Lead Generation

Top 11 LinkedIn Automation Tools (Free + Paid): 6 Safe & 5 Unsafe

Dive into our blog on LinkedIn automation tools— understand what these tools are, why and how they work, explore types, and discover the top 11 tools.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
January 26, 2024
Table of contents

This blog is for you…

If you are bored of doing the same tasks on Linkedin repeatedly.


If you want to be more productive on LinkedIn. 

I know how boring LinkedIn outreach is. Plus, you need to post regularly and keep people engaged. 

It’s a lot!

Imagine reaching out to 1000+ people and getting only a dozen replies. 


You will drown in lost hours you could’ve spent with your family

You will make those nagging typos that haunt you. 

You will feel emotionally drained

And at last, you will lose hope

If you want to learn how to overcome all those challenges, then this blog is for you because:

🌟We’ll talk with what are LinkedIn automation tools. 

🌟Next, we’ll discover why and how LinkedIn automation tools work.

🌟After that, we’ll learn about various types of LinkedIn automation tools. 

🌟Finally, delve into the most exciting part – the top 11 LinkedIn automation tools.

And I’m going to answer the most dreaded question “Is it safe to use LinkedIn automation tools?

I've done the hard work, sifted through tons of stuff, and personally tested these tools.

(Heck, I got fed up with those unsafe tools and created a tool myself, Salesrobot, more on that below.)

So, grab a seat and dive into the blog – let's get started!

What are LinkedIn Automation Tools?

LinkedIn automation tools act as personal assistants—while you handle the creative tasks, they take care of the menial tasks. 

They can do things like 'Connect,' 'Follow,' 'Recommend,' or 'Message' on LinkedIn.

But that's not all. 

These tools can run massive outreach campaigns using just a LinkedIn search URL or LinkedIn sales nav URL. 

This will save you loads of time, and you can use it to expand your business and leave some extra time for yourself and your family!

Interested? Here’s a quick video discussing the top LinkedIn marketing tools. 

Why Even Bother About LinkedIn Automation Tools?

Over the last 4 years, I have worked with 100+ agencies and businesses that use LinkedIn for more leads. And I've realized how crucial automation is!

So, should you just take my word for it and go buy a tool? 

Well, No.

Just like you compare houses before making a purchase. You need to understand the advantages of using LinkedIn automation before diving in. 

Here are 7 benefits to consider when looking for an automation tool:

1. Save Time: It should automate tasks like sending connection requests, liking posts, and commenting.

2. Target your audience: It should help you target prospects in specific industries or roles. Ex: Fintech or Account Executives.

3. Cost-Effective Prospecting: It should cut down on hiring costs as you can use AI to help you with prospecting. 

4. Personalized Communication: It should help you make messages more relevant by adding a personalized touch. 

5. Data-Driven Insights: It should allow you to track campaign metrics and test different message sequences

6. Lead Nurture: It should allow you to automate follow-up messages.

7. Organized Network Management: It should organize your network by categorizing them. 

Next up, let’s find out how LinkedIn automation tools work.

How Do LinkedIn Automation Tools Work?

Every automation tool is made for 2 reasons. 

1. To reduce time. 

2. To make more money. 

However, not all automation tools function in the same manner. There are 2 ways LinkedIn automation tools work. 

1. Chrome Based LinkedIn Automation Tools

Chrome-based LinkedIn Automation tools operate as browser extensions

Download the extension. Install it, and they are ready to use. 

  • They are quick and easy to use. 
  • They are primarily used for tasks like sending connection requests, giving endorsements, and sending messages. 
  • They stop working as soon as you put your system to sleep. 

Also, I don’t consider these tools safe. Because of 2 rasons primarily:
1. They require me keep my windows tap open all the time. Which i cannot do.

2. They do not use static IP addresses. The IP address used by them can leave traces, which can help LinkedIn detect automation and they can permanently ban your LinkedIn accounts.

2. Cloud Based LinkedIn Automation Tools

Cloud-based LinkedIn Automation tools are safer tools as compared to chrome-based tools. 


  • They have a dedicated IP address. That means the tool consistently uses the same internet address to avoid problems like being banned due to frequent changes.
  • They can do things that Chrome extensions can't, like running automated outreach campaigns on autopilot.
  • These tools work 24/7, even when you sleep, they keep on working. 

But safety comes at a cost. 

Cloud-based tools are pricey compared to chrome-based tools. 

Based on these 2 methods, there are 4 major types of LinkedIn automation tools. 

Let’s find out which one fits your needs.  

What Are The Different Types Of LinkedIn Automation Tools?

Over the years, the use of LinkedIn has evolved beyond networking and job hunting. 

LinkedIn Automation tools have kept up with the demand.

Now, let’s break down 4 types of these tools: 

For Linkedin Outreach:

These tools help you send personalized connection requests and message sequences.
You can expand your network quickly with a targeted approach

What's more, these tools don't stop at the initial connection.  They usually have automated follow-ups.

A good LinkedIn outreach tool can automatically scrape leads from Linkedin and SalesNav and help you run outreach campaigns.

For Marketing:

These tools help you create content, schedule posts, and track metrics. 

This way, you will save precious time and effort and make LinkedIn marketing efficient

Also, you can refine and optimize your strategy based on the engagement metrics (likes, comments etc) 

For LinkedIn Engagement:

You can automate tasks such as viewing profiles, liking posts, commenting on posts, etc. 

This will help you engage with 100s of posts and leaving insightful comments. 

This will lead to more people visiting your profile

For Lead Generation:

These tools help you with LinkedIn outreach, Marketing, and LinkedIn engagement. 

They can help you send follow-up messages and connection requests on autopilot

They can help you write personalized messages on LinkedIn and email

They can help you like posts and leave insightful comments on them. 

They can help you scrape LinkedIn and Sales Nav

And they are (should be!) safe to use

More than 64% of sales reps use LinkedIn bots for sales outreach.

With so many options out there, it's natural to wonder, "Which is the best LinkedIn automation tool for me?" 

Picking one tool can be a real headache. 

But there is a simple way to do this. 

First, you need to understand what your needs are. 

Next, you need to choose a tool accordingly. 

I know you are confused. You are wondering which is the right tool.

Trust me, I've been there!
After extensive research, I've put together a list of the top 11 tools for you.

I’ve made this list after my personal experience, after reading hundreds of G2 reviews and talking to customers.  

P.S. I signed up for 10 different free trials to try each of these tools myself :)

So, take a moment, sit back, and let’s talk about these top 11 tools

LinkedIn Automation Tool #1 - Salesrobot

infographic highlighting the pros and cons of Salesrobot.

Salesrobot is a LinkedIn automation tool. It automates finding the right prospects, reaching out, and following up timely.

Stand-out Features of Salesrobot:

  • Pull Prospects from Anywhere:
    Be it LinkedIn search or Sales Nav search URL, LinkedIn groups, or events. You can get prospects from anywhere. 
  • Send Hyper-personalized Connection Requests and Messages in Bulk:
    You can send personalized messages and make them more relevant to the reader.
  • Bypass LinkedIn connection Limit:
    The tool has various methods that help you bypass LinkedIn connection limits imposed by LinkedIn.
  • Integrations with various CRM:
    You can integrate with various CRMs, and if you don’t have one, you can use Salesrobot’s own CRM.
  • White Label:
    You can white-label the software and market it as your own product. Plus you get priority support. 
  • Follow-up on autopilot:
    Build a sequence of follow-up messages, and it will follow up for you. You join in if there is a reply. 
  • Build a campaign just by chatting with us:
    Build campaigns in just a few steps using simple language, thanks to SalesGPT.
  • 24/7 Customer Support:
    Excellent customer support is available even on weekends.
G2 review of Salesrobot.

Where Does Salesrobot Fall Short?:

  • Specific to LinkedIn and Email:
    It is Limited to LinkedIn and email for the time being. It can’t access other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, etc, to find prospects.
  • Pricey:
    Salesrobot costs more than some other tools, we make sure that our tool is completely safe to use and that our campaigns keep running 24/7 on autopilot. Plus, our hyper-personalization makes sure you get 32%+ response rates, and all of this comes at a price! 
Salesrobot Pricing plans

Salesrobot offers great value for money. Especially if you are a lead gen agency or SMB looking for more warm leads on Linkedin. The tool could be the solution to help you overcome time-consuming manual search and outreach.

Sales Robot | Client Feedback

P.S. Salesrobot offers a 14-day free trial for new users without any credit card details.

LinkedIn Automation Tool #2 - Dripify

infographic highlighting the pros and cons of Dripify.

Dripify is another LinkedIn automation tool. The tool helps you connect with your potential leads.
It makes it easier to reach out and chat with people without spending all day doing it.

Stand-out Features of Dripify:

  • Bulk-Messaging:
    You can send messages in bulk via LinkedIn.
  • One Inbox:
    This tool gathers all your messages from different campaigns in one place. It makes it easy to stay organized and keep track of everything.
  • Lead Tracking and Analytics:
    You can track leads easily and analyze campaign results as well as the percentage of replies.  
infographic highlighting the pricing of Dripify.

Where Does Dripify Fall Short?

  • Limits on Sending Messages:
    They say you can send about 75 messages a day, but a lot of users are saying they're only managing about 5 a day. That's a bummer! 
  • Poor User Experience:
    If you want to change one part of the sequence near the beginning, you have to delete the rest of the sequence, which is extremely frustrating and unnecessarily time-consuming.
  • Limited Analytics:
    You cannot track specific analytics within the software about lead conversions, only the percentage of replies.
  • Glitches and Crashes:
    Some users faced problems with the tool crashing or just not working properly. This can also lead to LinkedIn detecting automation and can ban your account. 
G2 review of Dripify

Dripify has some neat ideas for LinkedIn, but it's not all smooth sailing. 

You might bump into issues with message limits, billing, and support. 

So, it's worth thinking about whether it fits what you need. There are other tools out there, so it might be smart to check them out, too!

LinkedIn Automation Tool #3 - Meet Alfred

infographic highlighting the pros and cons of MeetAlfred.

If you like networking on LinkedIn, Meet Alfred could be your BFF. 

It helps automate connection requests and messages, which can save a bunch of time. But using it too much might tick off LinkedIn.

Stand-out Features of Meet Alfred:

  • Prospecting Automation:
    It provides automated features that make LinkedIn prospecting easier. Also, you can send LinkedIn invites, track profiles, personalized messages, and more
  • Campaign Management:
    It allows simultaneous management of multiple campaigns, catering to different market segments.
infographic highlighting the pricing of MeetAlfred.
G2 review of MeetAlfred.

Where Does Meet Alfred Fall Short?

  • Complex Settings:
    Users face concerns about complex configurations. It can take some time to get used to the tool. 
  • Software Bugs:
    There are often bugs that slow down work. Messages sometimes refuse to open.

In general, Meet Alfred could have been a good choice. However, frequent account suspensions make it a tough option for many users. Moreover, it asks for your credit even during the free trial. 

LinkedIn Automation Tool #4 - Linked Helper

infographic highlighting the pros and cons of Linked Helper.

Linked Helper is pretty thorough—it's great for sales and recruitment tasks. 

But LinkedIn might not like the way it works, which could land your account in trouble.

Stand-out Features of Linked Helper:

  • Automated Bulk Messaging:
    You can send out tons of messages and manage leads easily. 
  • Multiple campaigns:
    You can run multiple campaigns simultaneously. Also, they have read-to-use workflows. 
  • Smart Keyword Search:
    It has a smart keyword search system to find potentially interested profiles. You can further sort them by using tags.
infographic highlighting the pricing of Linked Helper.

Where Does Linked Helper Fall Short?

  • Poor UI:
    The user interface can be a bit overwhelming for first-time users. It's not the most straightforward.
  • Limited Personalisation:
    You can’t include GIFs or emojis in the messages.
  • Stops working if you close the computer:

It can delay the prospecting process for many customers. The tool stops working as soon as you close your computer.  

G2 review of LinkedHelper.

If you want a more advanced tool for automation, I suggest looking at other options.

LinkedIn Automation Tool #5 - Dux-Soup

infographic highlighting the pros and cons of Dux-Soup.

Now, Dux-Soup is one of the most renowned LinkedIn automation tools out there. 

It can find prospects and reach out to them automatically. Dux-Soup is one of the reliable tools you can use for automating LinkedIn. 

Stand-out Features of Dux-Soup:

  • Easy Integrations:
    You can easily add information about new leads into your favorable CRM.
  • Automated Campaigns:
    It's really good at getting those lists of leads and helps you set up automated campaigns. 
  • Safe to Use:
    It's friendly with LinkedIn. Stays within LinkedIn’s limit and acts like a real person.
infographic highlighting the pricing of Dux-Soup.

Where Does Dux-Soup Fall Short?

  • Stops working if you close the computer:
    The tool stops working as soon as you close your computer. 
  • Poor Customer Support: 
    Customer support doesn't have the necessary knowledge to help with campaign setup.
G2 review of Dux-Soup.

The good thing is that it is safe to use and won’t block your profile on LinkedIn. 

However, to use Dux-Soup, you must be a pro to understand its functions. The UI is not that friendly, and there are complaints of the tool being slow in responding. 

Also, the pricing is not so flexible if you are looking for team plans.

LinkedIn Automation Tool #6 - Octopus CRM

infographic highlighting the pros and cons of OctopusCRM.

Octopus CRM is an all-in-one LinkedIn automation tool designed to simplify prospecting efforts. The tool helps user grow businesses. 

The software offers features such as automated personalized connection requests, bulk messaging, etc.

Stand-out Features of Octopus CRM:

  • Lead Generation Funnel:
    It helps engage with clients and lets us customize and personalize the message for each lead.
  • Simple UI:
    It provides a simple interface that lets you navigate smoothly without any tutorials. 
  • Integrations & Browser Extensions:  
    You can import/export LinkedIn profiles and integrate them with Zapier and Hubspot. 
infographic highlighting the pricing of OctopusCRM.

Where Does Octopus CRM Fall Short?

  • Less Comprehensive Reports:
    Users have found the reports to be not as comprehensive as they could potentially be.
  • Doesn’t Support Multiple Campaigns:
    You can run just one campaign at a time. 
  • Poor Customer Support
    It often takes multiple emails to get your questions resolved.
G2 review of OctopusCRM.

LinkedIn Automation Tool #7 - Lusha

infographic highlighting the pros and cons of Lusha.

Lusha has a user-friendly interface, making it easy for customers to access B2B data like email addresses and phone numbers of C-level executives.

You have the ability to define your target audience. Identify decision-makers within that audience. Additionally, you can integrate verified contact data into your sales, marketing, or recruitment funnel.

Lusha provides various functions and a global reach to help you find decision-makers. 

While it prioritizes privacy and security features, it lacks robust search filters.

Let’s check out what Lusha has got for you.

Stand-out Features of Lusha:

  • Prospecting:
    You can use it with LinkedIn and LinkedIn sales navigator. 
  • CRM Integration:
    It plays nicely with our CRM, making it easier to manage prospects.
  • Global Data Coverage:
    Reach decision-makers worldwide with extensive data coverage.
  • Fast Onboarding:
    Achieve high and fast ROI with 10-minute team onboarding.
G2 review of Lusha.

Where Does Lusha Fall Short?

  • Limited Filters:
    Lusha has its own industries and company size labelling. This is painful if your company uses its own standard or the LinkedIn standard.
  • Data Inaccuracy:
    Some users have found the data quality to be terrible. Some have got about 10-40% email bounce rate. 
  • Lacks Features:
    The dashboard lacks the feature that eliminates people we have contacted earlier. 
infographic highlighting the pricing of Lusha

In general, Lusha is a decent choice for LinkedIn Automation. 

However, there are issues with data accuracy. The functions are also limited. You might want to consider exploring other alternatives.

LinkedIn Automation Tool #8 - LeadIn

infographic highlighting the pros and cons of LeadIn.

LeadIn provides a complete platform for B2B prospecting. It blends LinkedIn and email channels to generate leads and appointments. 

Whether you're using their software or opting for their DFY services, LeadIn provides an all-in-one solution. It comes with unique features:

Stand-out Features of LeadIn:

  • Verified Emails:
    You can find professional emails and reduce bounce rates with real-time email verification.
  • Personalized Images and GIFs:
    You can enhance prospecting actions with hyper-personalized acquisition tunnels using images and GIFs.
  • Smart Sequences:
    Utilize innovative algorithms for automated lead generation actions. These algorithms come with stages and deadlines. They effectively optimize your multi-channel prospecting efforts.

Where Does LeadIn Fall Short?

  • Poor UI:
    LeadIn is a complicated automation tool. If you are new to LinkedIn automation, you are gonna have a hard time understanding the tool.
  • Costlier Tool:
    LeadIn is a bit costlier as compared to other options available. It could be a good tool if the pricing had been a bit more reasonable.
  • Chance of Getting Banned:
    With heavy sequential automation there are chances of your account being banned.
infographic highlighting the pricing of LeadIn.

LeadIn offers great features for automation. However, the UI isn’t the best, and it seems a bit over-priced at the moment.

LinkedIn Automation Tool #9 - Expandi.io

infographic highlighting the pros and cons of Expandi.io.

Expandi allows users to launch outreach campaigns, automate connections, and manage their LinkedIn. 

The tool is designed to simplify prospecting efforts and help users grow businesses. 

It provides features such as:

  • Automated personalized connection requests, 
  • Email-based connection requests to bypass LinkedIn limits
  • And bulk messaging to 1st-level connections. 

The pricing plans are flexible, starting with a free 7-day trial and a pay-as-you-go option. 

The tool is praised for its safety measures and effectiveness. Positive reviews highlight its role in building connections, automating outreach, and boosting business.

Stand-out Features of Expandi:

  • High Personalization with Images and GIFs:
    You can make your messages feel personal by adding images and GIFs to them. Which helps increase the response rate eventually.
  • Smart Sequences:
    Expandi provides you with a representation of a sequence. You can easily find weak spots in the sequence and rectify your outreach.
G2 review of Expandi.io.

Where Does Expandi Fall Short?

  • Clear tutorials:
    Having clear training materials or tutorials could help first-time users. 
  • Complex Tool:
    Understanding the tool takes time. It would be really good if we had a better interface with easy navigation.
  • Integration:
    Users mentioned that the tool lacks direct HubSpot integration and the absence of email scraping functionality.
infographic highlighting the pricing of Expandi.io.

G2 community has ranked Expandi as a high performer. It is undoubtedly one of the best options for LinkedIn Automation. The problem with Expandi is its complex integrations and UI design.

LinkedIn Automation Tool #10 - Evaboot

infographic highlighting the pros and cons of Evaboot.

Evaboot is a Chrome Extension for LinkedIn Sales Navigator. The tool offers a seamless solution for exporting clean data and uncovering emails.

The platform is embraced by over 3,000 companies. Some notable names are Brevo, Airtable, Uber, MongoDB, and Randstad.

Stand-out Features of Evaboot:

  • Data Cleaning and Enrichment:
    Users appreciate how Evaboot simplifies lead cleaning and provides enriched data. It filters all the data and provides you with clean data to work with.
  • Simple Integration:
    The integration with Sales Navigator is seamless, offering an intuitive and user-friendly experience.

Where Does Evaboot Fall Short?

  • Can’t Send Automated Messages:
    With Evaboot, you can only search for users and export details of the prospects. However, you cannot email or send messages to them using automation. 
  • Email accuracy:
    The tool can become better if email finding accuracy could improve. 
infographic highlighting the pricing of Evaboot.

If you are looking for a tool that can fetch details of prospects on LinkedIn, Evaboot can be the tool for the job. 

But I personally don’t feel like spending big bucks on just a Sales Navigator extractor. 

Instead, I would use a tool like Salesrobot or Octopus CRM. These can fetch details + send automated messages and emails using follow-up templates. Which makes my job much easier and more efficient. 

LinkedIn Automation Tool #11 - SocialPilot

infographic highlighting the pros and cons of Social Pilot.

SocialPilot is a robust social media management tool. It is designed to simplify the complexities of social media marketing. 

SocialPilot is the go-to platform for effortlessly achieving social media marketing goals.

It is worth noting that with this tool, you can manage all your social media accounts in one place. 

Stand-out Features of SocialPilot:

  • Efficient & Reliable Tool:
    The tool that lets you schedule, move, and shuffle posts across different platforms. Ex: Facebook, X, LinkedIn, etc. 
  • One Tool For All:
    You can manage all your social media profiles in one place. Schedule posts, get insights, and manage profiles in one place.

Where Does Social Pilot Fall Short?

  • Bugs need to be removed:
    There are a few places they could spruce up a bit.
    Forex, uploading videos on platforms like Instagram can be smoother. 
    There's a bug that makes some accounts require manual posting instead of using the tool. It’s confusing, and I hope they iron this out soon.
  • LinkedIn Specific features:
    We would have liked better integration with LinkedIn with the ability to tag individuals in posts without having to log into LinkedIn to do so.
  • Missing Out On Specific Features:
    It would also be beneficial to export this data into reports. So you can show an entire company how their social media is performing.
SocialPilot pricing plans

SocialPilot is a great tool to schedule posts for various social media platforms. But if you ask if it is good for LinkedIn, the answer to it would be No…

As a LinkedIn user, I would love to see LinkedIn-specific features to be included. Only then would I find SocialPilot useful for expanding my business.

Is It Safe To Automate LinkedIn?

Automating LinkedIn is safe, BUT…Exercise caution.

If you use LinkedIn automation tools, make sure to use it within LinkedIn’s guidelines. LinkedIn cannot ban any automation tool but it can restrict your account for the same. 

Beware of the tools you pick because some automation tools can get your account banned as they exploit Linkedin, while some don’t. 

For safety, consider using cloud-based tools.
These tools operate within LinkedIn guidelines and use a steady IP address to keep your account secure. 

Salesrobot has protected 3,000+ customer accounts over the years. Now, it's ready to keep your account secure.

Which is the Best LinkedIn Automation Tool for Small-Medium Businesses or Agencies? 

I know you are all here to find answers to this question. 

Well, I’m going to keep you waiting any longer for this. 

In my opinion, the best LinkedIn automation tool is:  


You must be thinking, “Well, it’s your tool, of course, you’re biased.”  

Yes, that's one reason. 

The other reason is that it has been used by 3000+ satisfied customers. 

However, if you are not still satisfied, here are 5 more reasons: 

1. Our cloud-based tool operates within LinkedIn's safety guidelines, ensuring your account stays secure.

2.  Hyper-personalize messages, gifs, and memes to get 32%+ response rates.

3. Run campaigns without being super technical – chat with our AI in plain English for easy setup.

4. Connect your favorite CRM (Hubspot, Pipedrive, and many more!) or use our Inbuilt CRM.

5. Bypass LinkedIn’s 100 connection requests per week limit.

Plus, we offer ready-made templates. So, if you don’t have enough copywriting experience – use our proven templates for fantastic response rates. 

Pricing Details:

1. Essential Plan: $99/month, with an extra 20% off on an annual subscription.

2. We Do It For You Plan: At $397/month, it covers Essential features, plus a high-converting message sequence by our team, a dedicated account manager, and priority support.

3. We Do It All Plan: At $497/month. It covers all the "We Do It For You" features, includes LinkedIn profile enhancements with posts and comments written by our copywriters to help you build your brand and establish authority on LinkedIn."

4. Whitelabel: If you do lead generation for your clients, you can white label our product and use it as your own. Your logo, your color theme, your brand. The product will be yours with our tech support.

Annual fee: $ 1200/year for starting the Whitelabel.

Plus, you’ll be charged for the number of seats you have. 

  • 1-10 accounts: $99 
  • 11-20 accounts: $79
  • 20-50 accounts: $69 
  • 50-100  accounts: $59
  • 100-400  accounts: $49 
  • 400+  accounts: $37 

Note: These are monthly prices per LinkedIn account.  
If you are interested in Salesrobot, you can take the 14-day trial before committing to the plan. 

P.S. No credit card is required to get started. 

Create automated campaigns

And get replies from 5.1% prospects with high-converting messages crafted by Salesrobot.
*based on past 6 months of campaigns by 3k+ Salesrobot users

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