspect ratio

✅And make sure images are up to 1128 x 376 pixels

Wondering which videos should you add?

You can show demos, tutorials, launches, or even a brand video for new users. Oh, and don't forget to add captions for people who watch without sound.


Step 6: Add Customers who love your product

On the “Customers” page, you can highlight the experiences of up to 21 customers who have used your product. 

A page to add organizations that are customers

Btw, when LinkedIn says "customers," it means organizations and businesses, not regular people. 

It's important that these customer organizations have their own LinkedIn company pages. 

If your customers belong to various industries and have different business sizes, it's a good idea to feature a mix

But hey, before adding them, make sure you have their permission.

Step 7: Finally Submit for Review

Done with all the steps? Awesome! Now just submit your product page for review by LinkedIn. 

Remember, this process can take up to 2 weeks. So be patient.

Now that we have that sorted, let’s talk about how LinkedIn Product Pages are different from LinkedIn Company and Showcase Pages.

How are LinkedIn Product Pages different from LinkedIn Company or Showcase Pages?

Product Page isn’t the only LinkedIn page that can help your business get the recognition it deserves

LinkedIn's Showcase Page and Company Page are also available. 

And if you've just started your business, and are too pressed for time for all this, I’ll also show you how to get more leads and do outreach on autopilot

But, first things first, here’s everything you need to know about the LinkedIn Showcase Page and Company Page and how they are different from the LinkedIn Product Page.

A chart showing the comparison between the product page, company page, and showcase page.

Different types of pages on LinkedIn serve various purposes: 

The Company Page is for overall business presence, Product Pages are for specific products, and Showcase Pages are for targeted content related to a particular branch or aspect of the company.

Let’s break it down further.

LinkedIn Company Page:

  • What it is: This is the main profile for a business on LinkedIn. It stands for the brand and is where you share general information about the company, like its size, industry, and location.
  • Benefits: It helps in making your company’s presence known on LinkedIn. You can post updates, share news, and connect with your employees and followers. 
  • Best for: Every business should have a Company Page, as it's the starting point for a business on Linkedin.
  • Example: Microsoft's LinkedIn Company Page. It describes Microsoft as a company and provides general information such as its industry, size, and brief history. The page is used to post company news, job openings, and updates about Microsoft's overall business.

LinkedIn Product Page:

  • What it is: This section within a Company Page lets you highlight your products, share their features, and collect reviews.
  • Benefits: It's great for displaying your products, attracting dream customers, and getting/showcasing feedback about your products 
  • Best for: Businesses with products that they want to feature separately from the overall company. This is especially useful if your company offers a variety of products and you want to give each one a dedicated space.

LinkedIn Showcase Page:

  • What it is: It’s like a special section that focuses on one particular topic. You can share content and information just about this topic, and people who are interested can follow this page.
  • Benefits: If your business has different products/services that are meant for different sets of audience, Showcase Pages allow you to network with each separately.
  • Best for: Corporates/Enterprises or those with different departments. 
  • Example: Goldman Sachs' Showcase Page "Goldman Sachs Asset Management" focuses on their asset management service, giving insights into investment strategies, market analyses, and success stories.

Now let’s check out some more Product Pages before you start making your own.

LinkedIn Product Page Examples: Industry-wise

So I’ve gone ahead and made a list of some well-made Product Pages. Let’s take a quick look because who knows? One of these might inspire you to create one of your own. 

  1. Twilio Flex: Check out their product description. It has detailed information about their service and comes with helpful tags.
Twilio Flex Product page description
  1. Jira Software: They have a well-curated collection of videos that highlight their product offerings.
The Jira product page with the uploaded videos is seen.
  1. Sales Cloud: Check out Salesforce's Product Page for Sales Cloud - their CRM platform designed for sales automation. It’s full of details about the features, benefits, and customer testimonials specific to Sales Cloud.
Salescloud product page is seen
  1. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: This page is frequently updated and provides a consistent flow of information to its many followers.

Now coming to the part you’ve been scrolling for.

Are Product Pages All You Need to Sell Your Product on LinkedIn? 

LinkedIn today, is the number 1 lead-gen platform, especially for B2B businesses. 

And you have better chances of bagging high-quality leads on LinkedIn because here you get

  • Better targeting,
  • More chances to interact with potential customers,
  • Improved awareness of your brand,
  • Better chances to connect with important people in your industry.

But all this can’t be achieved by creating Product Pages alone.

You need to know how to outreach like a pro on LinkedIn.

And if you’re spending sleepless nights because you’re new to all this and don’t know where to start…

Sleep meme


There’s a way out.

You can bag top leads and sell your products on LinkedIn

Without spending too much time on the platform.

❌Without draining all your funds.

❌Without feeling depressed because you feel you’re not doing enough.

Salesrobot, the LinkedIn automation I coded from scratch, now helps 3000 business owners like you safely connect with 100+ qualified prospects every day. 

It can

☑️Explore your prospect's profiles and find out about their interests

☑️Connect you with your prospects on autopilot 

☑️Write hyper-personalized follow-up messages 

☑️Stop sending follow-up messages once your leads responds thanks to the Smart Reply Detection feature. 


☑️Like and Comment on posts on your behalf

While you binge-watch your favorite shows on Netflix.🍿

Want to start selling on LinkedIn already?


1. Login to your Salesrobot account

 2. Click “Campaigns” and “Create Campaign”

how easy it is to create a campaign in Salesrobot.

3. Pick “I’m an advanced user”

stepyou need to follow to create and execute a campaign in Salesrobot. s

4. Click “Add from Sales Nav Search”

"Add from Sales Nav Search" is one of the methods to run a campaign.

5. Next, go to LinkedIn sales navigator - use filters and create a list of your ideal clients

the example of Sales Nav search.

6. Copy the Sales nav URL and paste it into Salesrobot.

the example of LinkedIn Sales Nav URL.

7. Follow the next steps and create a sequence of messages to be sent to these leads.

the 3 ways you can create a sequence in Salesrobot.

8.  Save and Start the campaign 

And there you go. You’ll have an inbox full of customers asking about your product in the next 24 hours.

Here’s a quick video to walk you through it.

Need some more help to start a campaign from scratch? 

It’s alright. I’ve got you covered.

Meet SalesGPT.

The Salesrobot page to create a SalesGPT campaign.

Our AI-powered campaign assistant that let’s you start a campaign by just chatting with it. 

Answer a few questions in simple Englsih language, and let our tool create the campaign for you.

That’s all.

So, want to give Salesrobot a try?

Sign up for our 14-day trial - no credit card required

6 Things We Learnt from Creating 20+ Product Pages Last Year 

Before we get into that in detail, let’s do a quick recap of what we’ve unpacked so far:

  • We’ve understood what LinkedIn Product Pages are.
  • Discussed the benefits of having them on your business page.
  • Figured out how to create them in 7 simple steps.
  • Understood the difference between Product Page, Showcase Page, and Company Page.
  • And we also saw how can you sell on LinkedIn without creating a Product Page for your business.

Now coming to 6 lessons we learnt from creating 20+ Product Pages last year. 

A gif of a person taking notes.

LinkedIn Product Pages will give you the best results if you: 

  1. Identify Your Audience: Clearly define who your product is for.
  2. Use Good Product Media: Upload high-quality images/videos that display your product really well.
  3. Gather Trusted User Reviews: Aim for at least five insightful reviews for credibility.
  4. Display Customer Logos: To highlight those who’ve used your product.
  5. Write Engaging Content: To make your brand look premium.
  6. Use automated outreach: Along with Product Pages.

So there you have it!

I’ve told you everything I know and then some on LinkedIn Product Page.

I hope this answers all your questions. 

Btw, I’m sure by now Salesrobot must have caught your attention since I’ve mentioned it a few times. Ok, a lot. 

So, if you’d like to take it for a spin please sign up for our  FREE 14-day trial.

We don’t need your phone number, we won’t ask you for your credit card details. 

Just your email and you’re good to go.

That’s all for now.

See you around!

Create automated campaigns

And get replies from 5.1% prospects with high-converting messages crafted by Salesrobot.
*based on past 6 months of campaigns by 3k+ Salesrobot users

More in 
LinkedIn Guide

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