Lead Generation

12 LinkedIn Scraping Tools You Have To Try in 2024 [FREE tools included]

Are you tired of manually searching for leads and spending hours on tedious tasks? Then this blog will introduce you to some of best social media scraping tools available in the market for lead gen.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
April 11, 2024
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If you're lost in the maze of LinkedIn scraping tools


If you’re tired of sifting through endless lists of scraping tools with no clear winner.

Sound familiar?

We get it. Scraping LinkedIn is not easy.

And finding the best LinkedIn scraping tool for your use case is a total head-scratcher.

In our early days, we felt the struggle too. But we found our match

Now, we're to ease your pain. We’ll help you find the best LinkedIn scraping tool. 

After testing 12 tools, we have the best LinkedIn scraping tool.

But before we reveal it, you should know: 

🌟What's a LinkedIn scraper, anyway?

🌟The lowdown on 3 types of LinkedIn data scrapers.

🌟Our top picks: 12 best LinkedIn scraping tools.

🌟Got questions? We've got answers in the FAQ section.

And finally 

🌟The ultimate scraping tool awaits.

So, grab your coffee, get a pen and paper, and let's dive in!

A baby diving into the pool

What Is A LinkedIn Scraper?

Okay, let's break this down simply. A LinkedIn Scraper is a tool that helps you get specific information from LinkedIn without you having to manually go through hundreds of LinkedIn profiles and copy pasting data from LinkedIn into an excel spreadsheet.

There are different types of scrapers depending on what data you want to extract from LinkedIn. 

Linkedin Email Scraper

These tools help you scrape email addresses of your target people from LinkedIn. 

They either scrape it from publicly available email addresses from the profile section or tap into third party databases.
Examples from our list: Salesrobot, Wiza, Evaboot, Findymail, LeadIQ

Linkedin Profile Scraper

These tools help you scrape profile information such as their full names, company names, university, job title, LinkedIn headline, profile picture, location, follower count, work experience, and other detailed information present in their profile.

the information you can scrape off a LinkedIn profile.
Source: LinkedIn

Examples from our list: Salesrobot, Phantombuster, Proxycurl, Brightdata, Peopledatalabs


Linkedin Sales Navigator Scraper

These tools help you scrape search results from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, which is a paid feature from LinkedIn that lets you search for your ideal customers on LinkedIn using advanced filters.

In this example, I’ve searched for CEOs of small companies (1-10 employees) in the Bay Area who posted on LinkedIn in the last 90 days.

information that can be scraped via LinkedIn Sales Navigator
Source: LinkedIn Sales navigator

A LinkedIn Sales Navigator search scraper would scrape all the available information such as Full Name, Job Title, Company Name, Location, Time in the role, and Time at the current company.
Examples from our list: Salesrobot, Phantombuster, Dripify, Linked Helper 2, Octopus CRM, Dux Soup, Anypicker

Linkedin Job Scraper

A LinkedIn Job scraper would scrape job listings with a particular title or keyword.
Examples: Brightdata, Phantombuster, Anypicker

Linkedin Post Scraper

Does pretty much what it says on the tin, it scrapes Linkedin posts en-masse or from particular LinkedIn members or posts containing a particular hashtag.
Examples: Salesrobot, Brightdata

Linkedin Search Scraper

This is very similar to LinkedIn Sales Navigator scraper, but instead of scraping Sales Navigator search results, it scrapes LinkedIn search.

the information a LinkedIn Scraper scrapes of LinkedIn
Source: LinkedIn

Examples include: Salesrobot, Phantombuster, Dripify, Linked Helper 2, Octopus CRM, Dux Soup, Anypicker
It’s important to note that email scrapers also give you some of this information along with their email addresses.

Linkedin Group Scraper

Again, pretty self-explanatory. These tools scrape LinkedIn group members.
Examples: Salesrobot, Phantombuster

3 Types of LinkedIn Data Scrapers

Alright, let's chat about these LinkedIn scrapers. They come in three flavors, and each has its own superpower.

1. Chrome Extensions Based LinkedIn Scrapers:

  • These are simple Chrome browser add-ons that work to scrape data from your LinkedIn account on your computer.
  • You should use them when you need a quick data grab of only a few LinkedIn profiles (for example, if you’re scraping a Sales Navigator search with up to 2500 results )
  • Perfect for simple stuff like Sales Nav search, LinkedIn search, and email scraping based on searches 

Examples include: Anypicker, Evaboot, Findymail, Wiza, LeadIQ, Octopus CRM, and Dux Soup

2. Python-Based LinkedIn Scrapers:

  • You can think of them as tools only to be used by coding wizards with a decent understanding of Python.
  • They are great for complex scraping tasks such as extracting hiring managers from LinkedIn job postings.
  • They are best used when you want to create custom solutions or do big data hauls.

3. Cloud-Based LinkedIn Scrapers

  • They are to be used when Chrome Extension based scrapers just don’t cut it. Let’s say you need to scrape 100 LinkedIn profiles every day. If you use a Chrome extension based scraper to do it, it’ll stop scraping if you forget to leave your computer on! And not to mention that it’ll slow down your computer. In that case, you should consider moving to Cloud based LinkedIn scraper.
G2 review of Dux-Soup
Source: G2
  • They are great for when you have an old computer that can’t handle Chrome Extensions and are just more convenient in general.

Examples include: Salesrobot, Phantombuster, Dripify

The key is picking the tool that fits your job. No rocket science here, just smart choices for your use case. 

12 Best LinkedIn Scraping Tools We Tried

1. Salesrobot

Salesrobot is a cloud based LinkedIn automation tool that helps you automate the work of sending connection requests and direct messages to your dream customers on LinkedIn. 

Using Salesrobot, you can save up to 6-8 hours of manual work on LinkedIn and reach out to 100s of your dream customers without lifting a finger.

Sales Robot Concept Videos
<Button to start free trial>
Primary use case: Cold LinkedIn outreach and cold email outreach
What does it scrape? Sales Navigator searches, LinkedIn searches, LinkedIn profiles, LinkedIn emails, LinkedIn groups, LinkedIn posts

  • Import your Sales Nav or LinkedIn searches (let’s say you want to connect with CEOs of tech startups in San Francisco)
  • Set up the messaging sequence to be sent from your LinkedIn account (your connection request message, what you want to say to them after you connect with them, what you want to say in the follow ups if they don’t reply)
  • Automation stops when they reply to the robot (they think it’s you, of course)
  • In-built inbox to manage all of your responses and leads (with the ability to do automated follow ups if the conversation goes dry)
  • Automatically wish your connections a happy birthday or congratulate them on a new role.
  • Scrape their profiles, emails, and phone numbers.


Salesrobot pricing
Source: Salesrobot
  • $99/mo for the do-it-yourself plan
  • $397/mo (The Pro plan) if you want Salesrobot’s team of social selling experts to manage your LinkedIn and email campaigns for you. They help you figure out who you should reach out to and what kind of messaging would work best for you.
  • $497/mo (the Pro+ plan) if you want a fully managed LinkedIn profile. The team does everything in Pro and also writes 4 engaging LinkedIn posts and leaves 40 insightful comments on your dream customers’ posts. This makes them notice you and want to talk to you.

2. Phantombuster

Phantombuster is a cloud-based scraping tool that helps you scrape and automate your activity across multiple platforms.

Phantom_buster webpage
Source: Phantombuster

Phantombuster can scrape data from a lot of different social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Google, Twitter (apparently it’s called X now), Instagram and more.

how the dashboard of phantom buster looks like
Source: Phantombuster

Primary use case: Scraping and automating multiple social media platforms

What does it scrape? It can scrape profile pages, search results, posts, and emails.
In addition to that, it can automate connection requests, liking, commenting and messaging people.


the features of phantom buster
Source: Phantombuster
  • Scrape LinkedIn profiles
  • Scrape LinkedIn and Sales Navigator search 
  • Scrape LinkedIn connections
  • Scrape LinkedIn Group members and Event attendees
  • Scrape likers and commenters of  particular LinkedIn post
  • Scrape company details on LinkedIn
  • Find emails via Dropcontact integration


plans and pricing of Phantom buster
Source: Phantombuster

Phantombuster is priced based on 3 different criteria:

  • Hours of phantom execution time per month
  • Number of AI credits
  • Number of phantom slots

The prices are as follows:

  • Starter: $69/mo
  • Pro: $159/mo
  • Team: $439/mo

If you’re a beginner, we recommend using the Trial version for 14 days to get familiar with the platform and move to a paid plan after you get comfortable with the tool.

3. Proxycurl

Proxycurl is a cloud-based LinkedIn scraping API service built for developers

They do the hard work of converting unstructured LinkedIn data into a simple and performant API. 

You can use their API to scrape almost anything on LinkedIn without even using your LinkedIn account.

The only downside to using Proxycurl is that you need to know a little bit of Python to use their APIs and get the data downloaded into an Excel spreadsheet. 

You can also use no code tools like n8n.io and pipedream.com to use this API. 

If you’re somebody who wants to use the Proxycurl API directly in Google Sheets, you can check out their Sapiengraph product.

the features of Proxycurl
Source: Proxycurl

Primary use case: LinkedIn scraping without using your LinkedIn account

What does it scrape? LinkedIn profiles, LinkedIn company profiles, LinkedIn jobs, emails. It also lets you search the entire LinkedIn database without using LinkedIn search or Sales Nav search.


  • Scrape detailed information about any LinkedIn profile (including work history, educational experience, LinkedIn posts, etc.)
  • Scrape detailed information about any LinkedIn company (including a list of employees, number of employees, headquarters location, about section, etc)
  • Scrape detailed information about the jobs posted by any company (including job title, URL, date posted, location, and more)
  • Scrape LinkedIn search WITHOUT doing any search (they have a copy of LinkedIn’s database, so they allow you to search directly)


Proxycurl pricing
Source: Proxycurl

Proxycurl has 3 pricing options:

  • Pay-as-you-go pricing: These should be used by people who want to scrape only a few LinkedIn profiles once in a while. For example, if you want to scrape all marketing directors at non profits in NYC to invite them to a particular event, then pay as you go is suited for that. The price per credit varies from $0.018 to $0.1 depending on your volume commitment.
  • Monthly plan: These should be used by businesses with a predictable usage volume every month because these credits are cheaper and they expire. For example, if you’re a sales team, then you need this because you have activity quotas to hit. Price per credit ranges from $0.009 to $0.02 per credit.
  • Enterprise plan: The enterprise plan starts at $2000/mo for a minimum of 18 months of the contract. So if you’re really serious about Linkedin scraping and have $36000 to spare, do consider buying this plan.

4. Brightdata

Brightdata has a cloud-based LinkedIn profile scraping service that lets you scrape LinkedIn profiles, searches, jobs and more without you having to use your LinkedIn account. You can also buy their entire scraped Linkedin profiles’ dataset!

the webpage of Brightdata.
Source: Brightdata

Primary use case: LinkedIn scraping without using your LinkedIn account

What does it scrape? LinkedIn posts, LinkedIn jobs search, LinkedIn profiles, LinkedIn searches, LinkedIn job listings. 

Features (and use cases):

  • Lead & CRM enrichment for business development
  • Lead segmentation and marketing
  • Human resources: for example, find companies that are growing with particular characteristics
  • Collect public profiles and company data, including parameters like type of industry, size, job titles, roles, location, education & skills.
  • Track movements within and between companies for emerging business opportunities & new leads
  • Slash your prospecting time & sales discovery process
  • Combine firmographic & profile data to track company growth and history to screen potential investment candidates
  • Locate & keep track of top talent, including comprehensive insight on the skills, education, and experience of millions of qualified professionals with data that fuels machine-learning & AI recruitment tools
Brightdata features
Source: Brightdata


Brightdata’s LinkedIn scraper is a part of its Web Scraping IDE, with pricing plans as listed below.

Brightdata pricing
Source: Brightdata

Note that the pricing isn’t specific to LinkedIn, you can use this tool to scrape any website without being blocked.

Their code worker is a server side scraping solution, which is a simple request to load the target website and scrape simple HTML. For scraping LinkedIn, you'd probably need a browser worker since it’s a complex job.

  • Pay as you go: $8/CPM (cost per mil). So, if you want to scrape 1000 LinkedIn profiles, the cost will be $8 for this plan.
  • Growth: $500/mi and $6.8/CPM
  • Business: $1000/mo and $6/CPM 
  • Enterprise: Available on request

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of scraping LinkedIn yourself, you can also buy a dataset of LinkedIn profiles directly from Brightdata starting at $0.001 per profile.

5. SalesQL

SalesQL allows you to export 40+ data points on leads from Sales Navigator, Linkedin, and Recruiter. You can also find professional emails of those leads and export them to your favorite CRM directly from the tool.

It is a Chrome extension that allows you to use your own LinkedIn account to scrape LinkedIn.

SalesQL homepage
Source: SalesQL

Primary use case: Scraping emails and phone numbers from LinkedIn in bulk

What does it scrape? LinkedIn searches, LinkedIn Sales Nav search, LinkedIn Recruiter searches 


  • Sales Navigator search export
  • Linkedin search export
  • Recruiter search export
  • Find emails
  • Verify emails
  • Export leads to your CRM


  • Free: 50 free credits/month
  • Starter: $39/month for 1000 credits
  • Advanced: $79/month for 4000 credits
  • Pro: $119/month for 10000 credits
SalesQL pricing
Source: SalesQL

6. Evaboot

Evaboot is a LinkedIn Sales Navigator scraper that helps you find professional emails of each person and verify them. It also cleans your lead lists and removes irrelevant people and cleans up the first name and company names.
It is a Chrome extension tool that works on top of your LinkedIn account.

Evaboot homepage
Source: Evaboot

Primary use case: Scraping Sales Nav searches and finding emails

What does it scrape? Sales Nav searches


  • Export Sales Navigator searches and lists
  • Clean your data (emojis, capital letters)
  • Detect false positives in your search results
  • Find emails
  • Verify emails


  • $49 per month for 2000 leads
  • $99 per month for 5000 leads
  • $199 per month for 20000 leads
Evaboot pricing
Source: Evaboot

7. Findymail

Findymail turns Sales Navigator searches into an email list in one click. It’s a simple Sales Navigator search scraper used by thousands of customers.
In addition to scraping LinkedIn Sales Navigator, it scrapes Apollo IO searchesas well.

It is a Chrome extension that allows you to use your own LinkedIn account to scrape LinkedIn.

Findymail homepage
Source: Findymail

Primary use case: Scraping Sales Navigator (or Apollo) searches and finding emails

What does it scrape? Sales Nav searches


  • Apollo scraping
  • Linkedin Sales Navigator Scraping
  • Email Finder
  • Email Verifier
  • Data Cleaning


  • 1000 emails /month: $49/mo
  • 5000 emails /month: $99
  • 15,000 emails /month: $249
Findymail pricing
Source: Findymail

8. Wiza

Wiza is used by over 30,000+ businesses to create prospect lists from LinkedIn.

Using Wiza, you can export leads from LinkedIn with accurate contact info (emails and phone numbers) and connect directly with your audience using cold emails and cold calling.

It is a Chrome extension that allows you to use your own LinkedIn account to scrape LinkedIn.

Wiza homepage
Source: Wiza

Primary use case: Scraping LinkedIn and Sales Nav searches and finding emails/phone numbers

What does it scrape? Linkedin searches results, emails and phone numbers


  • Sales Navigator scraping
  • Linkedin scraping
  • Recruiter scraping
  • Find emails
  • Verify emails


  • Micro: $30 /user /month
  • Pro: $50 /user /month
  • Growth: $100 /user /month
Wiza pricing
Source: Wiza

9. LeadIQ

LeadIQ is a prospecting platform for SaaS sales teams to book more meetings through better prospecting.
That’s a fancy way of saying that it helps you find emails and phone numbers of prospects from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, track buying triggers (such as funding, job changes), and use AI to write personalized emails based on those buying triggers. 

It is a Chrome extension that allows you to use your own LinkedIn account to scrape LinkedIn.

LeadIQ homepage
Source: LeadIQ

Primary use case: Scraping Sales Nav, finding emails/phone numbers and sending them to your CRM in one click

What does it scrape? LinkedIn and Sales Nav searches


  • Sales Navigator scraping
  • Linkedin scraping
  • Find emails and phone numbers
  • Send to CRM in one click
  • Identifying buying triggers (job changes, funding)
  • Write personalized emails based on buying triggers


  • Free: 20 verified emails per week and 10 mobile phone numbers
  • Essential: $45/month
  • Pro: $89/month
  • Enterprise: Annual plan
LeadIQ pricing
Source: LeadIQ

10. Dripify

Dripify is a cloud-based LinkedIn automation and scraping tool designed to help your sales team automate LinkedIn prospecting and close more deals. 

It’s used by salespeople who want to grow their network on LinkedIn with their ideal customers and try to convince them to get on a sales call with them.

Dripify homepage
Source: Dripify

Dripify supports Ukraine, and so do we! Slava Ukraini!

Primary use case: LinkedIn automation tool

What does it scrape? LinkedIn search results, Sales Nav searches, LinkedIn Recruiter lite searches 


  • Automate LinkedIn connection requests
  • Automate LinkedIn direct messages
  • Organize LinkedIn inbox
  • Scrape LinkedIn search results
  • Stop when the prospect replies to the automation


  • Basic: $59/user/month
  • Pro: $79/user/month
  • Advanced: $99/user/month
Dripify pricing
Source: Dripify

11. Octopus CRM

Octopus CRM is another LinkedIn automation tool that helps salespeople automate their LinkedIn connection requests and follow ups so that they can get into conversations with their dream customers directly on LinkedIn.

It’s a really cheap Chrome Extension tool and it’s used by over 40,000 users worldwide.

octopus crm homepage
Source: Octopus CRM

Primary use case: LinkedIn automation tool

What does it scrape? LinkedIn searches, LinkedIn Sales Navigator searches, LinkedIn Recruiter lite searches 


  • LinkedIn connection request bulk automation
  • LinkedIn messaging
  • CRM integration
  • Auto-visit, auto-endorse
  • Integrations via Zapier


  • Starter: $9.99 per month
  • Pro: $14.99 per month
  • Advanced: $21.99 per month
  • Unlimited $39.99 per month
Octopus CRM pricing
Source: Octopus CRM

12. Linked Helper 2

Linked Helper 2 is a desktop application that automates your connection requests and follow up messages on LinkedIn.

It’s a 7 year old product that’s used by over 300,000 users worldwide. It’s really cheap too.

However, in our experience, it can be difficult to use. We wrote a detailed review here.

Linked Helper homepage
Source: Linked Helper

Primary use case: LinkedIn automation tool

What does it scrape? LinkedIn searches, Sales Nav searches, LinkedIn Recruiter lite searches 


  • LinkedIn connection request bulk automation
  • LinkedIn messaging
  • Activity Dashboard
  • Activity Tracking
  • Auto-Responders
  • In-built CRM


  • Starter: $9.99 per month
  • Pro: $14.99 per month
  • Advanced: $21.99 per month
  • Unlimited $39.99 per month

Frequently Asked Questions About LinkedIn Data Scraping

We're almost done here. But first, let's tackle some common questions about LinkedIn scraping tools. Ready? 

Let's go!

Is LinkedIn Scraping Illegal?

Okay, so scraping data isn't automatically bad

But on LinkedIn, it's against the rules if you do it without permission.

Even though scraping can give us good info, we've gotta be careful. LinkedIn can catch you if you're scraping too much, like checking too many profiles real quick.

How Many Profiles Can I Scrape From LinkedIn Every Day?

The answer is 2500 LinkedIn profiles

How Do I Scrape LinkedIn Using Python?

To do that, you need to know Python, which might be tricky for some.

But don't worry! I've made a video to help you out

Plus, I've included a JS script you can use for scraping LinkedIn and automating your activity.

The Ultimate LinkedIn Scraping Tool? 

Drumroll, please! 🥁🥁🥁

The moment you've been waiting for: the ultimate LinkedIn Scraping tool is... Salesrobot!

Now, before you think, "They're just biased towards their own tool," let me explain.

1. One tool for all: No need for multiple scrapers; Salesrobot does it all.

2. Easy outreach: While some tools struggle with LinkedIn outreach, Salesrobot excels, complete with auto follow-ups.

3. Reduced LinkedIn risk: Its cloud-based nature means it uses stable IP addresses, mimicking human behavior and keeping your account safe.

These are just three of the many reasons to choose Salesrobot.

But why take my word for it? 

Try our 14-day trial for yourself. 

No phone number or credit card required—just enter your email and start reaping the benefits!

Till next time. 

Message 100s on people on LinkedIn and cold email.

Every Week. Automatically.

Trusted by 3.2k users in 45 countries

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