LinkedIn Guide

LinkedIn mass messaging in 2024: Everything you need to know

Want to master LinkedIn mass messaging in 2024? Discover my tried and tested tips, best practices, and easy automation hacks to boost your outreach.

Saurav Gupta
Founder & CEO
July 4, 2024
Table of contents

Read this blog…

If you are tired of spending an enormous amount of time on LinkedIn cold outreach. 

Manual outreach is indeed time-consuming! 

a woman frustrated over algorithm

I know that making connections is critical for anyone, be it a business owner or a sales professional, and LinkedIn is the most economical option for doing so. 

But it is not worth it if you can’t leverage it in the first place.

Now imagine connecting with hundreds of contacts effortlessly. And not just random contacts, but your target audience. Wondering how to get started with this? 

You're in the right place!

Mass messaging on LinkedIn can be a real game-changer. You definitely don't want to miss out on this.

In this blog, I'll show you:

🎯How to send mass text messages on LinkedIn without any hassle and generate leads?

🎯What are the types of messages you can send on LinkedIn?

Got a busy schedule? Not a problem at all. I'll teach you:

🎯How to automate your LinkedIn mass message process

And answer some questions about LinkedIn's mass messaging.

Also, I'll share my proven LinkedIn mass message templates that have 20% response rates.

Make sure not to skip this, or you might miss some cool strategies to improve your LinkedIn game.

Ready to dive in and make your LinkedIn messaging more effective? Let's get started!

What are LinkedIn Messages?

The LinkedIn message service allows you to connect with your connections or prospects. Once you are connected with someone, you can send messages to them or invite them to be part of a group or event. 

It's also a great way to nurture connections after getting connected.

In fact, responding promptly to a message can leave a positive impression.

While LinkedIn only allows you to message your 1st-degree connections for free, the messaging service can send messages to anyone on the platform. 

LinkedIn message
Source: LinkedIn

This is often done by sending an Inmail to another LinkedIn user. However, the service is only for premium users.

Types Of LinkedIn Messages

There are 3 types of LinkedIn messages that you can send to your connections. 

Let’s break them down.

  1. InMail

LinkedIn Inmail is a premium feature. If you have signed up for a LinkedIn Premium, Sales Navigator, or Recruiter plan, it allows you to send a direct message to anyone on the platform, not just your connections. 

LinkedIn InMail
Source: LinkedIn

LinkedIn insights mention that InMail can provide up to 65% response rate than other methods. 

But why waste time checking every prospect's profile to see if it's an open profile? You’d spend hours doing that. 

Salesrobot makes it super easy to target Open Profile users

Salesrobot InMail feature
Source: Salesrobot

Just flip the toggle, and it will automatically send a free InMail instead of a connection request whenever it finds an Open Profile. You can even randomize the number of InMails sent daily.

This means you can expand your connections without raising any red flags.

If interested to see how Salesrobot works, you can take a free 14-day free trial without any credit card details.


  1. Sponsored Messages

Sponsored Messages are advertisements sent directly to your target audience's LinkedIn inbox.

This is a paid service through which LinkedIn users send bulk messages to their target audience.

LinkedIn sponsored message example
Source: LinkedIn

Even so, it can be a great way to mass outreach and spread the word fast. You can target specific groups and save time compared to manual messaging. 

Just set the message up and LinkedIn does the work for you. 

  1. Open Profile Messages

You can send out messages to people with an Open Profile as a connection request. However, you need to be a 1st-degree connection to send these messages.

First, you need to send a connection request. You can also pair this with a short message for better results, which can boost your acceptance rate. 

A well-crafted connection request message shows you’re genuinely interested, which increases the chances of your request being accepted.

Open Profile Messages are simple and great for starting new conversations. You can connect with people you actually want to engage with.

LinkedIn open profile message feature
Source: LinkedIn

Now that you know everything about LinkedIn Messages and how they can help you, let's address the main thing you are looking for: Mass Messages.

How to send mass messages on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn's mass text messaging service is free and easy to use. Mass testing service is quite similar to the mass SMS message service in the old times.

However, SMS messages are now a thing of the past, and businesses need to adapt accordingly. 

And that is why LinkedIn's mass messaging service is even more important today. 

Mass messaging could be done in two ways to help your business generate leads:

👉Without using a LinkedIn automation tool

👉Using a LinkedIn automation tool 

You might be wondering if your account can get banned for mass messaging.

 Yes, overusing the feature might lead to the following:

  • Your account being marked as spam
  • Features getting restricted
  • In worse cases, the account gets banned.

First things first, let’s understand how to get started with mass messaging without an automation tool.

Without using an automation tool:

  1. Open LinkedIn Account

You first need to open your LinkedIn account, which will display your LinkedIn profile page and the navigation board as shown below.

Source: LinkedIn
  1. Open LinkedIn Inbox

After opening your inbox, click on the compose message button, as shown in the picture.

Sending a new message on LinkedIn
Source: LinkedIn
  1. Compose a message

If you are using an outreach template, paste it into the ‘Write a message' section.

Composing LinkedIn message
Source: LinkedIn

Add all the recipients, i.e., the list of people to whom you wish to send the message.

  1. Click Send

‍You can also add an image, video, or GIF to make the mass message more visually appealing.

Another way to send mass messages on LinkedIn is by using an automation tool. 

But first, let’s address the elephant in the room:

Why should we consider using the mass message feature on LinkedIn at all?

Here are the pros and cons of using mass messages on LinkedIn

Mass messaging is a common practice. It is used for various purposes, such as contacting perspectives or providing information to employees, etc. 

LinkedIn Automation Tools provide an edge over those who don’t use the service, especially those in the sales industry or who are using LinkedIn to search for B2B prospects.

However, before using the service, you need to know how it would give you an edge:

The Pros

  1. Mass message saves you time and effort

Mass messaging on LinkedIn saves you time and effort, and automated messages make it even easier.

Instead of sending out messages one by one, you can send many at once. So you are left to focus on what’s important.

  1. No Repetitive Task

Automation tools save you from the dread of having to browse hundreds of profiles daily. 

With a few clicks, you can generate bulk leads effortlessly.

On the basis of filters and customizations you set, an automation tool messages prospects that fit your criteria quickly while ensuring your account doesn’t get restricted or banned.

This makes LinkedIn lead generation simple while ensuring you get quality and verified leads.

  1. Personalization

LinkedIn emphasizes personalizing messages to 3rd+ degree connections so that they feel more connected. You can include relevant information such as volunteer work or companies they've worked for.

Wait, are you thinking to manually personalize your messages?

Makes sense when you do not have to send hundreds of ‘em each day.

Sleeplessly working on the computer gif

But what if I tell you that you can have a tool that shines in

✔️Creative and advanced personalization

✔️Auto-message campaigns

✔️High-converting AI-generated messages

✔️Carefully curated message templates

Well, Salesrobot is there to your rescue when it comes to LinkedIn message automation with hyper-personalization.

Salesrobot personalizes messages at a large scale. Messages that carry a personal touch. Messages that convert into leads.

A positive review of Salesrobot
Source: G2


The Cons

Mass messaging is a perfect marketing tool because it allows you to instantly generate bulk leads and reach out to a large audience. 

However, not everything is rosy. There are some downsides you need to know.: 

  • Account Restriction

LinkedIn promotes human interactions, not automated tools.

LinkedIn restricts accounts that violate its Professional Community Policies.

Using Chrome extensions or cheap cloud-based tools can thus get your account restricted.

But there are some cloud-based tools like Salesrobot, which help you stay safe from being restricted by LinkedIn.

Wondering why? Well, it provides you with a dedicated IP address so that you do not have to use different accounts or send out tons of connection requests from the same address. 

This action helps convince LinkedIn that you're a real person and not a bot, preventing any account restrictions.

It also has a safe mode that protects your account from getting banned/restricted.

Salesrobot safe mode
Source: Salesrobot
  • Shadow ban

LinkedIn watches user behavior closely. If you seem too active, you might get a shadow ban.

A shadow ban means your content won’t be seen by others, even if it’s optimized.

This can seriously hurt your network growth and reach.

So, be careful with how you use mass messaging.

The best way to utilize mass messaging to its fullest potential is to follow LinkedIn policies and focus on meaningful interactions to grow your network.

  • Poorly Written Messages 

‍LinkedIn is a professional platform. People can tell if a message is templated. This is why writing a good cold message is very important.

Manual mass messaging often fails because it does not feel personal and human.

But there’s a way to make it work. 

Using an automation tool like Salesrobot can help. Our team personalizes each message, making it feel unique.

Salesrobot positive review on outreach
Source: G2

This means no more generic templates. 

Oh, and before I forget, we offer a free 14-day trial, so you can try before you deny it.

And we don’t require your credit card information!


What is an Automated LinkedIn Message?

Automated LinkedIn messages let you write and schedule messages for later. It’s like scheduling an email in Gmail. They help boost your response rate by generating bulk leads.

Now, about automated mass messaging on LinkedIn.

I have already covered how mass messaging works without an automation tool. It sure can be dreadful to toil for hours doing manual outreach. Copy and pasting messages is a thing of the past. 

But is that the only reason why you should use LinkedIn automation tools?

Definitely not! Let me explain.

One challenge is personalization. Mass messages can feel less personal. This might lead to a lower conversion rate.

To get an edge over others, you need to personalize your messages at scale. 

One of the ways to do this is by using Salesrobot.

It works round the clock to make your LinkedIn outreach more effective and efficient.

Hyperpersonalization by Salesrobot
Source: LinkedIn

Automate the process with LinkedIn automation tools

If you made it this far, you’d obviously want to learn more about automation tools, right?

First off, know what you're aiming for.

Are you trying to hire people, drum up a bunch of leads, spread the word about your product, or maybe scout for investors? 

Pinning down your goal is key. It shapes who you target and how you craft those messages.

Once you've got that figured out, Salesrobot makes the next part a breeze. 

It's all about setting up your campaign with just a few clicks, and then you're ready to roll out messages en masse.

Salesrobot features page
Source: Salesrobot

And about Salesrobot’s features? There are tons, but we’ll get to that a little later. Here’s a quick summary of some of those in case you're curious already.

Some of Salesrobot's features
Source: Salesrobot

‍What are the different types of LinkedIn mass messaging tools?

There are 2 main types of LinkedIn mass messaging tools:

  • Browser extension tools
  • Cloud-based tools

Browser Extensions

Browser extensions are cheaper compared to the latter, but they come with a price of their own. 

Browser extensions have their downsides, which do not make them a good option for LinkedIn automation. Here’s why-

⚠️ They are nowhere near as safe as cloud-based software because LinkedIn bots can detect them more easily, which can lead to your account being restricted. 

⚠️They only work when your device is turned on.

⚠️They don't use static IP addresses. Dynamic IPs (which keep changing) can leave traces, making it easier for LinkedIn to detect the automation and potentially ban your account permanently.

Cloud-based tools

Cloud-based tools, on the other hand, are a newer and more advanced type of LinkedIn mass messaging tools. 

They come with a lot of perks, including-

✅They are generally safer, as there is little to no chance of them being detected by LinkedIn bots. 

They don’t require your device to run all the time for the tool to do its job, which means they can work 24/7.

✅They won’t cause lags or glitches.

✅Unlie Chrome extensions, they can run automated outreach campaigns on autopilot.

Cloud-based tools are comparatively more expensive than browser extensions (after all, safety comes at a price.)

Here's a quick rundown of what we have covered-

Browser and cloud based automation tools comparison

Why use LinkedIn automation tools?

LinkedIn automation tools are used for various purposes. These tools automate specific tasks in the platform, including-

  • Email and Phone Number collection
  • Sending LinkedIn Connection Requests to increase your LinkedIn Network
  • Automated follow-up responses to all LinkedIn Accounts to ensure a maximized response rate
  • LinkedIn Premium Services like LinkedIn Inmail,
  • Running LinkedIn Campaigns
  • Cold Outreach across the Social media platform

Here’s when Salesrobot can step in to elevate your efforts. With a 3200+ client base, it can help you message 100 highly qualified prospects daily while safely bypassing LinkedIn limits and generating quality bulk leads.

This is not it. 

Once you sign up, you can send 50 connection requests a day from your profile and send follow-up messages to your new connections after setting a schedule. All without spending a minute on LinkedIn!

The automation tool automatically detects a response from the prospect, at which point you can continue the conversation. Most of our users get up to 5-10 quality leads every month.

Salesrobot messaging feature
Source: Salesrobot

Are you wondering what to do if your prospect isn’t on LinkedIn? Salesrobot covers that, too. As part of the same sequence, you can target them via cold email and start conversations.

In fact, Salesrobot can hunt their professional email (even if it isn’t listed on their LinkedIn profile) and reach out to them.

We are not just a software company. We are a team of lead-generation experts focused on cold email and LinkedIn outreach.

While the tool has some decent features, we understand that you may not have the time, patience or expertise to get great results from it. 

So, we offer our services for a reasonable monthly price

Salesrobot pricing plans
Source: Salesrobot

Over 100 clients have done that within 10 months of us launching the service, and they’re getting great results.

Best mass message templates in 2024

Your message needs to grab attention right away.

Let’s quickly discuss my tried and tested tricks to speed up your LinkedIn game.

The “common” link, LinkedIn messaging trick

Now, here’s a cool strategy: write a message that mentions a mutual friend or group. It creates an instant connection with your reader. 

Sure, it narrows down your list of prospects to those you're both connected to, but you'll see a much better response rate because of it.

Consider asking for a referral or a recommendation—it works wonders.

Here’s a quick example of how you could write it:

Hi [Prospect Name],

I recently came in contact with [The familiar friend or group] and saw your profile is standard and checked it out. It intrigued me, and I wanted to discuss it with you [The topic or product]. I want to get in contact with you. Does this weekend sound good?

Looking forward to your response,

[Your Name]

Sending a message to a recruiter

Here’s a template to help you get started with connecting to a prospective recruiter-

Hi {{recruiter’s name}},

I have heard high praises about the company and the healthy work culture that it fosters and all the initiatives it has taken in the field of {{mention industry}}. I would love to connect with you and learn more about the recruitment process from you.



{{contact details}}

The direct approach

Looking to reach out to sell your service to a prospective customer? Well, you should chuck beating around the bush. 

You need to be very careful, as these could get ignored and mistaken for cold emails. 

Hey {{first name}},

I might not be a glue salesman, but I tend to stick to my words.😂 

At least that’s what my clients have to say after I helped them with {{mention pain points}}. 

I would love to connect and see if there is anything we can do to take your business to new heights.

Makes sense? You can check out some other proven templates here that can significantly enhance your messaging strategy and help you connect more effectively.

Psst.. you can subscribe to our mailing list to get the best message templates from our top 3 customers on your email (don’t worry…we don’t spam.) 


So, that wraps up what mass messages are all about and how they can take you a step ahead in reaching loads of people.  

Let's do a quick runthrough of what we learned-

  • Concept of LinkedIn messaging
  • Understanding why mass messaging is important
  • Mass messaging with and without automation tools
  • How browser extensions for LinkedIn outreach differ from cloud-based tools

Personally, I find that an automation tool like Salesrobot really changes the game here. It lets you keep things personal while reaching loads of people. You can follow up without breaking a sweat, too.

And it’s not just about sending lots of messages. Salesrobot offers a bunch of other cool features at prices that won’t make your wallet cry. 

Does this sound like something you could use? Hit me up if you want to see how this can work for you or your business. I’d love to chat. And the coffee is on me 😉

Till then, cya!


Create automated campaigns

And get replies from 5.1% prospects with high-converting messages crafted by Salesrobot.
*based on past 6 months of campaigns by 3k+ Salesrobot users

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LinkedIn Guide

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