Lead Generation

Expandi review: Discover what 50+ users have to say before you buy!

Ready to take your LinkedIn outreach to the next level? Discover if Expandi lives up to the hype with our unbiased review.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
May 28, 2024
Table of contents

Hey there!

Welcome to our blog, designed specifically for service-based business owners and lead generation agencies seeking to boost their sales.

In this Expandi.io review, I'll take you on a journey filled with valuable insights from personal experiences and feedback from numerous users across different review platforms. 

Our goal is to provide a thorough analysis that helps you make an informed decision about Expandi.

So, what can you expect from this Expandi.io review? Let's give you a sneak peek:

So, grab a coffee, get comfortable, and join us as we embark on this insightful Expandi.io review. 

By the end, you'll have all the necessary information to determine if Expandi.io is the right fit for your business.

Let's dive in together!


So, what is Expandi? 

Expandi.io is a cloud-based automation tool designed for lead generation and outreach campaigns on LinkedIn (they’ve also introduced cold email capabilities)

It offers: 

✅Advanced targeting capabilities to focus on the right prospects from  LinkedIn (including LinkedIn search, Sales Navigator search, commenters/likers on a certain LinkedIn post and more), 

✅A campaign builder for sending connection requests and direct messages to new connections, 

✅A/B testing capability so that you’re able to find the right target segment of your target market and messaging that resonates with them, and

✅A competitive pricing structure. 

However, it has drawbacks such as 

❌Poor customer support, 

❌A confusing user interface, 

❌Inconsistent performance, 

❌Lack of clear guidelines, and 

❌The risk of LinkedIn account suspension. 

Expandi.io integrates with LinkedIn Premium, Sales Navigator, and Recruiter Lite, providing features like warm-up mode, email and LinkedIn outreach, detailed metrics and reporting, automation features, and collaboration and security options.

What are the pros of using Expandi? 

Here are the advantages of using Expandi.io-

A chart showing the advantages of using Expandi.io.

A/B testing and campaign builder:

The A/B testing feature in Expandi.io allows users to experiment with different campaign strategies, testing multiple variations of their outreach efforts, such as message templates, subject lines, or call-to-action buttons.

  • By comparing the performance of these variations, users can identify the most effective approach and optimize their LinkedIn outreach efforts accordingly, increasing the chances of success.

The campaign builder in Expandi.io enables users to create customized flows aligned with their specific outreach goals, designing and automating outreach sequences that send messages at the right time and in the right order.

  • This flexibility and control over lead-generation campaigns provide users with the ability to tailor their outreach strategies for better results.
A review by expanid customer on G2

Advanced targeting capabilities due to LinkedIn integration:

Expandi.io offers advanced targeting capabilities on top of LinkedIn search/Sales Navigator search that allow users to define specific criteria for their target audience, such as industry, job title, location, and more.

  • Users can narrow down their audience based on relevant factors, ensuring their outreach efforts are focused on the right prospects who are more likely to be interested in their offering.
  • By reaching the right people with more relevant messages, users can increase engagement and response rates, ultimately driving better outcomes.
  • The precision targeting provided by Expandi.io saves time and resources by effectively and efficiently reaching the intended audience.

Competitive pricing structure:

Expandi.io is cost-effective and offers good value for its features and benefits.

  • Users can maximize their return on investment (ROI) by utilizing powerful features without overspending.
  • The cost-effectiveness of Expandi.io is particularly advantageous for teams and businesses with limited resources, enabling them to achieve their outreach goals while staying within budget.
  • By maintaining financial prudence, users can allocate resources to other important areas of their business while still benefiting from the automation and outreach capabilities of Expandi.io.

What are the cons of using Expandi? 

A chart explaining the disadvantages of using Expandi.io.

Account suspension risk:

One of the top drawbacks of Expandi.io is the potential risk of account suspension or blockage by LinkedIn. This affects tool usage and puts your existing LinkedIn connections at risk. 

review by customer on G2

Here are the key points:

  • The risk of getting banned or having your LinkedIn account blocked.
  • The potential loss of valuable connections and credibility.
  • The fear of jeopardizing your LinkedIn presence and opportunities.

Poor customer support:

Expandi.io has gained a reputation for its poor customer support. Users consistently express frustration with slow response times, unhelpful answers, and a lack of support. 

A review saying Expandi.io has bad customer service.

Here's what users have mentioned:

  • Slow response times leave you hanging.
  • Unhelpful or irrelevant answers that don't solve your problems.
  • A lack of willingness to stand behind their product leaves you feeling unsupported.
A review by expandi customer on its poor customer service

Confusing user interface:

Expandi.io's user interface has been a common complaint among users. Navigating the platform, setting up campaigns, and finding information can be challenging

A review saying Expandi's features aren't good.

Here are the key points:

  • Clunky and unintuitive design that makes it difficult to use.
  • Challenges in navigating the platform and accessing features.
  • A user experience that can be confusing and frustrating.
A review by expandi customer, sharing its experience with poor User inteface

Inconsistent performance:

Users have reported unreliable performance with Expandi.io. Major errors and bugs have propped up regularly, which can be frustrating when relying on the tool for outreach efforts. 

Here's what users have encountered:

  • Unreliable and inconsistent performance that raises doubts.
  • Buggy interface that disrupts the workflow.
  • Uncertainty when relying on Expandi.io for outreach automation.
A review saying Expandi's software has issues.

Lack of clear guidelines:

Expandi.io's lack of clear guidelines on using the tool within LinkedIn's terms of service is a concern. Users may unintentionally violate LinkedIn's policies without proper guidance, leading to account suspensions or bans. 

LinkedIn account restricted? Asked to verify identity? Watch this video asap [RECOVERY GUIDE]

Here's what users have observed:

  • Vague instructions that make it difficult to comply with LinkedIn's terms of service.
  • Unclear guidance on using the tool within the platform's policies.
  • The risk of unintentionally violating LinkedIn's rules and facing account consequences.
A reivew by a customer saying their account got banned because of Expandi.

It's important to weigh these factors against the benefits and make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and requirements.

How much does Expandi cost?

Currently, Expandi.io offers two pricing plans. 

1) $99 per month per seat for businesses.

2) Customizable plan for agencies 

And if we discuss the trial, Expandi.io offers a 7-day free trial which may not be sufficient for you to get an in-depth experience of their automation.

The price chart of Expandi.io.

Other features that Expandi offers: 

  • Warm-up mode: Safely warm up your outreach efforts and avoid being blacklisted. Expandi.io provides a blacklist feature to ensure smooth communication and effectiveness.
  • Email outreach: Stay organized with LinkedIn and Email in one place. Labeling and saved replies make managing your messages a breeze. You'll also benefit from reply detection, ensuring you never miss an important response.
  • LinkedIn outreach: Unlock the full potential of LinkedIn with Expandi.io. The tool integrates seamlessly with LinkedIn Premium, Sales Navigator, and Recruiter Lite. This means you can personalize invites to connect, messages, InMails, and emails, targeting your desired audience with precision. 
  • Detailed metrics and reporting: Keep track of your campaign performance with detailed metrics and reporting. See how your outreach efforts are paying off and make data-driven decisions to optimize your strategy. 
  • Automation features: Expandi.io offers an array of automation features, including automated profile views, follows, endorsements, and post likes. You can even set up smart sequences based on your leads' behavior, maximizing your chances of success.  

So, here’s what we have covered so far in this Expandi review

Advantages of using Expandi.io:

  • A/B testing and campaign builder for optimizing outreach efforts.
  • Advanced targeting capabilities for focused outreach to the right prospects.
  • The competitive pricing structure offers value for features and benefits.

Disadvantages of using Expandi.io:

  • Poor customer support with slow response times and unhelpful answers.
  • The confusing and unintuitive user interface makes navigation and campaign setup difficult.
  • Inconsistent performance with errors and issues reported by users.
  • Lack of clear guidelines on using the tool within LinkedIn's terms of service, risking account suspension.
  • The potential risk of getting banned or having a LinkedIn account blocked affects software use and existing connections.

Expandi.io Pricing:

  • Business pricing plan: $99 per month per seat
  • Agency pricing plan: Customizable

Now let’s move on to why you might need an Expandi.io alternative. 

Reasons to go for an Expandi alternative:

  • Poor Customer service
  • Inconsistent Performance
  • Confusing User Interface
  • Lack of Clear Guidelines
  • Buggy tool
  • The limited 7-day free trial may not provide a comprehensive experience of automation

These factors can significantly impact your experience and effectiveness when using an automation tool. 

Exploring alternatives that excel in these areas can help you find a better solution that meets your needs and expectations.


Salesrobot: A leading Expandi.io alternative that doesn’t get your LinkedIn account banned (+ easy to use + great customer service)

I'm excited to introduce you to Salesrobot, the top alternative to Expandi.io! 

We understand the importance of excellent customer service, so we've made it a priority to provide you with outstanding support every step of the way

If you've ever had frustrations with Expandi.io's customer service, you'll find Salesrobot to be a refreshing change.

But that's not all! Salesrobot also boasts an easy-to-use user interface that will keep you up and running quickly. 

Say goodbye to confusion and hello to simplicity as you navigate through our intuitive platform

We've designed it with user-friendliness in mind, so you can focus on what matters most—reaching your sales goals.

Now, let's dive into what Salesrobot can do for you. 

As a cloud-based multi-channel sales engagement tool, we offer a range of powerful features

With Salesrobot, you can effortlessly run drip messaging campaigns and engage prospects through various channels like LinkedIn and email

It's a comprehensive solution that streamlines your outreach efforts and saves you time.

Speaking of LinkedIn, Salesrobot enables you to send direct messages directly to prospects' inboxes on the platform. 

This personalized approach has proven to achieve impressive positive response rates of 32% or more. 

Imagine the impact that kind of engagement can have on your sales pipeline!

So, whether you're looking to enhance your LinkedIn outreach, automate your email campaigns, or enjoy a user-friendly interface with top-notch customer service, Salesrobot is here to deliver. 

Give it a free try and experience a whole new level of sales automation success! No credit card or phone number needed!

What makes Salesrobot better than Expandi?

Expandi.io is a better-known tool than Salesrobot.

But Salesrobot compensates for the fact that it’s lesser known by offering impressive features at an attractive price point.

Want to know more?

Keep scrolling!

Bug-free and efficient performance: 

Salesrobot (previously Sendzilla) is bug-free. You won't encounter any pesky issues or performance glitches. You can focus on your outreach with peace of mind.

A review by a Salesrobot users praising how easy it is to use.

User-friendly interface and resources: 

Salesrobot is incredibly user-friendly, unlike Expandi.io. Even if you're new to automation, you'll find it easy to navigate and use.

A reivew of Salesrobot praising how easy it makes outreach.

We've got you covered with step-by-step video tutorials on our YouTube channel, ensuring a smooth experience without any confusion. 

Here's a quick demo

Exceptional customer support: 

Salesrobot takes pride in providing exceptional customer service. We're available round the clock, not just through email like Expandi.io, but also via phone and chat. 

A review of Salesrobot saying how it is a wonderful lead gen platform.

So, if you ever run into any issues or have questions, we're here for you, ready to assist you promptly and effectively.

Our customer service is completely something you can rely upon. On the contrary, look at what Expandi.io users find about their customer service. 

Expandi review

Safety and security:

Safety is our top priority at Salesrobot. We've implemented robust security features to protect your LinkedIn account. 

Our cutting-edge mobile emulator feature enhances security and makes it incredibly difficult for LinkedIn to distinguish between a real human and a bot. Your account is in safe hands.

A review saying Salesrobot is safe to use.

So, to sum it up:

A chart comparing Salesrobot with Expandi.io.

Thought that was all?


We barely even scratched the surface of Salesrobot’s awesomeness.

Apart from the cool features I just mentioned Salesrobot is also:

- Highly configurable: You can manage access for your teammates or clients, set daily activity limits, and customize Salesrobot to fit your unique needs.

- Highly Customizable: Salesrobot allows you to hyper-personalize and automate your outreach on LinkedIn, ensuring each prospect feels like they're receiving a special message just for them.

- Lightning-fast: With 1-second operations, you can schedule messages and create and modify sequences of direct messages and emails quickly and effortlessly.

- Great at conversation tracking: Salesrobot helps you keep tabs on important conversations in a crowded inbox, eliminating the need to search frantically for buried emails.

- Scheduling follow-ups: You can write and schedule follow-ups in advance, so you never have to rely on your memory or external reminders.

- Cold email automation: Salesrobot excels at automating cold email outreach, seamlessly integrating with LinkedIn to attract leads and enhance your overall efficiency.

- Scalability: Whether you're a solopreneur or have a large team, Salesrobot's features cater to your needs, helping you achieve high response rates, manage follow-ups, and build lasting relationships with prospects.

- Flexible scheduling: Salesrobot adapts to your schedule, allowing you to save time and maintain consistency with automated follow-ups. It even remembers to follow up for you, whether a day or months later.

With these additional features, Salesrobot offers a comprehensive solution for your sales outreach, empowering you to streamline your processes, save time, and achieve better results.


Now, let's get real and dive into an unbiased review of Expandi.io and Salesrobot.

While Salesrobot is an incredible alternative, I want to highlight where we may fall short compared to Expandi.io.

One thing to note is that Expandi.io has gained more recognition in the market. 

So, in terms of reputation and familiarity, they do have an edge. 

However, I want to assure you that Salesrobot is on the rise

We may be the underdog, but we're growing steadily and putting our utmost attention on our customers' needs, which is something Expandi.io doesn't always prioritize.

We understand that reliability is crucial, and while Expandi.io has a solid track record in this regard, Salesrobot is committed to continuously improving and building trust with our users. 

We value your experience and are dedicated to providing top-notch customer service to ensure you have a smooth and reliable journey with our tool.

So, while Expandi.io may have a higher level of recognition, Salesrobot is determined to carve out its own space in the market. 

How much does Salesrobot cost?

A hyper-personalized image created by Salesrobot.

Salesrobot has a straightforward pricing structure.

It starts from $99 (much like Expandi.io) and goes up to $497 where our team does it all for you.

However, if you pay annually, we provide you with a 20% discount. 

It's also worth mentioning that Salesrobot offers a 14-day free trial without requiring your credit card information, so you can test it before committing. 

Again, Salesrobot wins as Expandi.io offers only a 7-day free trial, which is practically insufficient to know a tool in and out.  

This concludes our Expandi review

In conclusion, if you're a service-based business owner or lead generation agency looking to boost your sales process, Expandi.io and Salesrobot are two automation tools you should consider. 

However, after a thorough review, Salesrobot emerges as the better alternative. 

Here's why:

  • Bug-Free and Efficient Performance: Salesrobot ensures a smooth experience without pesky issues or performance glitches. Can Expandi.io guarantee the same?
  • User-Friendly Interface and Resources: Salesrobot is incredibly user-friendly, with step-by-step video tutorials to guide you. Is Expandi.io intuitive and beginner-friendly?
  • Exceptional Customer Support: Salesrobot offers round-the-clock customer support through phone, email, and chat. Can Expandi.io match their level of responsiveness and assistance?
  • Safety and Security: Salesrobot prioritizes your account's safety with robust security features and a mobile emulator. Can Expandi.io provide the same level of protection?

While Expandi.io may have a higher level of recognition in the market, Salesrobot is determined to carve out its own space and prioritize customer needs. 

We may not have the same level of fame just yet, but we're committed to continuous improvement and building trust with our users.

In terms of pricing, Salesrobot starts at $99 per month per seat, with a 20% discount for annual payments. 

Plus, you can test it with a 14-day free trial, with no credit card or phone number required. 

How does Expandi.io's trial period compare?

Expandi review by customer

In summary, Salesrobot outshines Expandi.io with its bug-free performance, user-friendly interface, exceptional customer support, and robust features. 

So, are you ready to take your sales automation to the next level with Salesrobot?

Start your free trial today and experience the difference for yourself. Don't settle for less when you can have the best. Join Salesrobot and unlock the full potential of your sales outreach!

Disclaimer: The content of this blog post reflects our own opinions and judgements based on our research and experience as of 28.05.2024. Comparisons made to other software or tools are for informational purposes only and are based on publicly available information and our own analysis. We do not claim absolute accuracy and encourage readers to conduct their own research to form their own opinions. While we may discuss competitor offerings, our primary focus is to showcase the features and benefits of Salesrobot. Salesrobot is not affiliated with any other software or tool mentioned in this blog post.

Create automated campaigns

And get replies from 5.1% prospects with high-converting messages crafted by Salesrobot.
*based on past 6 months of campaigns by 3k+ Salesrobot users

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